Global Diabetes Situation and Preventive Measures


Diabetes has emerged as a significant problem on a global scale. Chronic disease affects a significant number of people all around the world. People of many different races, cultures and religious persuasions are susceptible to contracting the disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), diabetes is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Diabetes affects an increasing proportion of people worldwide, particularly in emerging countries with the highest prevalence rate. The condition is ongoing, and as a result, health departments all across the world need to take immediate action. The intervention needs to begin at the individual level, with people changing their lifestyles to consume a healthy diet and participate in active pursuits. The problem manifests itself when the body cannot dissolve additional glucose in the cells and produce energy from it. When the condition is not under control, it causes harm to the many organs throughout the body.

Diabetes, which causes long-term damage to the blood vessels in the body, causes the walls of the blood vessels to harden, leading to high blood pressure, ultimately resulting in a heart attack or stroke. Additionally, diabetes damages the nerves that supply blood vessels. Since diabetes, a dangerous disease, may develop as a result, routine screening is required (Dyson et al., 2018). People must be informed about the disease, as well as the available treatment choices and preventive measures. In the next section of this research paper, I will describe the many diabetes preventive measures implemented in my nearby community, where the research will be conducted. In addition to highlighting the medical professionals who will be helpful in the process of disease prevention, the report will emphasize the intervention programs required to prevent the disease from spreading further.

Global Diabetes Situation and the Specific Situation Regarding Diabetes

The number of people living with diabetes quadrupled between 1980 and 2014, going from 108 million to 422 million. The prevalence rate has been climbing more precipitously in nations with low and moderate incomes than in countries with high incomes (Lin et al., 2020). Diabetes is a leading cause of several serious health complications, including loss of vision, renal failure, heart attack, stroke, and amputation of lower limbs (Saeedi et al., 2019). Diabetes contributed to the untimely death of an additional 5% more people between the years 2000 and 2016. In 2019, diabetes ranked tenth on the list of leading causes of mortality, and it is projected that the disease was directly responsible for 1.5 million deaths.

Diabetes affects around 67 million people in the Western Pacific region, making it the region with the highest prevalence rate; Europe comes in second with 53 million cases. With a current figure of 40.9 million people affected by diabetes, India leads the global top ten in terms of the country with the highest prevalence of the disease, followed by China with 39.8 million. Therefore, diabetes is a global concern that needs to be addressed.

Contributions of Healthcare Professionals that will Help Prevent Diabetes

Public health engages heavily with other regional health specialists in supporting patients with disease management. The healthcare team employed their broad expertise and skill set to improve the quality of life in the community. They ensure that clients obtain proper testing and supply diabetic patients with the proper medication. They ensure that medical facilities can access the necessary diagnostic equipment to diagnose patients correctly (Powers et al., 2020). In addition, the patient is administered the proper medication to control any risk factors and occupational diseases. There are instances where the patient requires primary care providers and referrals to assess the patient’s progress, identify side effects and risks, and address health problems. Building relationships with various facilities that specialize in the clinical care of diabetic patients is essential.

Dietitians have an essential role not only in the treatment of the disease but also in the prevention of it. They advise diabetic patients on the kinds of meals that are appropriate for them to consume and recommend those meals to the patients. The patient’s particular dietary requirements will be considered when developing these recommendations. Maintaining these levels ensures that they always have the optimal amounts of nutrients within their body (Powers et al., 2020). It guarantees that they will always have the optimal levels of nutrients within their body. This aspect is one of the most important when formulating a treatment strategy for a patient afflicted by an ailment.

Endocrinologists are essential medical community members because they diagnose and treat conditions that affect the endocrine system. The illness can manifest in various ways, ranging from infertility and sexual dysfunction to obesity and diabetes. The glands are spread throughout the human body, and the hormones released from those glands make up the endocrine system (Powers et al., 2020). This system is responsible for regulating the processes that occur within the body. Insulin levels will be the focus of the doctor’s attention because diabetes is caused by abnormalities in the body’s blood sugar levels; therefore, insulin levels will be the emphasis objective.

Diabetes may sometimes result in issues involving the arteries and veins located in the eyes. Seeing an optometrist is, therefore, necessary in order to receive treatment for the eyes. An optometrist is a medical professional who specializes in eye care and strives to enhance patients’ visual acuity (Powers et al., 2020). Even if diabetic patients believe their eyes are in good health, they should visit an ophthalmologist yearly.

In the process of discovering and creating novel medical therapies, nurses play an essential role. As a direct result, the nurse will take care of diabetic patients and advise them to look after themselves properly. In addition, the registered nurse will instruct them on how to manage the symptoms of diabetes, how to get the most out of the medications that have been prescribed to them, and how to monitor the progression of the disease.

Evidence-Based Interventions Needed to Prevent Diabetes in the Locality

As part of the evidence-based treatments administered to diabetic patients to control their condition, smoking cessation and avoidance may be encouraged. Moreover, it is crucial to urge people to drink alcohol in moderation. Regular exercise is one of the evidence-based treatments that can be used to control diabetes, and diabetic people should be encouraged to engage in it (Hood et al., 2018). Patients can obtain the appropriate nutrients from various sources. The medical facility can devise techniques to ensure that at least a portion of its patients engages in physically active pursuits. Before admission, the institution may ask patients to demonstrate that they can walk at a fast pace for at least thirty minutes daily. In addition, the establishment may offer amenities such as gymnasiums, playground equipment, and similar things.

In addition, for the hospital to properly manage the circumstances of diabetic patients, it should provide diabetic patients with diets that are lower in both the amount of sugar and the amount of fat they consume. It should always choose whole grains rather than processed ones, steer clear of supplying sugary drinks in favor of water, opt for healthy fats, and steer clear of delivering red meat whenever it is possible to do so. It has been established that insulin is subjected to less stress when the diet is appropriate and contains less fat, and as a consequence, diabetes is better controlled. Patients who consume light to moderate amounts of alcohol can control their diabetes through enhanced insulin and glucose absorption efficiency in their cells by drinking light to moderate amounts of alcohol.

Identifying Diabetic At-Risk Individuals

People who are overweight or those who are becoming older have a greater chance of developing diabetes. Screening should be performed on pregnant women who have a history of recurrent infections of the skin, genital organs, or urine (Hood et al., 2018). People with prediabetes, glucose intolerance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or a high-risk ethnic background are at an increased risk of developing diabetes; as a result, it is crucial to constantly monitor these individuals (Hood et al., 2018). People who consistently engage in unhealthy behaviors, such as eating unhealthy foods and not getting enough exercise, comprise another group of high-risk individuals who must be subjected to routine screening.

Resources Needed to Help Prevent Diabetes

When lowering one’s risk of developing diabetes, one of the essential things that can be done is to encourage healthier eating habits and regular meals high in nutrients. The local community’s fight against diabetes will benefit from the availability of human resources in the form of specialists in several healthcare fields (Flor et al., 2020). Establishing local gyms where residents of the area may exercise and increase the amount of physical activity they get is another resource that will be helpful in the fight against the disease and will play an essential role in preventing its spread. Diabetes may be prevented by decreasing the total quantity of carbohydrates consumed, making water the primary beverage, quitting smoking, and ingesting an adequate amount of food.

Eating excessive food in one sitting has increased blood sugar and insulin levels in individuals at risk for diabetes (Flor et al., 2020). Vitamin D is essential for regulating blood sugar levels. Studies have demonstrated a link between inadequate vitamin D intake and insulin resistance, leading to type 2 diabetes. The use of technology like smart phones to detect high sugar level in the blood. (Rajak & Shaw, 2021) Compared to control groups, individuals with prediabetes who take vitamin D supplements may be better able to manage their blood sugar in numerous ways.

Evaluation of the Interventions

The project’s evaluation is essential to guarantee that the initiative will accomplish the desired objective of avoiding diabetes in those at risk. Take a sample of some people observed during the procedure and divide them into two groups (Farooqi et al., 2022). This sampling will be done at random. While one group will be required to participate in the activities associated with the project, the other group will be permitted to carry on with their activities as usual. After six to twelve months, the project can undergo screening, which will assist in determining whether or not it was successful.

Challenges Hindering Diabetes Management

According to the Public Health Service and the National Health Service, diabetes self-management can be accomplished by changing an individual’s behavior to achieve maximal glycemic control and improve patients’ health. The first significant obstacle has been the widespread outbreak of the coronavirus. Patients suffering from the virus or people recuperating from it have difficulty achieving optimal glycemic control. Further complicating matters, impediments to communication between patients and their healthcare providers are a significant obstacle to effective diabetes management (Patel et al., 2018). There are situations in which people do not have the motivation to change to enhance their health outcomes. It has been observed that most patients do not have family support or capable careers, which is especially problematic when the condition worsens. Gaining access to high-quality diabetes care can be difficult due to budgetary constraints.

Evidence Base and Trials for Diabetes Prevention

According to the American Diabetes Association, metformin is a biguanide medication. This class of drugs lowers blood glucose by decreasing the amount of glucose produced by the liver and increasing the amount of insulin absorbed by muscle tissue (Ramachandran & Ramachandran, 2022). In certain instances, consuming an excessive dose of metformin may result in lactic acidosis. The signs and symptoms of lactic acidosis are severe and appear rapidly. Typically, they show when other health problems that are not related to the medicine and are severe, such as a heart attack or renal failure, are present.


In order to make the treatment of diabetes and the prevention of diabetes possible, individuals need to be educated on how to care for their bodies properly. When it comes to maintaining the ongoing health of a nation and the communities that make up that nation, the single most crucial component is the accessibility of essential information. Consequently, the initiative will lay the groundwork for other presentations made by medical experts and researchers who have thoughts on novel treatments for diabetes-related illnesses.

Reference List

Dyson, P.A. et al. (2018) Diabetes UK evidence-based Nutrition Guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes. Diabetic Medicine, 35(5), pp.541–547.

Farooqi, M.H. et al. (2022) The impact of telemonitoring on improving glycemic and metabolic control in previously lost-to-follow-up patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: A single-center interventional study in the United Arab Emirates. International Journal of Clinical Practice, 2022, pp.1–9.

Flor, L.S. et al. (2020) Community-based interventions for detection and management of diabetes and hypertension in underserved communities: A mixed-methods evaluation in Brazil, India, South Africa and the USA. BMJ Global Health, 5(6).

Hood, K.K. et al. (2018) Preventing diabetes distress in adolescents with type 1 diabetes: Results 1 year after participation in the steps program. Diabetes Care, 41(8), pp.1623–1630.

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Patel, P.J. et al. (2018) A pragmatic approach identifies a high rate of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease with advanced fibrosis in diabetes clinics and at‐risk populations in primary care. Hepatology Communications, 2(8), pp.897–909.

Powers, M.A. et al. (2020) Diabetes self-management education and support in adults with type 2 diabetes: A consensus report of the American Diabetes Association, the Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the American Academy of Family Physicians, the American Academy of PAS, the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, and the American Pharmacists Association. Diabetes Care, 43(7), pp.1636–1649.

Rajak, M. & Shaw, K. (2021) An extension of technology acceptance model for mhealth user adoption. Technology in Society, 67, p.101800.

Ramachandran, A. & Ramachandran, S. (2022) Identifying diabetic retinopathy risk factors and associated pathologies based on text mining of pubmed database. 2022 9th International Conference on Computing for Sustainable Global Development (INDIACom).

Saeedi, P. et al. (2019) Global and regional diabetes prevalence estimates for 2019 and projections for 2030 and 2045: Results from the International Diabetes Federation Diabetes Atlas, 9th edition. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 157, p.107843.

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