The Problem of Infertility or Autism

The desire to give birth to a child and not be able to or the birth of a child with developmental defects is a psychological trauma and a real tragedy for many people. The problem of infertility or autism is a traumatic experience in the life of any woman. How an expectant mother or a woman who has already given birth to a child can react to this depends on the preparation for such news and previously acquired knowledge. Health organizations and the change in the authority of experts in such cases play an essential role.

One of the problems researched in the article is the attitude of mothers towards autism. The diagnosis of “autism” in medical language sounds like “autism spectrum disorder” (Grove et al., 2019). It began to be put relatively recently, so doctors have not yet decided on the treatment of autism syndrome but only talk about methods of supporting such patients. Autism can manifest itself with a mild degree and minor features, and in some cases-reach severe symptoms when a person needs constant supervision and special care.

Infertility is a complex and often complex medical problem faced by a relatively large number of women. The diagnosis of “infertility” is made on the basis that for one year or more with regular sexual relations without the use of methods of prevention, a woman does not become pregnant (Vander Borght & Wyns, 2018). It is often impossible to determine the cause independently since this requires tests and diagnostic studies.

One of the authors’ research goals is to provide an empirical discussion of the phenomenon of infertility and autism. The authors examined how women mobilize their embodied experiences as (intended) mothers and to what extent this experience is valued as a particular form of experience in policy development (L’Espérance & Orsini, 2016). The second interesting aspect of the work is the desire to place the activity of mothers in the social movement and literature on public policy (L’Espérance & Orsini, 2016).

Due to the growing population suffering from the problems mentioned above, it is necessary to conduct specialized research and educate people in order to avoid the stigma that comes from other people. Increasingly, there are people experiencing health problems or caring for those with health problems to counter the stigma that often accompanies these conditions.

The paper also provides interesting information about how mothers’ actions resonate in cases of infertility and autism. They are characterized by accidental activism, feelings of grief, and the inner mother’s blaming (L’Espérance & Orsini, 2016). Embodied Health Movements research people who have been exposed to these problems, question existing knowledge about them and collaborate with other experts to increase the significance of the conditions under study. Activists in this field do everything to spread knowledge about the problems of autism and infertility in women in modern society and avoid their accusations.

The presentation of events related to the child’s or mother’s health abnormalities represent a fateful moment in the mother’s life. However, in modern society, the story about them can cause a wave of criticism and condemnation. This is incredibly traumatizing because, often, a woman who cannot get pregnant and carry a child or is faced with the problem of autism feels flawed, inferior and guilty before her husband. The education of people by activists and various health organizations about the nature of these problems and all the information related to them is critical.


Grove, J., Ripke, S., Als, T. D., Mattheisen, M., Walters, R. K., Won, H.,… & Borglum, A. D. (2019). Identification of common genetic risk variants for autism spectrum disorder. Nature genetics, 51(3), 431-444.

L’Espérance, A. & Orsini, M. (2016). Embodying experience and expertise: comparing mother and intended-mother activism in the cases of infertility and autism. Health Sociology Review. Web.

Vander Borght, M., & Wyns, C. (2018). Fertility and infertility: Definition and epidemiology. Clinical biochemistry, 62, 2-10.

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AssignZen. (2023, May 5). The Problem of Infertility or Autism.

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