Organizational Psychology Principles and Their Use

The Recruitment Process from an Applicant and Organizational Perspective

From how an organization sees it, the recruitment process is all about showing their best practices and aspects publicly. This is aimed at attracting potential employees. On the same note, applicants engage in determining the organizations, which are the most attractive. An organization must market them positively. This is achieved through the use of company websites, employees, recruiting brochures, and consumer experiences. Through the organizational culture (the basic assumptions and underlying values that guide the organization member’s behavior), the organization should focus on sending out the right message to potential employees (Nahapiet and Ghoshal, 1998). For instance, highly conscientious individuals opt for workplaces that are highly detail-oriented. This is because these individuals are likely to bear tangible outcomes.

While assessing potential employers, they are deciding whether they would fit in these organizations. An applicant is being questioned whether they can handle the given job in the mentioned organization. Applicants assess whether they fit into an organization, through determining if there is a match of the abilities and skills to do the given job. For instance, a person would not apply for a job that requires a master’s degree if they do not have it. If a person has the needed abilities and skills, a person then assesses if the organizational culture matches their personalities. Applicants are also likely to be attracted to an organization if other employees have common perceived values (Messick, 1988).

Using the Organizational Psychology Principles in the Recruitment Process

Organizational psychology uses a scientific methodology in a quest to comprehend organizational workers’ behavior in a better manner. The organization uses this knowledge in various ways, which makes it more effective. In Kahn’s and Katz’s definition of an organization, patterned behavior is one of the defining characteristics. Therefore, this implies that there is a particular structure for the prospective applicant. From how an organization views it, this behavior could initiate the recruitment’s attraction stage. For instance, job advertisements have a way of discouraging applicants who do not qualify. Although the advertisement may not impose structure, it informs about the conduct and abilities required. Therefore, job seekers apply for jobs that match their work experience and education.

Organizational psychology principles are critical during new employees’ selection through ensuring that the individual and organization match each other. According to research, applicants are more attracted to organizations that match their characters, principles, and cultures. Moreover, employees are more satisfied with their jobs if the work environment has members possessing the same values, beliefs, education, and skills. The advantages of organizational psychology principles in the recruitment procedures are particularly felt when the applicant feels the interviewer knows about the position being advertised. Moreover, applicants should think that they are dealt with respectfully and professionally. An organization should be keen about the materials they use to advertise for their vacancies since these could influence applicants negatively. Therefore, the applicant may assume that the organization is just like the employer.

The Organizational Socialization Concept

Organizational socialization refers to the process through which an organization transfers skills and knowledge to an individual. Consequently, this ensures that the individual assumes his/her corporate obligations effectively and participate as one of the corporate members. Regarding this, newcomers are informed of the behaviors, values, skills, and social knowledge required at the workplace. For instance, newcomer associates at Wal- Mart have to learn to treat their customers with the utmost respect. The general description given to organizational socialization was “learning the ropes” (Chao et al., 1994). Later, a more detailed definition was formulated. Hence, through organizational socialization, an individual learns to embrace the abilities, values, social knowledge, and anticipated behaviors to take up a role in an organization and contribute just as other members do. Basically, it is the primary procedure through which people take up organizational roles and new jobs. Organizational socialization plays an extremely vital role in the learning and adjustment period of employees.

Organizational Psychology Principles and Socialization

The ideals and objectives of an organization have roots in organizational socialization and psychology. This is because employees’ performance and work commitment are dependent on the working environment. This is in addition to the level at which employees engage in organizational activities as members. The majority of the organizations start the process of socialization during the recruitment and interview. The interview gives potential employees an idea of what is required from after employment. Candidates who get an idea of the actual organization’s state may not be surprised to find out that the workplace they dreamt about has its issues and problems (Andreson and Cooper-Thomas,2006). It is an organizational principle to offer potential employees the necessary information. This promotes socialization, as newcomers get the courage to confirm what they are not aware of. This is unlike applicants who enquire about information without a solid base.

Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment

Managers must have a keen focus on the relationship between organizational commitment and job satisfaction. This relationship is vital in escalating service quality, as well as reducing human resources management challenges because of reduced organizational commitment. If employees are committed to their work, they become incredibly successful in their work. Otherwise, the employees may have a desire to quit the organization. Alternatively, if they cannot afford to leave, their output is terribly inadequate. This is the reason why some managers have a challenging time connecting the organization and individuals (Dobbins, Lane, and Steiner, 2006). Job satisfaction refers to the level at which employees admire the work they do. If employees possess job satisfaction, they develop a stronger commitment to their work.

Some studies evidence that organizational commitment does not influence a worker’s performance. Other studies show that it is committed to an organization too much bears negative and positive results. The positive benefits associated with job satisfaction include loyalty, affective communication, and increased quality and productivity. On the other hand, the negative impacts end up making an individual too stressed for work and lacking time for their personal life. The public sector employees have a higher commitment to their organizations compared to the private sector employees. This is because the public sector employees prefer keeping their status quo and are less competitive.

In conclusion, companies need to consider the materials they use to advertise their vacancies. This ensures that the company sends out the right message always. The recruitment processes and socialization in a company are very vital in marketing a company. Applicants should get the right image from an organization.


Andreson, N., & Cooper-Thomas, K. (2006). Organizational socialization: a new theoretical model and reasons for future research and HRM practices in an organization. Journal of managerial psychology, 21(5), 492-516.

Chao, G. T., O’Leary- Kelly, A. M., Wolf, S., Klein, H. J., & Gardner, P. D. (1994). Organizational Socialization: Its Content and Consequences. Journal of Applied Psychology, 79(5), 730- 743.

Dobbins, G. H., Lane, I. M., & Steiner, D. D. (2006). A note on the role of laboratory methodologies in applied behavioural research: Don’t throw out the baby with the bath water. Journal of Organizational Behaviour, 9(3), 281-286.

Messick, S. (1988). The once and future issues of validity: Assessing the meaning and consequences of measurement. Test validity, 33, 45.

Nahapiet, J., & Ghoshal, S. (1998). Social capital, intellectual capital, and the organizational advantage. Academy of management review, 242-266.

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