Improving Health Population

The selected healthcare program is an educational campaign aimed at sensitizing community members about the dangers associated with obesity. This condition remains a risk factor for various illnesses, such as stroke, hypertension, heart diseases, diabetes, and cancers. As a nurse, this project is essential since it will meet the health needs of more people and reduce the need for medical services. The intended exercise would require around 2,000 US dollars for the involved team to acquire the relevant resources, print posters, and cater for the required transport fees. The successful launch of the program will ensure that more people are informed about obesity and encouraged to engage in healthy practices. More nurses and other medical professionals will also have adequate time to test and treat other diseases that might not be related to obesity. Such measures will improve the overall health outcomes of the wider population.

The targeted beneficiaries of this program include all members of the community. Since many people are currently at risk of becoming overweight or obese, the designed project will educate them about the importance of engaging in activities that will improve their lifestyles. The program will guide, train, and empower both young people and adults to focus on the best practices that can minimize the diseases affecting them (Kinlen et al., 2018). The involvement of different professionals will support the action plan and encourage more people to monitor their body mass indexes (BMIs) continuously if they want to record positive health outcomes.

This health program is capable of addressing an issue that many stakeholders have failed to take seriously. The nurse will play the role of providing numerous ideas about obesity and how it can become a major concern. The professional will offer insights for guiding people to learn more about the condition and be willing to re-pattern their lifestyles. Such an expert will present additional insights to ensure that more participants are involved throughout the program implementation process (Kinlen et al., 2018). These examples reveal that the chances of delivering positive results will increase significantly.

As a key stakeholder, I have unique roles as an advocate for the target population for this program. Although it focuses on the external nursing environment, the initiative will educate and sensitize members of the community about obesity and why it is a major health problem. My advocacy role is to be involved in training and ensuring that they are aware of issues that matter the most to them (Sullivan et al., 2018). Before implementing it, I can offer suggestions regarding the relevant content that should be considered depending on the demands of the target population. I can also present additional ideas regarding the process of implementing the program successfully. I will also educate the involved partners about the importance of ensuring that there are adequate recommendations that can empower more people to control their body weight and health experiences. Another way in which I can impact design is by presenting my knowledge about obesity and how it could be a problem for individuals below the age of 5. This understanding can result in the formulation of a superior program.

Nurses have a unique role in healthcare program implementation. They should be involved by completing tasks and ensuring that the intended messages and activities resonate with the demands of the identified population. During the design phase, nurses will only provide inputs that other partners need to consider when developing the program. However, the implementation stage becomes the best opportunity for being involved and collaborating with others to make the exercise more successful. For example, during the design phase, a nurse could offer additional insights into obesity and how it affects young people. This information will guide the formulators and designers to consider adding content that can ensure that the needs of such individuals are taken into consideration (Wensing, 2015). The best example during implementation is being involved by educating the identified beneficiaries, providing personalized information, and addressing obstacles that might emerge.

The proposed project requires the involvement of a healthcare team comprised of individuals who possess the right skills and are willing to meet the demands of more community members. The first professional would be a nurse leader who could offer a sense of direction and encourage all partners to be part of the process. The second one is a community health practitioner who will offer additional insights into the medical situation in the targeted city or neighborhood (Wensing, 2015). The third member would be a psychologist because the professional will be available to offer the best mental and psychosocial support to some of the beneficiaries affected by obesity. The fourth one is a dietician since the intended health problem has a strong correlation with a person’s dietary intake (Cheke et al., 2016). The fifth is for a clinician to offer additional guidelines and ideas for pursuing the intended aims diligently. Finally, a social worker will offer numerous ideas for relating with the members of the identified community and identifying those who might be at a higher risk of developing additional health complications.


Cheke, L. G., Simons, J. S., & Clayton, N. S. (2016). Higher body mass index is associated with episodic memory deficits in young adults. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 69(11), 2305-2316. Web.

Kinlen, D., Cody, D., & O’Shea, D. (2018). Complications of obesity. QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, 111(7), 437-443. Web.

Sullivan, J. L., Adjognon, O. L., Engle, R. L., Shin, M. H., Afable, M. K., Rudin, W., White, B., Shay, K., & Lukas, C. V. (2018). Identifying and overcoming implementation challenges: Experience of 59 noninstitutional long-term services and support pilot programs in the Veterans Health Administration. 43(3), 193-205. Web.

Wensing, M. (2015). Implementation science in healthcare: Introduction and perspective. ZEFQ: The Journal of Evidence and Quality in Healthcare, 109(2), 97-102. Web.

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