Aspects of Diabetes Disease

Diabetes is a disease caused by insufficient insulin in the body, which leads to severe disorders of carbohydrate metabolism, as well as other metabolic disorders. The diagnosis of diabetes is made based on a blood sugar test, in controversial cases after the introduction of glucose (Nesti et al., 2020). With diabetes, the patient begins to feel weakness or fatigue, numbness and tingling in the extremities, rapid weight loss, often with a good appetite, there is a feeling of unquenchable thirst. The urgency of the problem is because diabetes mellitus is one of the three diseases, after atherosclerosis and cancer, most often leading to disability of the population and death.

The topic of diabetes was chosen because the problem of the presence of this disease is very acute and requires solutions to reduce the incidence and effective treatment. Diabetes is a dangerous disease that causes pathologies of blood vessels, kidneys, eyes, and skin. It can lead to serious life-threatening complications (Nesti et al., 2020). Patients with diabetes mellitus should be regularly monitored by a doctor, accurately following all their recommendations related to taking medications and a healthy lifestyle. Patients with type 1 diabetes are treated with insulin and prescribed a diet and exercise (Nesti et al., 2020). Patients with type 2 diabetes are often first treated with diet and exercise. If these measures are not sufficient for glycemic control, patients may be prescribed medications.

Type 2 diabetes is less acute than type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is an acquired disease that manifests itself in old age and is associated with a decrease in the sensitivity of fat, muscle, and other tissues to insulin (Nesti et al., 2020). Often this condition is accompanied by an increase in body weight or obesity, therefore, a violation of the diet with a predominance of sweets and flour plays an active role in the mechanisms of the development of the disease. The PICO question, in this case, will be whether type 2 diabetics (P) can get a better opportunity to control glycemia (I) through physical exertion (C) than through medication (O).

Physical activity plays a significant role in the fight against type 2 diabetes and can be much more effective than drug treatment. According to Wake (2020), physical activity has proven effective in the prevention and control of insulin resistance in the fight against type 2 diabetes and helps to combat possible complications after the disease actively. It is imperative to include physical exercises in the treatment program for people with diabetes, as the results can be much better than regular medication. The study was conducted on patients with type 2 diabetes who needed to engage in any physical activity regularly. The method of evaluating the results, in this case, was practical since, indeed, patients showed a significant improvement in insulin resistance, as well as a decrease in the fat layer (Wake, 2020). Physical exercise can be the primary method of treating type 2 diabetes compared to drug treatment.

In conclusion, diabetes is a disease in which there is an increase in glucose levels in the blood against the background of energy starvation of tissues. Diabetes is divided into two types, each of which affects differently, but each of them is dangerous because it hurts the current well-being of people and can also lead to severe complications after the disease. Type 2 diabetes is less aggressive than type 1 diabetes but still requires some treatment. The primary type of treatment for type 2 diabetes is physical activity, which helps to strengthen the body’s resistance to insulin, as well as reduce the amount of fat in the body.


Nesti, L., Pugliese, N.R., Sciuto, P., & Natali, A. (2020). Type 2 diabetes and reduced exercise tolerance: A review of the literature through an integrated physiology approach. Cardiovascular Diabetology, 19(134), 1-17.

Wake A. D. (2020). Antidiabetic Effects of Physical Activity: How It Helps to Control Type 2 Diabetes. Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 13(1), 2909–2923.

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