The Development of Schizophrenia in Young Women and Men


Schizophrenia is one of the worst mental conditions, despite its rarity compared to other mental disorders. Schizophrenia has no cure, although it can be managed with the proper treatment. Previous studies on Schizophrenia have done a lot to determine the disorder’s state and impact among those with it. However, most studies have failed to determine whether men are more prone to Schizophrenia than women. Schizophrenia affects around 1% of the world’s population, and a person with Schizophrenia loses their sense of reality and cannot discriminate between normal feelings and situations. Schizophrenia primarily affects adolescents and young adults between the ages of 16 and 25. The schizophrenic symptoms grow more prominent as the psychotic process progresses. During psychosis, people with Schizophrenia endure internal abnormalities, and following the psychotic break, a symptom-filled period known as the active phase or florid psychosis occurs.

The onset of Schizophrenia begins with subtle signs and symptoms. Prodromal Schizophrenia is the initial stage of schizophrenia development in the human brain. The second stage is the prodromal stage, which occurs before the onset of psychotic symptoms. When the illness evolves into psychosis, the residual phase is the final stage in diagnosing Schizophrenia. Research has shown that Schizophrenia affects 0.65% of the US population, and men are diagnosed with Schizophrenia as they approach menopause in their late twenties and thirties. Hormones have also been connected to the development of Schizophrenia in both men and women. Men with Schizophrenia and first-episode psychotic symptoms are more likely than women to use the addictive substance. Women likely suffer from mood disorders, emotional issues, eating disorders, social phobia, and suicidal ideation compared to men.

Schizophrenia affects both men’s and women’s sexual lives in different ways. Women with Schizophrenia have better emotional outcomes, longer partnerships, and more children than men with Schizophrenia. Men with Schizophrenia have more side effects and clinical characteristics than women. Estrogen levels in menopausal females have reduced and have been linked to increased schizophrenia symptoms. In epidemiologic research, age of onset is one of the most critical parameters. Although the start occurs during adolescence, women are diagnosed later than men, with the latter exhibiting symptoms as early as 18 years. Men and women diagnosed with Schizophrenia have different sets of symptom characteristics and their relevance. Men may exhibit unfavorable characteristics for more extended periods than women because they are more disengaged. Gender-specific psychosis treatment alternatives have been developed in recent years. Due to their enhanced liver enzymatic clearance, men with psychosis typically require higher antipsychotic medication dosages. Women are more open to Schizophrenia, seeing it as an illness that necessitates more engagement and relationships. The relationship between psychosis and social variables influences how people respond to the condition.


Overall, the findings suggest that more research is needed to understand gender variations in schizophrenia clinical and functional outcomes. Improvements in this sector could help to clarify the etiopathogenetic mechanisms of specific components of the condition, uncover characteristics that impact the functional outcome, and develop gender-specific intervention options (Šimunović Filipčić et al., 2020). In addition, affected women can minimize the Schizophrenia risk in their children through selecting male partners without a history of psychosis, living in their origin country with support and information, and are younger than forty (but not too young) (Šimunović Filipčić et al., 2020). To prevent sidetracking psychotic signs and psychosis development, kids of parents with Schizophrenia need continuous monitoring and provision during childhood and adolescence. Finally, contraceptive counseling and genetic counseling are critical prevention components in both men and women.


Šimunović Filipčić, I., Ivezić, E., Jakšić, N., Mayer, N., Grah, M., Rojnić Kuzman, M.,… & Filipčić, I. (2020). Gender differences in early onset of chronic physical multimorbidities in Schizophrenia spectrum disorder: Do women suffer more?. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 14(4), 418-427. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, July 7). The Development of Schizophrenia in Young Women and Men.

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"The Development of Schizophrenia in Young Women and Men." AssignZen, 7 July 2023,

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AssignZen. "The Development of Schizophrenia in Young Women and Men." July 7, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "The Development of Schizophrenia in Young Women and Men." July 7, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'The Development of Schizophrenia in Young Women and Men'. 7 July.

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