Career Exploration and Success

I want to be a registered nurse, and this career choice determined my educational path. By performing the job, I will fulfill the need to help others and use the acquired knowledge to contribute to society. I also wish to develop as a professional and a person by gradually honing certain skills and exhibiting empathy towards diverse patients. I believe I will be successful career-wise, at least as far as my definition of it is concerned. In an attempt to fully comprehend nursing, I will discuss the job’s requirements and values, concluding whether I qualify to be a nurse, rationalize the choice, and provide my understanding of success.

Being a registered nurse implies many responsibilities and noble personal qualities. For instance, it is important for one to be compassionate and emotionally stable (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021a). Their crucial nature is determined by the fact that a nurse constantly interacts with patients suffering from diseases and their families, which requires empathy and resilience. Some essential duties include assessing patients’ conditions and administering medicines to them (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021b). Generally, a nurse will spend most of the time handling patients and tending to their needs.

The job’s select prominent skills are active listening and critical thinking (O*NET, 2021). A registered nurse should pay attention to what patients say to understand their concerns; some situations may be unpredictable, so being able to assess the circumstances and conceive solutions promptly is essential.

Any job has certain values that reflect its nature and should be compatible with an employee’s. For nursing, they encompass such aspects as relationships, support, and achievements (O*NET, 2021). The first point means serving patients and cooperating with other healthcare specialists; the second one implies that the organization will offer assistance to its employees and attempt to defend their interests. Lastly, achievements are related to a nurse’s inclination towards self-development and active use of talents and abilities to attain professional goals. I believe that my primary values, which are compassion, confidence, and perseverance, are compatible with the job. For example, by being empathic to other people, I can understand them better and act accordingly, which is important while working with patients and colleagues.

Confidence is connected with organizational support because it enables me to make difficult decisions, knowing that I will not weather the consequences alone. On the other hand, I see being confident as a necessary image for a nurse, which inspires patients to believe that the actions are correct. Perseverance appears to be linked to achievements, serving as a basis for overcoming job-related obstacles and eventually attaining the desired results. According to Chaudhry (2014), “when an employee’s values collide with organizational values, the employee may have interpersonal value conflicts.” Fortunately, my values fully align with the nurse’s, meaning that I am likely to be satisfied with working as one.

I was inspired to pursue a nursing career after studying many examples surrounding me. Nurses always seemed perfect due to their patience and skillfulness, as they manage to perform a variety of tasks within a short period. Thus, I decided to follow the same path, helping people in need and giving hope to others. I have exceptional communication skills, being a good listener and a convincing speaker, so a nursing career provides an opportunity to develop them through constant interpersonal interactions. I am also meticulous and attentive to details, which is instrumental in avoiding medical errors, such as administering the wrong medicine.

While I am not particularly talented, other people tend to emphasize how caring I am, so it is something to utilize to assist my patients. Unfortunately, many nurses are unable to perform at the full scope of their competencies due to various barriers (Moss, Seifert, & O’Sullivan, 2016). I hope to overcome them and provide the best service to patients. My definition of success is also related to a constant growth process.

According to Lopez (2014), many students feel uncertain about their future and career. Willms (2003) echoes the sentiment and links insufficient engagement with skepticism about economic success and wellbeing. However, I have always been determined, and while nursing has its share of misgivings regarding the future, as long as I remain current and updated on new techniques to help patients, success will accompany me.

In conclusion, a registered nurse appears a suitable career path for me, and I will strive to meet its requirements. Eventually, I see myself as a head nurse guiding recruits. A Hawaiian proverb states, “Build yourself a firm foundation before teaching others,” so I have to become established in the profession first. Thus, my long-term objective is to become a competent professional and achieve sufficient growth to be considered a successful employee. Afterward, I will be properly equipped to help new nurses navigate the thorny path.


Chaudhry, A. (2014). Corporate talk: How values and attitude influence job satisfaction. Web.

Lopez, S. J. (2014). Not enough students are success-ready. Web.

Moss, E., Seifert, C.P., & O’Sullivan, A. (2016). Registered nurses as interprofessional collaborative Partners: Creating value-based outcomes. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 21(3), 4. Web.

O*NET. (2021). Summary report for: 29-1141.00 – Registered nurses. Web.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2021a). How to become a registered nurse. Web.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2021b). What registered nurses do. Web.

Willms, J. D. (2003). A sense of belonging and participation: Results from PISA 2000. Publications de l’OCDE.

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