Bowel Cancer Treatment History

Bowel cancer is located at the lower end of the digestive tract, and it highly affects the quality of living due to the discomfort within the rectum area. It is a disease that mainly affects old-age individuals, and the expected behavioral changes include inconsistency in the stool, abdominal pains, and bloodstains. The coping mechanism among the patients enshrines surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy. These treatment strategies foster ultimate recovery among the individuals while enhancing hygienic habits as preventive initiatives for the sickness. Colon cancer is hereditary, thus intensifying the risk among people sharing a descendant with a history of the condition. Koo et al. (2017) establish that Colorectal cancer is the third leading cause of death owing to 15% of the mortality rate in the United Kingdom. It is essential to assess the impact of bowel cancer, aiming to understand the effective remedies among the clients and the importance of increasing the awareness campaign.

The main reason I chose this topic involves the assessment of the disease that owes to a profound percentage of deaths globally. Colon cancer causes significant pain and it is hereditary fostering continuity across generations (Koo et al., 2017). It is important that scholars and other personnel focus on further studies of the topical issue to boost the level of knowledge pool and enhance the development of effective treatment and preventive strategies. As a genetic sickness, it is vital to address the integral factor aiming to reduce the risk of exposure to people based on the health historical records.

The signs and symptoms of bowel cancer intensify the loss of nutrients and poor feeding habits among the victims due to discomfort and abdominal pains. The disease is accountable for a high number of cancer-related deaths due to its widespread nature and treatment environment (Hirst et al., 2018). Although smoking is the leading cause of the disease, other factors such as inhaling second-hand smoke and genetic inheritance contribute to its development. Cigarettes are carcinogenic; therefore, the chemicals inhaled while smoking negatively affect the lungs’ inner walls (Koo et al., 2017). As a result, the lungs poorly function. The primary role of the lungs involves taking in oxygen while taking out carbon dioxide. In this case, adverse effects on the lungs lead to breathing difficulties for an individual. Colon cancer encompasses the growth of cancerous cells in the lungs and bowels that cause a decrease in the healthiness of the bronchi and intestinal (Worthington et al., 2020). Individuals with bowel cancer deserve critical attention from the nurses and the community, hence the importance of a treatment environment care plan.

The exploration of bowel cancer poses profound controversies under the concepts of genetic inheritance, high alcohol consumption, obesity, and the high rate of red meat ingestion. It is important to incorporate the different elements in the analysis process to boost the derivation of critical information regarding the sickness (Vallance et al., 2017). The framework under the randomized control trial gears the profound synthesis of systematic accuracy based on the selection of the test subjects. However, different situations cause cancer among the test subjects despite the standard variation of cancerous cells. Therefore, it is a challenge to establish the major outlier that renders the issue of cancer among the sample population.

One of the primary exercises in the analysis involves the critical assessment of the behavioral response among the test subjects. In this case, it becomes an issue under ethical practice mainly because of the necessity to offer consent among the sample population. Therefore, the invasion of privacy fosters the debate regarding the collection of results based on personal details. Another ethical issue encompasses the essence of confidentiality due to the relative utilization of personalized facts. Although the researcher seeks consent from the respondents, it is an initiative that sparks confidentiality based on reporting the knowledge construct (Murphy et al., 2017). The analysis of data plays a crucial role in exploring certain topics in the field of nursing. Therefore, the integration of the systematic approaches ensures the eradication of bias conditions while elevating the confidence rationale during the presentation. Primarily, the framework of the randomized controlled trial challenges ethical practice in the medical field due to the necessity to assess individualized components among the personnel.

The increasing rate of patients suffering from bowel cancer renders the significance of developing effective treatment and preventive measures. In this case, researchers establish that the presented information encompasses the formulation and foundation of relative values under the spectral view of both diagnosed and control groups. It is an approach that limits the scholars due to the primary outline of the analysis involving the determination of the causes of bowel cancer. One of the causes of the colon tumor tested in the study includes the contribution of dietary habits such as overconsumption of red meat (Murphy et al., 2017). Although it is essential to affirm the effects of feeding on healthy living, the exploration lacks validity and reliability. The main reason entails the core limitation to the assertion regulated by the results from the test subjects. It is crucial to incorporate dynamic approaches in the promotion of efficient analysis of the data collected with minimal constant coefficients in determining the spread of bowel cancer.

Knowledge sufficiency relies on interdependence as the theoretical and practical experiences. Bowel cancer is an issue highly affecting the global population, thus the necessity to research its causes and the effect on human health. The epidemiological studies intensify the pool of information about the diseases, causes, and effective treatment strategies. It is essential to establish additional insights regarding colon malignancy, mainly because of the evolving necessity to develop dynamic therapeutic initiatives (Worthington et al., 2020). Over the decades, viral diseases mutated and increased the risk to human health. As a result, different agencies focused on the derivation of adequate information about diseases. Randomized controlled trials are a prominent strategy to integrate during the data collection. However, it is a spectrum whose efficiency encompasses the essence of two significant variables. As a result, the focus on the cause and effect without an overview of the interdependence relationship contributes to determining the dynamic impact of the condition, such as the effect on the digestion of food and excretion of waste.

The significant interdependent relationship between bowel cancer and human health is an issue that demands an integrated research framework. On the one hand, experimentation fosters the collection of real-time data from the study population. The facts collected an assist in the evaluation of different conceptual and theoretical mainframes. On the other hand, the approach demonstrates the basic functionalism between two ideologies while limiting the exploration of other phenomenal perspectives (Worthington et al., 2020). In this case, it is crucial to establish the evaluation techniques based on the form and structure of the study. The integration of randomized controlled trials with structured questionnaires provides both an objective and subjective aspect during the interpretation among the researchers. The causative agents of the disease encompass the feeding and hygienic standards among people.

Objectivity and subjectivity ideologies play a crucial role in diversifying the knowledge construct across the interpretation of bowel cancer as a risk to the growth and development of an individual. A scholar comprehends the essential factor of epidemiology while determining the knowledge gap regarding particular illnesses. The evolution of concepts in the field of nursing renders an opportunity for researchers to investigate the variables and elements within the spectrum. Research analysis establishes that the discomfort among the patients involves the excessive excretion of waste, causing dehydration (Worthington et al., 2020). The availability of information regarding colon cancer fosters a multifaceted phenomenon in the implementation of concepts and activities. It is vital that the stakeholders in the field of nursing focus on the implementation of institutional policies to enhance the performance of treatment and management of the disease.

Consequently, the framework under the randomized control trial gears the profound synthesis of systematic accuracy based on the selection of the test subjects regarding bowel cancer. However, different situations cause cancer among the test subjects despite the standard variation. Therefore, it is a challenge to establish the major outlier that renders the issue of cancer among the sample population. In this case, optimal analysis of the data collected to derive insightful information in nursing. On the one hand, a criterion ensures the appropriate assessment of the case study while establishing the integral value of the academic objectives. On the other hand, the distinction between the two groups intensifies the provision of comparative analysis to determine the key issue in the study. Primarily, colon cancer is a significant threat to the health of people due to its hereditary status and the discomfort within the rectal area.


Hirst, Y., Stoffel, S., Baio, G., McGregor, L., & von Wagner, C. (2018). Uptake of the English bowel (Colorectal) cancer screening program: an update 5 years after the full roll-out. European Journal of Cancer, 103, 267-273. Web.

Koo, S., Neilson, L. J., Von Wagner, C., & Rees, C. J. (2017). The NHS bowel cancer screening program: current perspectives on strategies for improvement. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 10, 177. Web.

Murphy, J., Halloran, S., & Gray, A. (2017). Cost-effectiveness of the faecal immunochemical test at a range of positivity thresholds compared with the guaiac faecal occult blood test in the NHS Bowel Cancer Screening Programme in England. BMJ Open, 7(10). Web.

Vallance, A. E., Vandermeulen, J., Kuryba, A., Botterill, I. D., Hill, J., Jayne, D. G., & Walker, K. (2017). Impact of hepatobiliary service centralization on treatment and outcomes in patients with colorectal cancer and liver metastases. Journal of British Surgery, 104(7), 918-925. Web.

Worthington, J., Lew, J. B., Feletto, E., Holden, C. A., Worthley, D. L., Miller, C., & Canfell, K. (2020). Improving Australian national bowel cancer screening program outcomes through increased participation and cost-effective investment. PloS One, 15(2), e0227899. Web.

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