Dietary Treatment for Kidney Disease

The kidneys, one of the body’s most important organs, filter blood, removing impurities and toxins before supplying it to all other tissues and organs. They also regulate blood pressure and all the elements in the blood, ensuring homeostasis. Tumors, diabetic nephropathy, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis, kidney infections, pyelonephritis, kidney failure, and other kidney abnormalities can impact the kidneys. The inability of the kidneys to filter toxins and remove the necessary fluid from the body is the root cause of some kidney conditions (Akchurin, 2019). Abuse of alcohol, chemotherapy treatments, long-term analgesic use, and immunoglobulin A deposits in the kidneys are additional factors that can cause nephrotic syndrome.

Protein as a Dietary Component

The body’s protein metabolism ends when nitrogenous waste products are produced. The substances accumulate in excess in the blood because the diseased kidneys cannot handle excretion. However, since protein is a crucial component of cells, it cannot be eliminated from the diet. Protein consumption should be decreased rather than stopped in cases of kidney disease. As a dietary treatment for kidney disease, it is necessary to select lean cuts of meat and fish. It is best to prepare them without oil and avoid pan frying, and it is allowed to eat chicken eggs.

However, a protein-free diet should not be followed for longer than one to two weeks. The state of one’s health can seriously decline as a result of a sudden rejection of protein-rich foods. This kind of food is not advised in cases where the kidneys’ function has minor deviations. A once- or twice-weekly interval between fasting days will help to keep things in balance.

A urine test for protein, albumin, erythrocytes, and leukocytes, as well as a blood test for albumin, cholesterol, and creatinine, make up the control. Compliance with the diet will help bring the protein level back to normal, increasing or decreasing its amount. This will result in the protein level returning to normal and relieve swelling on the face, abdomen, and feet, as well as fatigue and frequent urination.

Calcium as a Dietary Component

The amount of Calcium in the urine rises due to the Sodium. High calcium levels in the urine increase the likelihood of stones forming. Altogether avoiding salt is not a suitable course of action because it inhibits thirst, lowers fluid intake, raises urine concentration, and hastens the development of new stones. Adults should limit their daily salt intake to no more than 6 grams. The prepared foods, like bread, biscuits, breakfast cereals, sauces, condiments, and take-out meals, contain a significant amount of salt we consume.

A complete blood count test should be done once a month to control the level of Sodium in the body. To measure urinary Sodium, use daily urine. Urinary sodium excretion cannot be determined from a single morning portion of urine. A healthy diet and minimal sodium intake will improve a person’s condition, prevent edema, normalize blood pressure, and improve overall health.

Exercise helps maintain healthy blood pressure, enhances kidney blood flow, and lowers the risk of chronic kidney disease. One of the critical elements in preventing chronic kidney disease is maintaining an average body weight and eating a balanced diet. It is necessary to consume enough liquids for kidneys to function correctly, and the three main beverages should be drunk: water, coffee, and tea. Smoking causes poor blood flow to some kidney parts because the kidneys function worse when there is less blood flow to them.


Akchurin, M. (2019). Chronic kidney disease and dietary measures to improve outcomes. Pediatric Clinics, 66(1), 247-267. Web.

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