Examination of Patient Education and Compliance

Understanding the clients’ opinions on therapy is a vital part of treatment. Patient compliance is defined as the degree to which patients perform tasks required by the therapeutic regimen (Narayanan et al., 2016). Treating clients with cardiac issues demands a certain acceptance level regarding the procedures prescribed (O’Toole et al., 2020). Many cardiac patients are asked to follow specific rules of conduct, such as attending rehabilitation programs (O’Toole et al., 2020). Increasing compliance rates can positively impact the success of such projects.

Healthcare professionals’ participation in therapeutic sessions can influence the clientele’s compliance rates, securing the recovery plans’ positive outcomes. Some scholars state that degrees of therapy acceptance can be remarkably impacted by nursing personnel’s actions (O’Toole et al., 2020). Such activities include personalized approaches, longer consultation hours, and collaboration with cardiologists (O’Toole et al., 2020). For example, the nurse’s interest in the patient’s recent life events and instructions from the cardiologist might decrease non-compliance levels.

Compliance and collaboration can play a significant role in clinical treatment options. While compliance is a degree of acceptance regarding designated procedures, collaboration refers to the process of interaction between the physician and their patient and levels of satisfaction with this activity (Vinson, 2016). Moreover, compliance explains how the client agrees with the chosen therapy, but collaboration specifies the relationship between the care provider and the patient (Vinson, 2016). Exploring both compliance and collaboration is critical for proper customer care.

The concept of patient learning has evolved over the past decades. Previously, client education was focused on a one-way interaction model, lacking an option for receivers’ feedback (Forbes et al., 2018). This scheme has changed during the last years and started to involve the students’ interests. If older learning systems were dedicated to delivering data regarding treatment options, the recent approaches acquire feedback from the patient and generate a strategy that considers their educational needs (Forbes et al., 2018). While both schemes allow transferring specific knowledge, the newer plans can also regard the clients’ motivation.

The health care professionals’ commitment to ensuring patient education’s efficacy can impact the rehabilitation outcomes. Contribution to education programs might help improve teaching techniques, attaining higher compliance levels (Forbes et al., 2018). Devising better learning plans also elevates the patients’ motivation to enhance their health (Forbes et al., 2018). Finally, such participation benefits collaboration results, strengthening the connection between the clinical professional and the patient.

Aspects of learning are closely connected to the education process. The three learning categories entail expository, exploratory, and stimulation methods (Herlambang et al., 2020). The exposition strategy pertains to the representation of needed data, for example, when a doctor explains a particular phenomenon to the patient (Herlambang et al., 2020). The exploratory option advises presenting the learners with a necessity to discover the information (Herlambang et al., 2020). This path allows for discussion and questioning with the clinical professional. Stimulation involves practicing skills obtained in a simulated environment, which is especially useful when teaching clients to operate medical devices.

One of the problems arising in patient education is non-compliance with study procedures. The solution to this issue might lie in constructing a more trustful relationship with the client, uncovering possible reasons for such behavior. A second difficulty can be the lack of understanding of the data provided. In this case, it may be beneficial to discuss the education methods that would be preferable for the student. Another complication is encountered when the learner loses their motivation to continue the studies. Solving this problem demands an understanding of the individual’s diagnosis and adaptation of teaching methods.

The most prominent documentation method appears to be the use of the nursing process. This procedure contains data on patients’ education problems, goals, and progress (Myklebust et al., 2018). A version of this approach requires implementing classification systems, such as NANDA (North American Nursing Diagnosis Association), to describe the clients’ learning issues (Myklebust et al., 2018). Another instance is VIPS (Vendor Invoice Processing System), which commonly includes progress notes for evaluating the outcomes achieved (Myklebust et al., 2018). Most of these documentation procedures are electronic record systems accessed by various health care personnel during the studying process.


Forbes, R., Mandrusiak, A., Smith, M., & Russell, T. (2018). Identification of competencies for patient education in physiotherapy using a Delphi approach. Physiotherapy, 104(2), 232-238. Web.

Herlambang, A. D., Elfiani, N. N., Puspasari, A., & Tarawifa, S. (2020). The development of the basic obstetric ultrasound learning media for undergraduate medical students. Indonesian Research Journal in Education, 4(1), 263-272. Web.

Myklebust, K. K., Bjørkly, S., & Råheim, M. (2018). Nursing documentation in inpatient psychiatry: The relevance of nurse–patient interactions in progress notes—A focus group study with mental health staff. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(3-4), 611-622. Web.

Narayanan, A. L. T., Hamid, S. R. G. S., & Supriyanto, E. (2016). Evidence regarding patient compliance with incentive spirometry interventions after cardiac, thoracic and abdominal surgeries: A systematic literature review. Canadian Journal of Respiratory Therapy, 52(1), 17-26.

O’Toole, K., Chamberlain, D., & Giles, T. (2020). Exploration of a nurse practitioner-led phase two cardiac rehabilitation programme on attendance and compliance. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(5-6), 785-793. Web.

Vinson, A. H. (2016). ‘Constrained collaboration’: Patient empowerment discourse as resource for countervailing power. Sociology of Health & Illness, 38(8), 1364-1378. Web.

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