Health Issues and Their Elimination

The necessity to provide high-quality medical services to the population is complicated by the requirement to take into consideration numerous factors. They include geopolitical and phenomenological places alongside the nursing process for identifying and addressing health issues. Therefore, the examination of the patients’ locations and personal experiences in a combination with the role of nurses in the field is critical for understanding the mechanism of planning appropriate treatment.

The first aspect is the need for determining the circumstances of the matter related to one’s place of residence. In this respect, the primary obstacles are presented by political and geographic characteristics. Thus, geopolitical place affects the assessment of the population for designing interventions by introducing natural boundaries alongside the activity of the country’s leaders restricting the access to services (Kottow, 2020). In turn, phenomenology, which is the perceptions of being a representative of specific population groups and shared habits within these communities, determines the willingness to accept health care (Kottow, 2020). In other words, the impact of the above factors can be described as limitations to one’s opportunities for receiving medical assistance. As for the second aspect, the nursing process, it helps identify challenges because it allows regular monitoring of changes in the population (Semachew, 2018). As a result, the conducted analysis facilitates the development of interventions by emphasizing the risks for the most vulnerable categories of patients.

To summarize, geopolitical and phenomenological places influence the context of the provided healthcare services by restricting access to them. However, these problems can be addressed by the application of the nursing process which is intended for revealing the most critical issues. Its orientation on an individualized approach helps demonstrate the obstacles for any type of patient and timely eliminate the accompanying risks to enhance their wellbeing.


Kottow, M. (2020). Intergenerational healthcare inequities in developing countries. Developing World Bioethics, 20(3), 122-129.

Semachew, A. (2018). Implementation of nursing process in clinical settings: The case of three governmental hospitals in Ethiopia, 2017. BMC Research Notes, 11(1), 1-5.

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AssignZen. (2023, June 16). Health Issues and Their Elimination.

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