Healthcare Change Management Articles Critique

The first article reviewed for this paper is called “Applying Lewin’s Change Management Theory to the Implementation of Bar-Coded Medication Administration” by Karen Sutherland. In this work, the author discusses the need for change in the technological equipment of the modern healthcare facilities due to the problem of medication administration errors (Sutherland, 2013). In the study, the author explores the process of introducing bar-coded medication administration technology with the help of Kurt Lewin’s change management theory. In this process, the unfreezing stage involves the planning and preparations (patient archiving, equipment needed, and staff training) along with the identification of obstacles. Moving stage represents the implementation of change. Refreezing signifies stabilization and evaluation of the change outcomes.

The second article is by Ducharme, Buckley, Alder, and Pelletier (2010) and it focuses on the implementation of PEPPA, the Participatory, Evidence-Based Patient-Focused Process for Advanced Practice Nursing model for the implementation of change in the primary care provision in the emergency departments (EDs). Namely, its first stage is focused on the assessment that ensures better staff awareness and preparedness for change; the second stage is planning and implementation (allows better control over the patients, higher level of staff organization, and responsiveness); the third stage involves monitoring and evaluation (results in better patient follow-up and the increase in the staff efficiency) (Ducharme et al. 2010).

The third article by Ryan (2010) is based on the integrated theory employed for the change of health behaviors of the patients. The theory implementation is based on the statement that by means of fostering knowledge of appropriate health behaviors and self-regulation, the patient’s health-related behaviors can be changed through the increase in literacy and self-care abilities. Knowledge promotion is recognized as the key to the health behavior change. The author emphasizes that the promotion is to be treated environmentally and take into consideration multiple factors such as the genetics of the patients, lifestyles prior to the promotion, and physical environments (Ryan, 2010). The level of change possible under the impact of ITHBC is limited and should not be overestimated. However, ITHBC is a way to combine theory and practice harmoniously.


Ducharme, J., Buckley, J., Alder, R., & Pelletier, C. (2010). The Application of Change Management Principles to Facilitate the Introduction of Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants into Six Ontario Emergency Departments. Healthcare Quarterly, 12(2), 70-77. Web.

Ryan, P. (2010). Integrated Theory of Health Behavior Change. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 23(3), 161-170. Web.

Sutherland, K. (2013). Applying Lewin’s Change Management Theory to the Implementation of Bar-Coded Medication Administration. Canadian Journal of Nursing Informatics, 8(1-2).

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