SWOT Analysis for Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Scenario


Based on the performance analysis review of the Stevens District Hospital, a SWOT analysis will provide an objective and a realistic assessment of the whole facility. It will be used as a decision-making tool that will help in revealing the crucial internal and external issues that are related to the operations of the hospital.

SWOT Analysis

Analysis of existing information from Stevens District Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived strength (internal)
Strong Physician Loyalty to The Hospital Stevens District Hospital has a dedicated team of specialists and staff who are devoted to offering their special services to the health care facility. They share the vision and mission of the organization and are committed to upholding its culture. Hence, they cannot be easily poached by other health care facilities within.
Employees are the most valuable assets that any organization can have. When the employees are committed to the course of the organization, then it becomes an added advantage.
Analysis of existing information from Stevens District Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived strength (internal)
Availability of Financial Resources The hospital has a steady revenue base due to the funding it receives from well-wishers and donors. This puts it in an advantageous position allowing it to accomplish some of its critical procedures.
Financial resources are vital for the execution of operations within the hospital. Activities such as medical research will be effectively executed because of the availability of funds. Moreover, the hospital will be at a better position to employ some of the most qualified specialists in the industry.
Analysis of existing information from Stevens District Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived weakness (internal)
Weak Care Management Model The existing care management model was developed several years ago before the emergence of some of the most pressing health care needs today. With this outdated model, the hospital can barely execute its functions to the best level that is required in the industry.
Analysis of existing information from Stevens District Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived weakness (internal)
Limited Bed Capacity With only a 162-bed capacity, the Stevens Hospital is not well-placed to handle many patients, especially during periods of pandemics or emergencies. Low bed capacity also limits growth and expansion opportunities.
Analysis of existing information from Stevens District Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived opportunity (external)
Availability of New Technology New technologies continues to emerge in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. This helps in enhancing medical care and reducing costs. The Stevens Hospital stands to leverage such new technologies to maximize its efficiency.
Analysis of existing information from Stevens District Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived opportunity (external)
Availability of Entry Barriers It is not easy to set up a health care facility due to its high capital intensiveness and several licenses required (Moseley, 2018). This implies that the hospital has an opportunity to expand and target more clients without threats of new competition.
The entry barriers will thus help to cushion the hospital from unfair competition.
Analysis of existing information from Stevens District Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived threat (external)
Competition Jefferson City has three other hospitals (Hanover County Hospital, Medical Center in County South of Stevens, and Retail Pharmacy Clinic) that pose fierce competition. Some of these competitors are equipped with more advanced technologies.
Analysis of existing information from Stevens District Hospital strategic planning scenario Perceived threat (external)
Increase of Chronic Diseases and the Covid-19 Pandemic Lately, the hospital has experienced a surge in the number of patients due to increased incidences of chronic diseases and the Coronavirus pandemic. Consequently, the resources and personnel of the hospital are severely overstretched.


Moseley, G. B. (2018). Managing health care business strategy. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

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AssignZen. (2022, September 23). SWOT Analysis for Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Scenario. https://assignzen.com/swot-analysis-for-stevens-district-hospital-strategic-planning-scenario/

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"SWOT Analysis for Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Scenario." AssignZen, 23 Sept. 2022, assignzen.com/swot-analysis-for-stevens-district-hospital-strategic-planning-scenario/.

1. AssignZen. "SWOT Analysis for Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Scenario." September 23, 2022. https://assignzen.com/swot-analysis-for-stevens-district-hospital-strategic-planning-scenario/.


AssignZen. "SWOT Analysis for Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Scenario." September 23, 2022. https://assignzen.com/swot-analysis-for-stevens-district-hospital-strategic-planning-scenario/.


AssignZen. 2022. "SWOT Analysis for Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Scenario." September 23, 2022. https://assignzen.com/swot-analysis-for-stevens-district-hospital-strategic-planning-scenario/.


AssignZen. (2022) 'SWOT Analysis for Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Scenario'. 23 September.

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