Managing Healthcare Costs. Public Personnel Management

The United States policy on healthcare provision and insurance factual approaches reckon a versatile amount of parameters which should be adhered to and emphasized as of managerial and governmental points of the issue of healthcare costs. Reliability of how budget resources and financial incomes which people pay are used in their ending stage is a core element of the report. Looking at the structural peculiarity the paper touches upon the aspects of healthcare workers, businesses, facilities, consumers and the government.

In accordance with the previously stated reports of researchers in the field of finances, the situation in the US changed greatly during the first 5 years of the twenty-first century. This change predicted and proved the increase of healthcare costs for public sector which equaled 11 to 20 percent. (Chiappetta, 2005) That provoked the increases of costs in reality of double digit implementation.

The IPMA-HR survey also revealed that slightly more than 50 percent of respondents have fully-insured health plans. Thirty-one percent said they are self-insured, and an additional 10 percent said their plan is a combination of the two. Almost half of the respondents, 47 percent, said they provide healthcare benefits to part-time employees; more than 40 percent of those who provide such benefits require the part-time employee to work a minimum of 20 hours per week. (Chiappetta, 2005, p. 313)

In this prospect government serves as a regulator of healthcare system wholeness and credibility for employees and people having more risks at their works. There are several programs of government which presupposes the development of wellness industry and approaches towards implementation of benefits and expenditures. Here a great impact on healthcare system is concerned with Consumer Price Index (CPI) in which the issues of medical commodities and services are reflected. (Buckley & Van Giezen, 2004)

Another parameter is the Personal Consumption Expenditures which considers as well as CPI the amounts and ability for expenditures regarding to Medicare. This factor reflects “costs (in current dollars) for physicians, dentists, and other professional services; costs for hospital visits and nursing homes; and health insurance and workers’ compensation costs. Changes in current dollar expenditures can be decomposed into quantity and price components.” (Buckley & Van Giezen, 2004) This initiative takes into account the urge of the government to provide stimuli for people responsible for such services. Moreover, a mere difficult infrastructure of this segment of economy is emphasized by a lack of financing and support for those being within the borders of poverty. It is so due to defects of Clinton’s reform as for healthcare.

The necessity of making changes in healthcare insurance for the purpose of extra guarantees is significant for the positive statistical data. Monthly Labor Review emphasizes in its content the extent of statistical system or, what is more, the characteristic difficulties in its structure.

THE STATISTICAL SYSTEM of the United States is highly decentralized, with a myriad of Federal agencies involved in the collection and analysis of health statistics. The missions of agencies differ, with some having a major focus of investigation, regulation, or enforcement, while others such as BLS being exclusively a statistical agency. (Buckley & Van Giezen, 2004)

To sum up, it is vital to outline that costs and expenditures data are more illustrated in the extended reviews and according to the references bellow. The evaluation of recent situation is complicated with the impacts of the economic crisis.


Buckley, J. E., & Van Giezen, R. W. (2004). Federal Statistics on Healthcare Benefits and Cost Trends: An Overview Federal Government Statistical Agencies Provide a Variety of Healthcare Information on Diverse Aspects of the Nation’s Healthcare Picture. Monthly Labor Review, 127(11), 43+.

Chiappetta, T. O. (2005). Managing Healthcare Costs. Public Personnel Management, 34(4), 313+.

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