The Age of Sustainable Development: Health for All

“HEALTH FOR ALL” encompasses a series of seminars culminating in the Global Health Histories program under the World Health Organization (WHO). It describes the development of healthcare coverage in various aspects, the economic, social, environmental, and political trends affecting how the Global Health Histories project runs (Sachs, 2015). It explores critical perspectives into various connections among different structures of universal healthcare systems. The textbook encompasses equality in the access to quality healthcare without high financial risks for people in need of such services. The Universal Health Coverage appears as a modern term crafted on specific health ideas; however, it relays something that has been in existence across various cultures and regions worldwide. Hence, the review will reflect on what has been learned from reading the textbook.

The textbook explores the story of a vision that is ever-gaining momentum-from perfect health to community health. It continues from simple operational hospitals to an array of sophisticated health services, from cultural beliefs to worldview changes, from lack of enough qualified healthcare providers to local residency training programs. The book utilizes a thematic approach, which is appreciated and gives the formation of universal health coverage to deal with poverty and disease (Sachs, 2015). It involves the design and finances of the health system in low-income countries, the continuous problems faced by high-income countries, and some of the recommended steps in the poorest countries to handle health issues.

The book accounts for contributions of the World Health Organization and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights that resulted in good health around the world. Good health is one of the pillars of sustainable development goals (SDG) that supports the community’s efforts to develop human capital to attract investments and engage in meaningful economic activities. What caught my attention in this chapter segment (Universal Health Coverage) is linking health with technology. The highest attainable health is defined as a possibility of the knowledge currently provided and the upgraded technology. It relates to other materials in the course through the connection between poverty and health. It implies that countries with heavy disease burdens are always under the poverty trap. I can comment by saying that core principles of healthcare are critical in attaining universal health coverage.

The chapter segment begins by acknowledging health as a challenge for people worldwide. Low-income countries have the highest malaria or AIDS prevalence that discourages investors. In essence, a lack of investors in an area will increase unemployment, directly linked to poverty. My attention in this chapter segment is caught by associating a high disease burden with the national economy. Some diseases are epidemic, and they have dangerous consequences for poverty. It relates to other material in the course by claiming that universal healthcare coverage affects political and social trends. Historical insights about poverty and diseases are connected to bad politics and leadership in societies that do not care about quality of healthcare.

Public health is important and should examine the desirable interventions that involve diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. The book describes public health as a key item in the system design. Describing such design streamlined to offer good public health coupled with some intervention lists caught my attention (Sachs, 2015). It is good to comprehend health risks and healthcare to assist in budgeting to help in buying property. Therefore, the public health solutions are constantly different due to location and level of income. The mission of this article was to mentor many people joining the university level and address the funding gap. As stated in the book, rich countries should share services provided with the poor.

I read this chapter leading to memories that would have a conversation to be considered in health missions. There are ten recommendations mentioned in this book to determine how health issues affect people. One of the notable recommendations is that rich countries budget about 0.1% of Gross National Product (GNP) to health assistance for developing nations to disclose financing gaps got the health systems (Sachs, 2015). The recommendation where the low-income countries should contribute about 15% of the budget for public health is something I had to consider. The author of this book understands the role due to its medical facilities, so we should run to perform and partner with other people.

The textbook analyzes some challenges of health coverage based on specific students. What made me to get concerned in the issue is that poor people cause a major burden. High-income countries are subjected to tax that ranges from $3,000 to and 4,000 every year. The US has a healthcare system that is quite expensive and requires proper planning to start using the machine. The textbook has scored a critical point when determining healthcare as a basic human right, which should be enjoyed without conditions or interference.


Sachs, J. D. (2015). The age of sustainable development. Columbia University Press.

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AssignZen. (2023, June 16). The Age of Sustainable Development: Health for All.

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