Amazon Inc.’s Disruptive Marketing Plan


The desire to expand market coverage, increase competition, and address current environmental issues are the drivers of Amazon’s disruptive marketing plan aimed at optimizing the current manufacturing mode, namely the transition to green production of electrical equipment. The opening of new physical stores and attracting the attention of new partners are the anticipated outcomes of these activities. The marketing mix is a tool to assess the validity of the initiative under consideration, and corresponding marketing approaches can help achieve a favorable result for the optimization solution.

Plan’s Features

Transforming the methods of the outdated production of electrical equipment and establishing a green manufacturing system is the key idea of the plan. According to Shao (2019), in its rivalry with Chinese Alibaba, Amazon needs innovative growth strategies to maximize the coverage of the American market and expand demand. Opportunities to improve the production process are regarded as a prospect of increasing the number of buyers, including not only corporate but also private customers. Involvement in socio-environmental projects is a natural factor in strengthening the competitive position and addressing the interests of as many consumers as possible.

Marketing Mix and Target Market

Based on marketing analysis, the relevant aspects of promotion, pricing, points of sale, and product features are considered. The innovative approach Amazon and, in particular, its CEO Jeff Bezos adhere to is a characteristic of the corporation, and the transition to green production of individual categories of goods is an objective decision in the context of the current needs of the target market and the requirements of regulatory authorities (Gradinaru et al., 2020). Establishing productive partnerships, building an adequate pricing policy, and opening new points of sale are objective solutions in light of the marketing plan in question. The target market should include, first of all, individual retailers, and private buyers are also the audience that can be interested in the optimization of Amazon’s production process. Two new markets are characterized by distinctive demographic characteristics, but from a demand perspective, individual factors, such as age, can be decisive in creating productive value propositions.

Competition and Promotion

Competitive analysis reveals potentially viable solutions for maintaining consistently high sales of a new product line, namely the aspects related to the marketing mix. As Shao (2019) states, in close competition with Alibaba, Amazon is in dire need of the effective promotion of its products, driven by the lower prices that the Chinese brand offers. The opportunities for sales growth, in this case, are largely based on an innovative approach to manufacturing, which, according to Rossman and Euchner (2018), is a hallmark of Amazon and meets the standards of operation that the corporation’s CEO encourages. Both traditional and more flexible forms of promotion are relevant, such as attracting advertising in the mass media, becoming more active on social media, as well as building partnerships with other green brands. Despite the potential risks associated with criticism from competitors, there is nothing wrong with expanding communication chains, and this type of promotion meets modern standards of market growth.

Marketing Options

A customer-centric approach and targeting CSR initiatives within the company’s work are powerful marketing options that Amazon can use in its disruptive plan. Agustini et al. (2019) state that the pursuit of green marketing initiatives is a relevant factor in increasing consumer loyalty and gaining the trust of policymakers. Involving other major market players in promoting green manufacturing principles is a smart move that can help increase awareness of environmental issues and, at the same time, strengthen Amazon’s competitive advantage. As a result, the use of different marketing moves is relevant to the company.

Recommendations and Christian Integration

Expanding communication capabilities is one of the current strategies for strengthening Amazon’s market position in the context of the presented marketing plan. According to Rossman and Euchner (2018), increasing the transparency of all operations through the optimization of interactions, for instance, modern digital marketplaces, is a potentially effective solution to ensure stable demand and eliminate distrust from target consumers. From a religious perspective, Amazon’s plan responds to the concept of self-sacrifice demonstrated in the Bible. As Keller and Alsdorf (2012) remark, faith can be expressed in many ways, and the ability to sacrifice goods, including money, without significant gain is evidence of Christian entrepreneurship. Therefore, Amazon’s participation in such projects and the involvement of new market participants in the work to improve life on earth are activities that deserve respect.


The use of the marketing mix as a tool for evaluating Amazon’s disruptive plan for implementing green electrical equipment production allows for identifying relevant methods for optimizing this activity and choosing productive ways to interact with target markets. Competitive aspects are crucial to consider, and the nature of the promotion strategy directly depends on how successfully the corporation can counter Alibaba, its main rival. Different marketing options are available to the brand, and building brand loyalty through open communication and transparency in operations can ensure the sustainability of the plan. Amazon’s meaningful socio-environmental goals are in line with the idea of Christian entrepreneurship and address the religious principle of self-sacrifice.


Agustini, D. H., Athanasius, S. S., & Retnawati, B. B. (2019). Identification of green marketing strategies: Perspective of a developing country. Identification of Green Marketing Strategies: Perspective of a Developing Country, 15(4), 42-56. Web.

Gradinaru, C., Toma, S. G., Catana, S., & Andrisán, G. (2020). A view on transformational leadership: The case of Jeff Bezos. Manager, (31), 93-100.

Keller, T. & Alsdorf, K. (2012). Every good endeavor: Connecting your work to God’s work. Penguin Random House.

Rossman, J., & Euchner, J. (2018). Innovation the Amazon way: An interview with John Rossman: John Rossman talks with Jim Euchner about how Amazon manages to be both operationally excellent and disruptively innovative. Research-Technology Management, 61(1), 13-22. Web.

Shao, Y. (2019). Discuss the similarities and differences of Amazon and Alibaba with respect to cross-border e-commerce. Science Journal of Business and Management, 7(6), 159-163. Web.

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