Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice

Providing the best health care services to patients is a paramount goal of health care providers. This calls for an elaborate system that can help both the client and health care provider achieve the goal. A lot of emphasis has been put on evidence-based practices in the health care system as it improves the quality of health care services. It is thought to be cost-effective when it comes to health promotion interventions. In a health care setting two theories that are relevant to the health promotion planning cycle include the change theory and explanatory theory (Perkins, 2007, p.28). Change theory provides information on the establishment and execution of intervention strategies. On the other hand explanatory theory provides glue on the nature of a health problem and aids in identification of variety of factors that a health promoter may change in order to solve the health problem (Berg & Bondas, 2008, p.28)

Theories also help in judging if all the relevant elements of a project are in place. This is ensured by addressing the cause determinants. For example, a program that is supposed to promote the use of condoms might fail if the determinant of the particular behavior is not considered. Providing information on condoms to youths would have fewer effects unless skills on how to obtain and how to use condoms are also provided. Young people are confident in discussing the use of condoms with their partners. In addition, theory contributes greatly to the enhancement of a program design. This ensures that the program maximizes its potential effects. A clear understanding of health problems faced by the patient helps health professionals to come up with the best diagnosis and management strategies. Theories and evidence-based practices aid in the identification of behaviors that need to be addressed and also provide information on how to address the problems (Green, 2000, p. 39).

Works cited

Berg, M. & Bondas‌, T. (2008)Evidence-based care and childbearing—a critical approach. Web.

Green, J. (2000). The role of theory in evidence-based health promotion practice. Web.

Perkins, M.B & Jensen, P.S (2007). Applying Theory-Driven Approaches to Understanding and Modifying. Clinicians’ Behavior: What Do We Know? Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, May 15). Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice.

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AssignZen. 2023. "Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice." May 15, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Nursing: Evidence-Based Practice'. 15 May.

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