Challenges Faced with Rural Health

Access to quality healthcare services is a fundamental human right everyone should enjoy regardless of location. Nonetheless, this has not been the case in many rural areas worldwide. In rural communities across the globe, the availability of quality health services is influenced by many factors. Rural areas are faced with high rates of chronic conditions compared to urban areas. Examples of chronic conditions affecting rural people include diabetes, stroke, chronic respiratory diseases, and heart problems. Remote areas also experience high rates of disability and mortality than urban areas (Rosenberg, 2019). The prevalence of these issues in rural areas is majorly attributed to long distances to hospitals, remote locations, lack of access to specialized health care, access to health facilities, and fewer healthcare providers.

Access to health care is the main challenge affecting rural health. People living in rural areas often travel long distances to see a doctor or visit a hospital. This can be difficult, especially if there is no public transport available. Another challenge is the lack of medical staff in rural areas. There are often not enough doctors and nurses to meet the population’s needs (Rosenberg, 2019). Not enough healthcare professionals can lead to longer waiting times for appointments and treatment. Finally, the cost of healthcare can be a barrier for people living in rural areas. Healthcare is often more expensive in rural areas due to the higher costs of running a practice or hospital. This can make it difficult for people to get the care they need.

The nature of rural areas in terms of their remote locations is another major factor that significantly affects health care. Due to their location, many rural communities cannot easily access hospitals and other medical facilities (Rogan & Lewis, 2020). The remote nature can make it difficult for residents to receive the necessary care promptly. Nonetheless, due to the low population density in rural areas, there is often a shortage of healthcare providers such as doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. This can make it difficult for residents to receive the care they need. Finally, another challenge is the high cost associated with attaining health care. As a result of the lack of providers and facilities in rural areas, the cost of health care can be higher than in urban areas. This can make it difficult for residents to afford the care they need.

Access to specialized medical care is another significant challenge that influences rural health. Rural areas are often located far from urban centers, making it difficult for residents to receive the care they need (Rogan & Lewis, 2020). Moreover, the lack of funding for rural healthcare facilities is another issue that faces accessibility of healthcare in remote areas. Federal and state governments often allocate less money to rural areas, resulting in fewer resources for care. Additionally, the size of rural communities can make it difficult to recruit and retain qualified healthcare providers. The challenges faced by rural health care are significant, but with dedication and commitment, they can be overcome.

There are numerous challenges faced when it comes to rural health. One of the challenges is that there are often fewer healthcare providers in rural areas, making it more difficult for residents to access care. Additionally, transportation can be a barrier to care, as people living in rural areas may have to travel long distances to see a doctor or dentist. Another challenge is that many rural residents are members of vulnerable populations, such as the elderly or disabled, making it difficult for them to get the care they need. Finally, poverty is more prevalent in rural areas, which can make it difficult for residents to afford the cost of health insurance and medications. While there are challenges associated with rural health, many organizations and programs are working to improve access to care and address the needs of rural populations.


Rogan, E., & Lewis, J. (2020). Rural health care: big challenges require big solutions. Web.

Rosenberg, J. (2019). Understanding the health challenges facing rural communities. AJMC. Web.

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