Promoting Physical Activity in Older Women

Physical activity is one of the recommended exercises doctors encourage people of any age to keep fit. Being physically active improves one’s brain health, help in reducing the risk of infections, aid in managing body weight, promote the ability to do daily activities, and strengthen muscles and bones. In the article “Promoting physical activity in older women to maximize health” by Chavez et al. (2021), the writer’s purpose is to encourage older women to become active for their well-being. The author intends to reduce the number of deaths and disabilities caused by a lack of bodily actions that are rare in the United States. When someone is substantially fit, they feel better about themselves, and their self-esteem rises.

The article’s authors target the senior women population over the age of 60. This group is prone to sicknesses that can result in disabilities and deaths. These illnesses include stroke, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, cognitive decline, cancer, and musculoskeletal disorders. All these ailments can be reduced or avoided if physical actions are taken into consideration (Chavez et al., 2021). Routine counseling helps clinicians identify different levels, types, and intensities of activity for each individual and recommend the most accurate, specific, and suitable exercise that fits them well.

From the article, I have learned that engaging in physical activities improves one’s health. It reduces the chances of getting diseases that mostly attack when the body is inflexible. Simple and safe exercises that include water aerobics, walking, and seated resistance workouts are beneficial to women of all ages. Physical participation helps prevent frailty, reducing prolonged hospital stays and the number of nursing home admissions. It lowers blood pressure and improves cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart attacks or cardiovascular diseases.

The article by Cunningham and O’Sullivan (2020) explains why physical activity is essential for old adults during a pandemic. During the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers noticed a reduction in physical activity in many adults. The epidemic forced people to keep social distance and stay at home to avoid being infected by the virus, which is transmissible through social interaction. This made a majority of them stop exercising hence putting them at risk of contracting related diseases, managing existing conditions that they might be having, and maintaining their mental function. Older adults require physical engagement to improve their daily living functions and slow the progression of disability and ailments.

The article targets older adults at risk of diseases associated with old age due to lack of physical activity. According to research, grown-ups are exposed to severe and potentially fatal sicknesses associated with the coronavirus (Cunningham & O’Sullivan, 2020). This group’s global public health and social measures (PHSM) included self-isolation and social distancing. The effects of the pandemic reduced the number of scheduled physical activities due to the government orders to keep them distant, thus raising concern for those who are prone to sarcopenia and frailty.

From the article, I have learned that the effects of a global pandemic are diverse. Measures that were taken to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic were unavoidable, though, on the other hand, they reduced socialization, encouraging people to do their workouts. Physical activity helps individuals to reduce their weight, avoid being obese, and prevent non-communicable diseases, among other chronic conditions. Older adults required guidance from the government, health professionals, public health agencies, and community-based organizations to be physically active during the pandemic. This would reduce the rates of deaths caused by conditions worsened by the virus.

The effects of regular physical activity have various beneficial health outcomes. The article by Elsawy and Higgins (2010) proves that exercise reduces disability and diseases, hence improving the life quality of older people. The authors explain how bodily actions can be achieved for effective results. They further give recommendations of the events the older generation can apply to avoid chronic conditions associated with a lack of human engagement. Late adulthood is linked with lifestyle changes that lead to a dramatic reduction in physical activity.

The write-up targets older adults prone to metabolic syndrome, adverse blood lipid profile, colon and breast cancers, heart diseases, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and early death. In the United States, relatively few elders achieve the minimum recommended physical activity (Elsawy & Higgins, 2010). Research estimates 28 to 34 percent of people aged between 65 to 74 years are inactive (Elsawy & Higgins, 2010). The medical cost of this group is higher than for active older adults (Elsawy & Higgins, 2010). The rate of treatment charges will decrease if the team is encouraged to participate in physical activities.

From the article, some benefits accompany physical activity for the older generation. I have learned that it is vital to create a plan to address the recommended activity by the practitioners. The schedule should entail when, how, and where to perform each action. Older people require several short periods of exercise to achieve the suggested level of workouts. Patients should work under guidance to attain specific needs and goals and integrate the medication given, preventing more effects of their conditions.

Traywick in her article “Exercise recommendations for older adults” explains the regular exercises recommended for older adults. The author encourages the elder generation to develop physical engagement in activities that help their bodies to improve their abilities and medical conditions. The article discusses the benefits of workouts and the risks associated with a lack of body movement. Traywick (n.d) further states that improved quality of life and decreased depression is connected to positive psychological advantages. Inactivity is a significant public health concern since many people fail to follow their recommended exercise routines, which puts them at risk of having chronic medical conditions.

The article targets older adults and recommends the best exercises to keep fit. The amount and type of exercise in which older adults should participate each week differ based on several factors, including age and special conditions such as disabilities and chronic medical or health conditions (Traywick, n.d.). For instance, this age group needs 150 minutes of physical activity per week (Traywick, n.d.). It is more therapeutic for them to engage for at least 30 minutes to provide the desired lung and heart benefits (Traywick, n.d.). It is also easy to accomplish and more appealing for them to carry out the activities at intervals.

The article was intriguing and I learned that the recommended exercises differ in terms of types and categories for older adults. There are four forms of activities that are necessary to achieve complete wellness. These include strength training, weight lifting, aerobics, balance movements, and flexibility or stretching. A combination of the four kinds is critical to attaining the fitness level required by health professionals. This should be done regularly and with increased intensity over time. The main challenge encountered by individuals who want to involve themselves in these activities is getting started. Once they begin, the rest is manageable through the help of the people around them.

“The importance of physical activity exercise among older people” is an article by Langhammer et al. (2018) that focuses on particular physical activity and lifestyle as the propellers of long life and health for older people. Langhammer et al. (2018) argue that physical activity is a protective factor against non-communicable diseases. The exercises are associated with delayed dementia onset, improved mental health, overall well-being, and improved quality of life in the elderly population. The authors document that for optimal benefits of the physical activity; the stated age group must follow the overload training principle and adhere to the prescribed program of exercise. Bodily fitness can be attained if the physical activity that is structured, planned, and repetitive has a final objective for improving the visible appearance.

The targeted group of this article by Langhammer et al. (2018) is old-age people. This generation requires improvements in social, psychological, emotional, and mental well-being and cognitive function associated with physical activity. The World Health Organization (WHO) encourages more involvement of the elderly in physical activity to reduce the number of individuals with chronic diseases (Langhammer et al., 2018). The rate of falls among aged people is high, and this can be reduced by engaging in activities that include walking, aerobics, muscle stretching, and balance exercises.

I have learned that keeping physical fitness is vital in people’s life. Regardless of age, physical activity reduces the risks of diseases and can prolong the lives of persons. However, older people are at higher risk of getting infected than younger generations. From the article by Langhammer et al. (2018), I have also noted that the recommended physical activities by WHO are in addition to the daily routine happenings that involve cooking, self-care, and shopping, among others.

The article “Senior exercise and fitness tips” by Robinson et al. (2022) advises people on how physical activities are important to older adults. The authors try to show people how physical activities can help people both physically and mentally. These physical and mental benefits include reducing the impact of illness and chronic diseases, losing or maintaining weight, improving brain functioning, and boosting mood and self-confidence. The scholars also state the myths about activity and aging. They also state activities that can be incorporated with physical activities just in case someone is not interested in the physical activities. Additionally, they encourage people to have a balanced exercise plan. These plans include balance, cardio, strength and power training, and flexibility. People are also urged to start safely by getting medical clearance and other safety practices.

The main aim of this article is to motivate older adults to engage in physical activities. Its purpose is also to show the benefits of physical activities (both physical and mental). The article is also against the myths about activity and aging. The authors explain the possibility of incorporating other activities in physical exercises. Moreover, they encourage older adults to build a balanced exercise plan and get started safely and provides tips for staying motivated while engaging in physical activities.

From the article, I have learned that it is very important to engage in physical activities when old. I addition, I have understood that physical activities can benefit me physically and mentally. The article has also given me ideas on other activities that can be included in physical activities, including listening to music while lifting weights. Lastly, I now understand how to build up a balanced exercise plan and start safely.

The article “Physical activity is medicine for older adults” by Taylor (2014), educates older adults about physical activities. The author provides recommendations from the World Health Organization for exercise for people 65 years and above. Some of these activities include the duration of which aerobic activities should be performed and the duration of muscle-strengthening activities. Additionally, Taylor (2014) provides measurements of physical activities such as metabolic equivalent, perceived rate exertion, and pedometers and accelerometers. The author provided different types of physical activity and exercise. Moreover, he explains the evidence for improved health outcomes with increased corporeal involvement.

The article targets the old people, age 65 and above. Its main aim is to show how physical activities can be medicine for older adults. Accordingly, it summarizes the World Health Organization for exercise for older adults. The other goal is to find efficient ways to support older adults to increase their physical activity and also develop habitual bodily action behavior. In this case, it focuses on providing different types of physical activities and exercises such as balance exercise, strength, aerobic fitness, and incidental physical activity. It intends to provide evidence for improved health outcomes with increased physical activity. The pieces of evidence include mortality and functional independence; therefore, the older adults can increase workout participation to better their health.

From the Taylor’s article, I have learned that it is important to engage in physical activities since they are medicine for older adults. I have also understood that there are recommendations set aside by the World Health Organization for exercise for older adults. I have learned about different types of physical activities, such as balance exercises, and their value. I have known the importance of a general practitioner in one’s life.


Chavez, A., Scales, R., & Kling, J. M. (2021). Promoting physical activity in older women to maximize health. Cleveland Clinic Journal of Medicine. Web.

Cunningham, C., & O’ Sullivan, R. (2020). Why physical activity matters for older adults in a time of pandemic – European review of aging and physical activity. BioMed Central. Web.

Elsawy, B., & Higgins, K. E. (2010). Physical activity guidelines for older adults. American Family Physician. Web.

Langhammer, B., Bergland, A., & Rydwik, E. (2018). The importance of physical activity exercise among older people. BioMed Research International. Web.

Robinson, L., Smith, M. Segal, J. (2022). Senior exercise and fitness tips. HelpGuide. Web.

Taylor, D. (2014). Physical activity is medicine for older adults. Postgraduate Medical Journal, 90(1059). Web.

Traywick, L. S. (n.d.). Exercise recommendations for older adults. Today’s Geriatric Medicine. Web.

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