Euthanasia: The Case of Cody Curtis

The ethics of euthanasia, a practice of taking one’s life intentionally, has been a debated topic for an extended period of time in both philosophical and legislative discussions. At the present time, this procedure is prohibited in most countries and is also considered morally wrong by some of the most prominent religions. The current essay attempts to review the case study of Cody Curtis and discuss her motives for taking the euthanasia procedure.

The morality of euthanasia is a highly complicated subject with no one universal answer; nevertheless, it is possible to refer to some of the most noticeable philosophers in world history to acquire insights into the topic. The etymology of the word comes from the Greek language and means “good death” implying the attitude towards the process by the ancient Greek philosophers. For instance, according to Aristotle, only the suffering person knows what they are going through; therefore, they alone are responsible for the decision about euthanasia. In the case study, Cody Curtis goes through unavoidable pain caused by cancer complications, and only she can realize the extent of the sickness. Furthermore, she desires to have control over her life and decide the moment of death herself. This approach also aligns well with the Akan philosophy, according to which the individual should act based on the rational will and is responsible for his or her decisions.

On the other hand, the Buddhist perspective differs from the aforementioned ones and does not support euthanasia in any way due to the significance and reoccurrence of life. Therefore, the morality of the approach lies in the religious understanding of the world. Confucianism, another highly prominent system of thought, supports the concept of euthanasia and claims that one should take his or her own life if such a necessity arises. In the video, Curtis states, “this will be tidy and a lot easier for my family”, emphasizing her self-sacrifice to minimize the costs of the treatment. This position aligns particularly well with how Confucianism perceives the world. Furthermore, this perspective goes in line with the “Ethics of care” approach since Cody Curtis does appreciate the people surrounding her and cares for their well-being. Summing up, the current essay has examined the various philosophical approaches to euthanasia in the case of Cody Curtis and demonstrated the diversity of the ethical positions concerning the procedure.

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AssignZen. (2023, May 19). Euthanasia: The Case of Cody Curtis.

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AssignZen. "Euthanasia: The Case of Cody Curtis." May 19, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "Euthanasia: The Case of Cody Curtis." May 19, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Euthanasia: The Case of Cody Curtis'. 19 May.

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