Ambulatory Center: Healthcare Human Resource Management

The performance evaluation in our Ambulatory Center is done regularly to track all positive and negative changes of employee performance. In order to define the rates of performance, we conduct statistics to define the level of work quality, communication and knowledge, body language and tone. All these aspects correspond to our standards of quality and safety. Our company realizes that excellent and competent nurses are very difficult to find and, therefore, documenting the shortcomings of performance is one of the best way to identify the problem. Our managers, therefore, try to follow to ANA, JACHO, and OSHA. Each week, nurse executives organize meeting to discuss the results of work and identify the existing problems. In order to increase the employee performance, we apply to modern technologies to improve communication and information flow within the center.

Identifying and Describing the System’s Strengths and Weaknesses

The main strength of our performance appraisal is the introduction of statistics that is presented in accordance with certain aspects, including the evaluation of communication, knowledge, competence, and quality of work. In such a manner, it is possible to identify certain shortcomings. A nurse, therefore, can view the results of statistics to understand which aspects need improvement. Another strength is the introduction of independent concentrator who is familiar with the situation in the hospital.

Despite the strengths, there are certain problems that should be solved. In particular, though nurses are aware of the problems they have, there are no specific strategies aimed at eliminating the weaknesses. Lack of individual-oriented approach to appraising individuals should also be introduced. Leaders often fail to see the shortcomings of behavior and define which patterns should be changed and which ones should be enhanced.

Introducing Strategies for Improving the System; Explaining the Effectiveness of the Ideas for Both Employers and Employees

Regarding the above-identified problems, corrective measures improving performance analysis should be introduced. According to Koeppel et al. (n. d.), low performance is impossible to improve because an employee is often unaware of the problems he/she has. In this respect, it is necessary to introduce certain changes to the documentation process. A nurse executive should introduce shifts to the problems analysis and engage the employees in reviewing the documentation notes. In such a way, an employee can familiarize with the mistakes and pitfalls, as well as define how those weaknesses can be improved (Flynn et al., 2007). Face-to-face communication will encourage an employee to discuss the problems and constrains preventing him/her from carrying out duties and obligations in an effective way.

Because statistics does not always reflect the real state of affairs in the center, a nurse leader should perform an individual evaluation. Even nurses with high level of performance should be ready to constant improvement and criticism on the part of managers. In addition, a performance review process should be designed in accordance with legal issues, including the protection of civil rights and consideration of discrimination policy (McNamara, n. d.). Observance of employees’ rights is also an inherent component for creating an objective evaluation of performance in an organization (National Labor Relations Board, n. d.). In this respect, a nurse leader should pay close attention to those rules and provisions to avoid conflict situation and enhance employee motivation.


Flynn, W. J., Mathis, R. L., Jackson, J. H., & Langan, P. J. (2007). Healthcare human resource management (2nd ed). Mason, OH: South-Western.

Koeppel, D., Green, P., and Cady, R. (n. d.). Performance Management.

McNamara, C. (n. d.). Guidelines to Conduct Employee Performance Appraisals. Authenticity Consulting, LLC. Web.

National Labor Relations Board. (n. d.) Employee Rights. National Labor Relations Board. Web.

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