Labeling of Genetically Modified Organism Foods


Genetically modified foods (GMOs) pose a significant controversy among consumer cause of their impact on healthy living. According to researchers, GMOs produce a proficient risk among individuals due to the unknown variables concerning the generation of toxins. Although the elements grow naturally, the artificial reconstruction enhances the growth phase while retaining necessary nutrients (Messer et al. 407). The suppression of nutrient compositions and the processing within a short span creates an imminent risk on a long-term basis. The American government plays a vital role in the advocacy of GMO foods. In this case, it is essential that the foods are labeled to eradicate conditions that threaten the well-being of consumers. GMOs pose an approach to enhancing autonomy among customers concerning purchasing the goods while advocating for cogency.

There is profound intersectionality between sustainability practices and the essence of GMO labeling. Technological advancement fostered the emergence of a global village due to the intensification of sharing information across social media platforms. The phenomenon rendered a paradigm shift in the marketplace cause of empowering customers with intense product and service knowledge. Therefore, buyers choose a commodity based on the insights attained concerning GMOs. It is an initiative that justifies the labeling of GMO foods for better decisions among clients (Messer et al. 408). Tagging GMOs is a costly venture for enterprises in the industry. There is a prominent opportunity to optimize market segmentation to identify the niche. Human society is consistently evolving, inferred from the ideology concerning computerization.

The labeling of GMOs is a matter that follows the importance of addressing social issues of food insecurities. Overexploitation of natural resources led to the loss of aesthetic value across the environment while increasing the frequency of extreme climatic conditions. The change in the weather forecast, rain and the occurrence of disastrous events, such as floods, fostered the incorporation of GMOs into the global feeding cultural system (Messer et al. 409). It is an initiative that faced dynamic controversies inferred by an increase in population and alteration in lifestyle habits. Technology steered the development of tools, enhancing movement limitations across society. Therefore, it is crucial to incorporate imprints on GMOs as an ethical practice against the emergent food insecurity factor in the U.S community.

GMO labelling is an entity that fosters intensification regarding the relationship between consumers and entrepreneurs. The main reason for the build-up synergy refers to profound transparency among the purchasers and sellers concerning the constituents of foods. Advancement in knowledge among customers triggered the paradigm shift based on the necessity of appreciating a healthy lifestyle (Demeke and David 4039). It is an initiative that enhances relevance to ideological overview on appreciating nutritional value among clients as a formative and adaptive approach for longevity and prevention of illnesses. The main argument in the justification of tagging GMOs lies in the ability to understand the side effects after consuming the products.

Effect of Genetic Mutation on Food and Consumers

Scientists face a prominent challenge in indicating the nature of GMO foods and their impact on human health. As a result, labeling renders an objective solution towards the intersection of sustainability practice encompassing promoting awareness campaigns. Tagging GMOs is a marketing approach across distinct entities despite the vague biological construct from scientists. According to research, the growth process of GMOs poses an imminent risk encompassing the emergence of unknown toxins and bacteria with distinct effects among consumers (Demeke and David 4039). Therefore, the clients potentially expose themselves to scientifically unknown consequences regarding purchasing and consuming GMOs.

Primarily, GMO tagging is a sustainability practice advocating for ethical practice inferred by the biological interpretation of the endeavor. Research indicates that genetic modification involves the hybridization of recombinant DNA constructs to enhance better performance of an agricultural plant, such as maize (Drummond and Baruch 9587). The mutation fosters distinct unknowns despite the provision of a solution to solve food insecurity. The suppression of nutrient compositions and the processing within a short span creates an imminent risk on a long-term basis (Jouanin et al. 1523). The profound mandate among people involves establishing measures that boost the living quotient. However, researchers further argue that GMO foods have become a social concern due to ineffectiveness in articulating the interaction values towards appreciating healthy feeding habits. The incorporation of the labeling technique is a pillar of sustainability since it reconstructs inherent variables of engaging consumers concerning GMO food’s marketability under a transparent platform.

The Role of Government Concerning GMO Foods

The American government plays a vital role in the advocacy of GMO foods cause of its proficiency in articulating the profound mainframe of safety. It is the responsibility of the administration to protect citizens from imminent dangers hence the optimal involvement in the production and processing of GMO foods to assert health promptness. Tagging GMOs boosts the U.S government’s role in the advocacy for optimal lifestyle while preventing the attainment of certain sicknesses (Drummond and Baruch 9587). Nevertheless, there is insufficiency in determining imminent constructs of the nutritional value, as witnessed from monitoring reports. The inadequate transparency from the executive fosters the importance of incorporating a sustainable practice to empower consumers with variant opportunities to decide based on available insights. Distinct intersectionality is the determination of measures that advocate for social justice based on capitalism and the welfare of the citizens. Despite the government’s involvement in advocating for standards of operations, it is critical to incorporate labeling as a regulatory aspect to enhance the relationship between consumers and companies.

Despite the advocacy for labeling GMO foods, there is a profound rebuttal across society concerning consumption habits among people. Tagging the components triggers the segmentation among purchasers due to the lack of adequate knowledge. Researchers indicate that insufficient insights among people risk the emergence of mythologies concerning the health impacts of consuming GMOs (Messer et al. 407). The concept’s primary purpose enshrined advocating for a solution to the food supply insecurities across the global community. Therefore, a distinction between natural and GMO groceries poses an elevation in the prevalence of scarcity due to an intersection of misunderstanding and a limited supply of comestibles. It is the responsibility of healthcare professionals and governments to implement policies that enhance the monitoring and evaluation of operational standards.

GMOs pose a profound controversy across society as a result of contrast concerning health risks. It is an initiative that justifies the importance of labeling the foods to advocate for customers’ right to know the type of commodities to purchase. Although tagging is an entity that features high-cost incurrence for businesses, it is essential to promote sustainability based on equality and the essence of creating awareness across the human population. Inadequate insights among personalities endanger the exposure to the consequences of consuming GMO foods.

Works Cited

Demeke, Tigst, and David Dobnik. “Critical assessment of digital PCR for the detection and quantification of genetically modified organisms.” Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry 410.17 (2018): 4039-4050. Web.

Drummond, Caitlin, and Baruch Fischhoff. “Individuals with greater science literacy and education have more polarized beliefs on controversial science topics.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114.36 (2017): 9587-9592. Web.

Jouanin, Aurélie, et al. “Development of wheat with hypoimmunogenic gluten obstructed by the gene editing policy in Europe.” Frontiers in Plant Science, vol. 9, 2018. Crossref, Web.

Messer, Kent D., Marco Costanigro, and Harry M. Kaiser. “Labeling food processes: The good, the bad and the ugly.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 39.3 (2017): 407-427. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, May 22). Labeling of Genetically Modified Organism Foods.

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AssignZen. 2023. "Labeling of Genetically Modified Organism Foods." May 22, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Labeling of Genetically Modified Organism Foods'. 22 May.

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