Health Care Quality and Safety Issues


Health care is a very important part of every country, and it has to be improved according to the new standards, technologies, and medicine. It has to be effective and help people of all ages and nationalities, regardless of their income (Berwick, 2005). A lot of campaigns were launched in the USA for this particular purpose. The population of any country would like to have effective, modern, and high-quality medical services. All these questions are to be discussed below.

Six Major Aims in Health Care System

There are six aims on which political parties and professionals in medical sphere have to be focusing. They are safety, patient-centering, effectiveness, timing, efficiency, and equitability. (Knickman, & Kovner, 2015). By creating the approach that will allow considering the patient’s individual characteristics, one will contribute massively to the improvement of the quality of care and the patient outcomes.

The safety aim implies a good health care to a patient that would not cause any harm to his or her health condition. Nurses will have to follow the suggested guidelines closely so that the factors that may contribute to an accident could be addressed accordingly. Furthermore, hand hygiene must be promoted. Patient’s personal data safety is also important when creating a safe environment in the context of a healthcare facility.

The patient-centered aim obligates doctors to pay extra attention to individual problems or wishes of patients. Therefore, compelling the healthcare staff to focus on the acquisition of cross-cultural communication skills is essential. With the increase in diversity levels, it is imperative to promote lifelong learning and EBP among the staff so that they could manage the needs of diverse patients efficiently.

The effectiveness aim is saving time, supplies, and resources if these are not beneficial for patients. The principles of sustainable use and cost efficiency must be reinforced as the basis for resources management in the context of a healthcare facility. The issues associated with costs can be addressed by reconsidering the current approach toward financial resources distribution and considering opportunities for saving money, e.g., choosing cheaper transportation options.

The timely aim is to lower the waits and delays of people with emergencies and necessities. Time management is, perhaps, the most problematic issue in modern nursing due to the staffing issues. The lack of nurses triggers a rise in workload, workplace burnout rates, and time management problems (Henwood, Tuckett, Bagadi, & Oliffe, 2015). Therefore, to handle the time concern, one will have to redesign the current approach toward designing the staff’s schedule.

The efficient aim is lowering of equipment, drugs, and human resources wastes. The equitable aim is treating all the patients equally, regardless of their social and financial status. By providing the staff with detailed instructions about the use of equipment, one will be able to increase the devices’ shelf life greatly. Medication-related waste, in turn, can be avoided by providing detailed instructions regarding careful use thereof.

Situation at the State Hospital

However, there is still much work to be done before we can observe significant improvements. As regards the State Hospital, I have seen some notable improvements in reaching safety and patient-centering aims. Such qualities as effectiveness, timing, efficiency, and equitability still present challenges in the State Hospital. In order to reach the safety aim, I ought to prevent all possible injuries to patients during the healing process that must cure their diseases. To reach the aim of effectiveness, I should be paying more attention to whom I provide scientifically established services in order not to waste resources for people who are not likely to be healed with these services’ help. Taking into account all individual needs, values, and demands, providing appropriate care to the patients will get the hospital closer to reaching the patient-centered aim. To achieve the timely aim, it would be proper to reduce the long lines to the hospital and to delegate the chores among medical personnel. Besides, it is essential for me, as a nurse leader, to improve the quality of record management, which will help to avoid wastes of medical supplies, equipment, and ideas, and will get the hospital closer to reaching the aim of efficiency. In order to reach the equitable aim, doctors have to provide an equal care to all their patients, regardless of his or her gender, ethnic background, and wealth.

Lack of Effectiveness in Doctors’ Work

The efficient aim still needs improvement in the State Hospital because some inexperienced doctors continue wasting different drugs and medical materials. (Gardner, 2010). They do not take good care of equipment and do not organize their working process properly. The only way to reach the efficient aim is to stop wasting supplies and to plan one’s day out.

Inter-Professional Collaboration

An inter-professional collaboration lets doctors share experience and communicate with each other (Soloman, 2010). This organization is essential for reaching the patient-centring aim. It gives professional doctors and nurses ability to consult their colleagues in case of any difficulties with their patients. If they work on a particular problem together – there is a better chance of solving it faster. Patient-centered services in the State Hospital are constantly improving because of this communication. Although, there are still not enough experienced professionals joined the inter-professional collaboration.


Today’s health care system in the USA is not perfect, so the Institute of Medicine has outlined six major aims that currently are being solved by different campaigns. Every nurse and doctor can have his or her influence on the improvement of this system by following professional rules and etiquette. The inter-professional collaboration was formed to solve the issues in the national health care system and to reach the six aims that were discussed above.


Berwick, D. (2005). My right knee. Annals of Internal Medicine, 142(2), 121-125. Web.

Gardner, D. (2010). Health policy and politics. Expanding scope of practice: Inter-professional collaboration or conflict? Nursing Economic, 28(4), 264–266. Web.

Henwood, T., Tuckett, A., Bagadi, H. E., & Oliffe,J. ( 2015). Connecting leisure-time physical activity and quality of sleep to nurse health: Data from the e-cohort study of nurses and midwives. Nursing and Care, 4(3), 1-9.

Knickman, J. R., & Kovner, A. R. (Eds.). (2015). Health care delivery in the united states (11th ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing.

Soloman, P. (2010). Inter-professional collaboration: Passing fad or way of the future? Physiotherapy Canada, 62(1), 47–55. Web.

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