A Holistic Approach to Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Personal Leadership Philosophy and Biblical Perspectives

Leadership is essential for the success of any organization, and having a comprehensive leadership plan in place is fundamental to achieving the desired results. A leadership plan outlines the strategy and tactics for achieving an organization’s goals and objectives and should be tailored to the specific needs of each organization. My philosophy of leadership is centered on creating an environment where individuals can feel safe and empowered to take ownership of their growth. I believe in creating a trusting, collaborative relationship with my followers (subordinates) by recognizing their unique contributions and encouraging their development. The type 8 leadership perspective as proposed by Chestnut (2017), “the powerful, decisive activator or moving things forward from a position of strength” resonates with such philosophy (p 251). I strive to create an atmosphere of mutual respect, understanding, and support, where each person is respected and empowered to bring out their best.

At the heart of my philosophy is Micah 6:8, which says “And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God” (New International Version, n.d., Micah 6:8). To me, this verse emphasizes the importance of being a fair and just leader who treats their followers with mercy and compassion. In essence, the verse advocates for humility among leaders, which is a key trait in great leaders. By recognizing limitations, individuals can lead more effectively and help foster a collaborative environment that encourages everyone’s growth and success.

Personal Perspective on Emotional Intelligence

I believe that emotional intelligence (EI) is significant in organizational leadership. It is a skill set that helps people to effectively interact with each other and respond to their environment. For instance, self-awareness, which implies being conscious of our thoughts, feelings, and behavior, and understanding how these factors impact others, is a crucial component of EI. The other aspect entails self-management, involving managing emotions to achieve positive outcomes in difficult situations. Likewise, social awareness requires understanding how different personalities interact with each other. Relational management is the ability to manage relationships to promote harmony and cooperation between individuals (Chestnut, 2017). Through developing these areas of emotional intelligence, leaders can cultivate meaningful relationships with followers while maintaining a professional and ethical stance.

Plan to Develop Leader-Follower Relationship and Emotional Intelligence

When it comes to developing a successful leader/follower relationship, it’s important to focus on building trust and mutual respect. A strong relationship is one based on clear communication, open dialogue, and understanding of one another’s strengths and weaknesses. Moreover, leaders must have the ability to inspire others, motivate their followers, and foster a sense of community among their team (Chestnut, 2017). A leader must have a clear understanding of their follower’s goals and objectives and what they need to achieve those objectives. Leaders should strive to provide guidance and support while allowing followers to be autonomous at the appropriate moment. Finally, leaders need to recognize and reward their followers’ successes to further foster loyalty and encourage a collaborative atmosphere.

Planning Development for Followers to Grow in Their Emotional Intelligence

The development of followers in the area of emotional intelligence is significant for strong leader/follower relationships. One strategy is to foster an environment where followers can practice self-awareness. This could involve activities such as journaling, self-reflection, or mindfulness meditation. Self-management is also crucial in activities involving coaching or mentorship, setting goals, or providing feedback on progress. It can also involve teaching effective communication and problem-solving skills. Finally, relational management activities like role-play exercises, dialogues, team-building activities, and workshops are important.

Leaders and Followers

Understanding the motivations and needs of your followers is crucial to effective leadership. Being able to empathize with them, understand their goals, and consider their perspectives will enable you to develop more successful strategies for working with them (Chestnut, 2017). Additionally, understanding the social dynamics of the workplace and how to use them to your advantage can help you build better relationships with your followers.

When it comes to motivation, leaders must be able to identify what drives their followers and use that knowledge to motivate them to perform at their best. Leaders should also be aware of the potential pitfalls that can derail progress, such as procrastination, fear of failure, or lack of enthusiasm. Leaders should strive to show empathy, even when the situation may not be favorable. This will enable them to foster an atmosphere of collaboration and mutual respect.

Likewise, social skills are critical for a leader to be successful. These skills involve communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, and negotiation. A leader should be able to apply these skills when dealing with difficult situations and developing relationships with their followers. By understanding their followers’ motivations, empathy, and social skills, leaders can better tailor their leadership style to meet their followers’ needs.

Concurrently, leaders should also have a strong grasp of the social dynamics of their organization. This includes understanding the roles and responsibilities of each team member, as well as how they interact with one another (Chestnut, 2017). By understanding follower motivation, empathy, and social dynamics, leaders can create strategies that are tailored to each team member’s needs to make everyone feel appreciated and motivated to reach their highest potential.

Advice for Leaders to Build a Strong Relationship

The key to successful leadership is building strong relationships with your followers, regardless of their personality types. Ideally, there are several recommendations leaders can use to have better relationships and impart their subjects. Primarily, it is important to develop an understanding of different personality types: Leaders should take the time to understand and appreciate the differences in their followers’ personalities. Moreover, appreciate different strengths: every follower will bring different strengths and weaknesses to the team. Leaders should acknowledge these differences and work to bring out each person’s best qualities. Celebrating successes, recognizing individual efforts, and offering positive feedback can go a long way in strengthening relationships between leaders and followers.

Moreover, communicate openly and honestly: Leaders should make sure to communicate regularly with their followers and ensure that the messages are clear and concise. This will help to ensure that everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. Additionally, leaders need to be open to constructive criticism from their followers and be willing to listen to their ideas and concerns. Lastly, is pertinent to respect boundaries: essentially, leaders should remember that everyone has their limits and boundaries.

Advice for Followers to Build a Strong Relationship

Followers need to remember that as much as they need the guidance and support of their leader, the leader needs their respect and loyalty to effectively lead. Thus, they should strive to actively participate in discussions, provide constructive feedback, and take initiative when needed. They should also strive to develop their own emotional intelligence and communication skills, which can help them better understand the expectations of their leader.

Finally, both leaders and followers need to keep the lines of communication open and maintain an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust. By doing so, they can create a strong and healthy relationship that will ultimately lead to success.


Chestnut, B. (2017). The 9 types of leadership: Mastering the art of people in the 21st-century workplace. Simon and Schuster.

New International Version Bible (n.d.). Bible Gateway online. Web.

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AssignZen. (2024, September 8). A Holistic Approach to Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. https://assignzen.com/a-holistic-approach-to-leadership-and-emotional-intelligence/

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"A Holistic Approach to Leadership and Emotional Intelligence." AssignZen, 8 Sept. 2024, assignzen.com/a-holistic-approach-to-leadership-and-emotional-intelligence/.

1. AssignZen. "A Holistic Approach to Leadership and Emotional Intelligence." September 8, 2024. https://assignzen.com/a-holistic-approach-to-leadership-and-emotional-intelligence/.


AssignZen. "A Holistic Approach to Leadership and Emotional Intelligence." September 8, 2024. https://assignzen.com/a-holistic-approach-to-leadership-and-emotional-intelligence/.


AssignZen. 2024. "A Holistic Approach to Leadership and Emotional Intelligence." September 8, 2024. https://assignzen.com/a-holistic-approach-to-leadership-and-emotional-intelligence/.


AssignZen. (2024) 'A Holistic Approach to Leadership and Emotional Intelligence'. 8 September.

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