Ancient Indian and Greek Sculptures Comparison

There is a great number of different things in the modern world which make people excited. Marvelous buildings, some astonishing monuments and other things created with the help of modern tools and technologies. However, there are also things, which are appreciated by people and which are taken as ideal examples of art, though, these things were created many years ago without different complicated tools. People still admire The Pyramids and ruins of ancient temples, sculptures and buildings impress imagination of a person and inspire people. Additionally, these masterpieces, created by ancient people, influence development of the whole art and very often it is possible to see their shapes in modern buildings. With this in mind, it is possible to say that art of the ancient world is still topical today and have a great number of admirers. Resting on these facts, it is possible to analyze different kinds of ancient art in order to understand peculiarities of the style of ancient masterpieces better. Greece and India can be taken as the background for the analysis as these countries have very rich culture which predetermined development of art.

There is no use denying the fact that the culture of Ancient Greece is a unique phenomenon which influenced greatly development of the whole world. People, who lived in this area, are taken as creators of classical art (Hartt & Rosenthal, 1992). It is a sweeping term which is used to describe a great number of phenomena and tendencies in art which became popular in different countries and cultures. Greek sculpture is not an exception. The thing is, that sculptors which created their works at that period of time, admired the beauty of human body and, due to this fact, they tried to reflect it in their works (Spivey, 1996). As a result, sculptures, which can be seen at different museums nowadays, are taken as the ideal example of the work of a master which was able to create a masterpiece which showed the beauty of a mans body. That is why, these sculptures are very often copied and modern sculptors try to follow the main tendencies embodied in these works.

The art of ancient India is also rather popular and has a great number of admirers. Being also a very ancient state with its unique culture, India has its own style which serves as the reflection of different beliefs and peculiarities of culture of people who lived there (Galleries, 2010). Indian sculpture obviously has its unique appearance. One of the oldest examples of Indian sculpture could be found in different ancient temples which are taken as one of the most interesting things in India. That is why, very often sculptures, which are found in India, have some religious motifs. People wanted to reflect peculiarities of their worldview. Resting on this fact, it is possible to understand that sculpture belongs to ancient Indian culture at the first gaze. Additionally, sculptors in India tried to show the interaction between nature and man and due to this fact their works are more unusual.

Nevertheless, it is possible to say, that there is a great number of similarities between Ancient Greek and Indian sculptures. First of all, it should be said that people in India and Greece devoted much attention to religious motifs in their works. There is a great number of sculptures which describe heroes. Greek sculptors also tried to underline beauty of their gods creating perfect bodies which made people take gods as some superior creatures. The statue Aphrodite of Cnidus is a perfect example of Greek sculpture. The artist tried to show beauty of the body and forms of the goddess. However, it still looks like a usual women (Szepessy, 2011). Indian sculpture also has similar patterns. The sculpture of Bronze Vishnu is also rather detailed and human like, additionally, its main aim is to show the beauty of god and his unusual nature. Additionally, it is possible to say that some later Indian sculptures have peculiarities which can be taken as the result of Greek influence. There is a great number of different interpretations of statues of Buddha in the mantle which looks like a Greek toga. That is why, it is possible to say that the art of ancient Greece influenced Indian art due to the great importance and spread of Greek culture in ancient world.

However, it is obvious, that there are also several differences connected with Indian and Greek sculpture. First of all, very often material is different. Greek statues were made of marble in the majority of cases, while Indian ones very often were made of wood or bronze. That is why, many beautiful Indian sculptures are destroyed now. Besides, these differences are also connected with the mentality and way of living of people in these countries. Greek sculptures very often depict gods in some gorgeous or strong poses in order show their might and power. At the same time, deliberateness is peculiar to Indian culture and dance and plastics help to reflect it. Very often sculptures, which are taken as Indian, depict people in dance, trying to show the elegance of their movements.

With this in mind, having analyzed information connected with the peculiarities of sculpture in ancient India and Greece, it is possible to make a certain conclusion. Sculptures, which belong to this period of time, are taken as great masterpieces which are admired even nowadays. There is a great number of similarities between them, which show resemblance in the attitude towards gods and people (Marquand, & Forthingham, 2001). However, there are also a great number of differences in the styles of sculptures which can be explained by different cultural values which were appreciated in India and Greece. Being a powerful state, Greece tried to praise human being, its might and body, that is why all its sculptures, even those which depicted gods, were very detailed and full of power, while peaceful Indian religion promoted grace and distance and that is why Indian sculptures reflect beauty of dance and plastic. Being different, Greek and Indian sculptress can be taken as a unique phenomenon in art.


Galleries, K. (2010). Sculpture, Painting and Drawings of Ancient India. Charleston, South Carolina: Nabu Press.

Hartt, F.,& Rosenthal. (1992). Art: A History of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Marquand, A., & Forthingham, A. (2001). History of Sculpture Super Review. New Jersey: Research & Education Association.

Spivey, N. (1996). Understanding Greek Sculpture: Ancient Meanings, Modern Readings. London: Thames & Hudson.

Szepessy, V. (2011). Representation of the Female Body in Hellenistic Sculpture. Academia. edu. Web.

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