Advanced Nursing Practice Leadership Features

APN leadership is focused on two overarching themes that are categorized into patient-focused, system, and organizational leadership. Patient-focused leadership, as detailed by the APN, entails capabilities that are geared toward impacting families and patients directly. On the other hand, organization and system-focused forms of leadership entail capabilities that impact nurses and other healthcare providers directly or, to some extent, influence the healthcare organization.

There are a variety of organizational structures that affect U.S. health care distribution systems and establishments (Berberoglu, 2018). These include the type of organization (e.g., for-profit, non-profit, government), the size of the organization, the geographic location, the type of patients served, and the type of services provided. Each of these factors can impact the delivery of care and the overall quality of care.

Organizational inspiration and administration can control patient eminence and protection outcomes in a number of ways. For example, if an organization is focused on profits rather than the quality of care, this could lead to substandard care being provided to patients. Additionally, if an organization is bureaucratic and difficult to navigate, this could lead to negative outcomes for patients. Finally, if an organization is not adequately staffed or does not have enough resources, this could as well lead to negative patient outcomes.

Assuming that this is a one-time project, the following is a budget for the DPI project:

  • Nursing science textbooks: $100
  • Nursing journals: $50
  • Computer: $1,000
  • Printer: $200
  • Scanner: $100
  • Internet access: $50
  • Phone: $100
  • Total: $1,600

A proposal for a change in patient care delivery related to the DPI Project is to implement a team-based care delivery model. This care delivery model would focus on providing care to a panel of patients within a specific population. The team-based care delivery model would include a team of nurses, physicians, and additional health care specialists who would work organized to provide care to the patients (Goudreau et al., 2018). This care delivery model would allow for the sharing of resources and knowledge between the health care professionals and would allow for more coordinated and efficient delivery of care to the patients.

There are a number of factors affecting health care finance and payment systems. These include The cost of health facilities, the availability of healthiness insurance, the structure of the health care system, the way health care is delivered, the way health care is financed, the way health care is regulated, the way health care is reimbursed and the way health care is purchased. All of these factors can have an influence on the cost of health and the way that health services are delivered.

There are a number of socioeconomic and sociopolitical factors that have an impact on the financial viability of the U.S. health maintenance scheme. One of the most significant factors is the increasing cost of health care. This is due in part to the rising cost of medical care but also to the aging of the population and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases. Another important factor is the increasing number of people who are uninsured or underinsured. This is due to a number of factors, including the rising cost of health insurance, the declining number of employers who offer health insurance, and the increasing number of people who are ineligible for public health insurance programs.

There are many driving forces that influence the authority of nursing to a promoter for modification at all system levels of health maintenance. Some of these driving forces include the need for nurses to be more involved in decision-making at all levels of the healthcare system, the increasing complexity of healthcare, the rising cost of healthcare, and the nursing shortage (Greco & Legare, 2018). There are preventive factors that influence the authority of nursing to support transformation.

Bills or laws can influence nursing practice in several ways. First, they can set standards for care that all nurses must meet. For example, a bill or law may require that all nurses ample a confident number of times of enduring education all years. Second, bills or laws can provide funding for nursing research or for programs that improve nursing practice. For example, a bill or law may provide funding for a nurse researcher to study a new way of providing care or for a program that provides nurses with continuing education on the latest evidence-based practices.

There are a few ways that bills can align with quality, safety, experience, or financial metrics within an organization. One way is that bills can be used to improve the quality of care by providing incentives for providers to improve care processes and outcomes. For example, a bill could be used to create financial incentives for providers to reduce hospital readmissions. Another way that bills can align with quality, safety, experience, or financial metrics is by providing funding for quality improvement initiatives. For example, a bill could be used to fund a quality improvement project aimed at reducing medication errors.

The current health care policy that I will be evaluating is the Affordable Care Act (ACA). There are many provisions in the ACA that impact advanced nursing practice, but I will focus on two in particular: the expansion of Medicaid and the creation of health insurance exchanges (Kothari & D’Amore, 2019). The expansion of Medicaid under the ACA provides healthcare coverage for millions of low-income Americans who would not otherwise have access to affordable health insurance.

The creation of health insurance exchanges under the ACA provides a marketplace for people to purchase health insurance plans that meet their needs and budget. This is important for advanced nursing practice because it allows nurses to connect patients more easily with the health insurance coverage they need in order to receive the care they need. Overall, the ACA is a complex piece of legislation that has many provisions that impact advanced nursing practice.

One barrier to healthcare delivery that can result from state or federal policy is the way that reimbursement is structured. For example, in the United States, Medicare reimbursement rates for services are set by the federal government. These rates are often much lower than the rates that private insurance companies would pay for the same services. This can create a financial incentive for providers to avoid treating patients who are covered by Medicare.

The benefits of having a nurse on a regional or national board include: The nurse’s experience and knowledge of the healthcare system can help the board make informed decisions about policy and budgeting, and the nurse’s clinical expertise can help the board develop and implement effective care delivery models, the nurse’s understanding of the needs of different patient populations can help the board develop targeted care programs that meet the unique needs of those populations and the nurse’s familiarity with the latest research can help the board keep abreast of new developments in healthcare and make evidence-based decisions.

There are many different leadership styles, but servant leadership is unique in that it focuses on the leader serving the needs of others (Rundall & Sridharan, 2018). Other leadership styles may focus on the leader’s own needs or the needs of the organization, but servant leadership focuses on the needs of the people being led. This style of leadership is effective because it allows the leader to build trust and rapport with those they are leading, and it also allows the leader to better understand the needs of their followers. The effective leader of a DPI Project will need to be skilled in a number of different leadership styles in order to be successful.

They will need to be well-versed in the current political and economic climate in order to make sure that their care delivery model is feasible and sustainable. Lastly, the leader of a DPI Project will need to have a strong understanding of business and finance in order to effectively manage the budget and resources of the project (Sridharan & Rundall, 2019). They will need to be able to make cost-effective decisions that will not only improve the quality of care for their patients but also save money for the organization.

Some common emotional intelligence strategies that can be used to navigate undesired workplace behavior include: Finding a common goal, when encountering conflict, it can be helpful to try to find a common goal that both parties are striving for. This can help to reframe the situation and make it easier to work together towards a resolution. Managing emotions: It is important to be aware of and manage one’s own emotions during conflict. This can help to prevent the situation from escalating and allow for more constructive communication.

There are a few different strategies that could be used for leading, managing, stewarding, and collaborating for coalition building and health advocacy. First, it is important to develop a shared vision for the coalition or advocacy group. This shared vision should be based on the needs of the target population or community.. Once the shared vision is developed, it is important to identify the goals of the coalition or advocacy group. These goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound. Once the goals are identified, it is important to develop a plan of action to achieve these goals. This plan of action should be based on the resources and capabilities of the coalition or advocacy group.

One policy that has been advanced through lobbying efforts is the Affordable Care Act (ACA). ACA was enacted in 2010 and has been credited with expanding contact to health indemnification to billions of Americans (Berberoglu, 2018). The ACA has been the subject of intense debate and has been the target of numerous repeal efforts. Despite these repeal efforts, the ACA remains the law of the land and has had a significant impact on the American health care system.

The ANA Code of Ethics provides a framework for nurses to make decisions in the practice environment. The code includes four main sections: the nurse’s role in society, the nurse’s relationships with patients, the nurse’s associations with colleagues, and the nurse’s professional practice. The code provides guidance on how nurses should conduct themselves in each of these areas. For example, in the section on the nurse’s role in society, the code states that nurses should “promote the health, welfare, and safety of the public.” In the section on the nurse’s relationships with patients, the code states that nurses should “treat patients with respect and dignity.”

The doctorally prepared advanced practice nurse is a role model for ethical business practices. They are able to analyze practice quality and costs related to caring for the needs of a panel of patients, a target population, a set of populations, or a broad community. They are also able to conceptualize new interprofessional care delivery models that are based in contemporary nursing science and are feasible within current organizational, political, cultural, and economic perspectives.

Conclusively, the DNP Practice Immersion Workspace provides learners with the opportunity to conceptualize and develop new interprofessional care delivery models. In doing so, initiates are anticipated to participate and produce their knowledge and skills from the core program competencies and specialty practice requirements. This progress is considered to benefit learners formulate for the advanced nursing practice role by providing them with the necessary political, systems thinking, and business and financial insights.


Berberoglu, A. (2018). Impact of organizational climate on organizational commitment and perceived organizational performance: empirical evidence from public hospitals. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1-9. Web.

Goudreau, J., Pineault, R., Grenier, G., Turcotte, S., & Desroches, S. (2018). The impact of a collaborative interprofessional practice model on the care of patients with multimorbidity: A pilot study. International Journal of Integrated Care, 18(1). Web.

Greco, M., & Légaré, F. (2018). The effect of interprofessional collaboration on quality of care: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Health Services Research, 18(1), 1-11. Web.

Kothari, A., & D’Amore, A. (2019). The effect of an interprofessional collaborative practice model on health care quality and costs: a systematic review. BMC Health Services Research, 19(1), 1-12. Web.

Rundall, T. G., & Sridharan, S. (2018). Conceptualizing advanced nursing practice: A scoping review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 74(2), 313-325. Web.

Sridharan, S., & Rundall, T. G. (2019). The political skills of advanced practice nurses. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 9(3), 1-8. Web.

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