Control in Restaurant Business

Control is one of the essential tools that lets any company make its existence more efficient, productive, and beneficial. From some point, control represents a foundation, a company’s skeleton. In the restaurant industry, it is essential to use clan management to build trust and rapport among workers and allow them to integrate their ideas into business. Feedback control is crucial, too, because it will enable workers to gain evaluation of their progress from clients, correct minor mistakes, and improve business plans, meeting all customers’ needs.

Control in organizations is a process by which managers motivate, encourage, build a psychological environment, and direct workers’ attention to the company’s goal. It includes all activities that are undertaken by a company to make its actions lead to achievement and success (Bierman et al., 2018). Management control can be bureaucratic, that is based on a formal system of rules, roles, laws, and clans that assume close, warm, and family-like relationships between employers and employees. It is crucial to use clan control in any company to make it more successful and sustainable.

The restaurant business is not an exception: it is precious to use this type of control to make all the employees feel comfortable, appreciated, and needy. For this kind of control, responsible employers have to manage their desire to be in charge of everything and let their workers cooperate, support, and integrate creative ideas into business. For instance, no one can conclude the feedback from customers, their level of satisfaction, and preferences more than a server. A chef and cooks, cooperating can offer new ideas for an innovative dish that will become popular among clients. Building a rapport between all the staff will make their jobs easier and more exciting and help a restaurant achieve success faster.

Operations control involves control over routine operations and processes to ensure that these actions are taken toward reaching goals and are in line with the company’s plans. Bierman et al. write that “it regulates one or more individual operating systems within an organization” (2018). Operations can be preliminary (steering control), screening (concurrent control), and feedback. All of these forms of control are important; however, for the restaurant business, feedback control is the best. This type of management assumes comparing the output the team was planning to get to what was produced.

Like in many others, in the restaurant industry, clients’ opinions and evaluations of provided service are essential. Furthermore, there is no universal algorithm to meet customers’ needs for every restaurant because the target audience and their preferences have to be considered. People’s mentality, for instance, can define their food tastes, desire to be served in a specific way, or preferred atmosphere. The restaurant’s location can play a key role in who visits it and what customers’ exact expectations are. It is beneficial to ask such questions as what they would change to improve the facility, what they like the most, how they like the service and many others. The feedback will give the staff a clear understanding of their progress and help improve their work. In addition, the feedback and clan controls have to be applied at the same time to achieve goals faster.

The best way to get feedback from customers is to get it online. Such platforms as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google, or restaurant website will be useful. IT specialists, in general, are responsible for building the most convenient and accessible way for clients to do that. Also, creating surveys on social media can help the process. However, feedback can be gained in person, too, by servers and hostesses asking for customers’ opinions and reflections.

In conclusion, in the restaurant industry, it is essential to use clan management to build trust and rapport among workers and allow them to integrate their ideas into business. Feedback control is crucial, too, because it will enable workers to gain evaluation of their progress from clients, correct minor mistakes, and improve business plans, meeting all customers’ needs. Furthermore, it is more beneficial to combine these two managements to get the better result and succeed.


Bierman L., Ferrell O. C., Ferrell L. (2018). Management: principles and Applications (4th Edition). Academic Media Solutions. Web.

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