Data Analysis and Recommendations (Lake Mary, Seminole County, Florida)

Data Analysis and Recommendations

Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the community

Overall, as of 2021, Seminole county is ranked as one of the healthiest counties in Florida, according to County Health Rankings (2021). According to Data USA (2021), as many as 94.3% of people living in Lake Mary, Florida, have some health coverage, with the majority (52.8%) using an employee plan. Additionally, the ratio of patients to primary care physicians in 2021 has reduced by 0.303%, with the average number of patients a single doctor sees throughout the year decreasing to 1,318. Although there is 91% access to exercise opportunities, adverse health behaviors prevail, with 16% adult smoking, 26% adult obesity, and 22% physical inactivity (County Health Rankings, 2021). Regarding the physical environment, there are some drinking water violations, severe housing problems (16%), and a relatively high traffic volume (371). Regarding the social environment, 94% of students complete High School and 78% some college, and the unemployment is relatively low at only 2.9%. However, there is limited access to healthy food for 7% of the population and food insecurity for 11%.

Based on the strengths, what exists for keeping the community healthy?

As per the previous section, some of the strengths of the Lake Mary community are the prevalence of access to health care, exercise opportunities, low unemployment, and high graduation rates. Therefore, it follows that health education, both at school and in the workplace, is partially responsible for keeping the community healthy. Furthermore, the widespread access to health care, with a relatively low patient-to-doctor ratio, allows people to obtain medical help when needed. A high percentage of the population having food security and access to healthy foods enables them to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. In addition, the exercise opportunities available allow people to remain active, resulting in a much lower obesity rate in the county (26%) compared to the nationwide CDC (2021) statistics (42%).

Based on weaknesses, what would you identify as major risk factors?

Based on the weaknesses mentioned above, such as the drinking water violations, severe housing problems in some places, and relatively high traffic volume, several health issues might arise. Clean drinking water is essential to people’s health and well-being, and contaminated water can cause health problems of varying degrees. Depending on the type and severity of the contamination, the adverse health effects range from stomach aches and headaches to organ failure (EPA, 2018). Furthermore, the high traffic volume suggests that people choose to drive instead of walking, which puts them at risk of a sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, traffic exhaust, especially in large quantities, is harmful to the citizens that breathe in the contaminated air. Therefore, there might be a risk of respiratory diseases and those related to lifestyles with insufficient physical exercise. Lastly, health risks stem from housing problems, especially prevalent during the current worldwide Covid-19 epidemic. Overcrowding leads to diseases spreading much faster since there is a lack of space required for isolation. Furthermore, the shortage of kitchen and plumbing facilities implies sharing them, which can lead to problems related to hygiene and, once again, the spread of diseases.

What problems would need action?

From the above statistics, it is evident that one of the most prevalent health problems is obesity, consistent with the rest of the country. According to CDC (2021), some of the risks connected to obesity include, but are not limited to, high blood pressure, a higher risk of heart failure, and mental health illnesses. While, as mentioned previously, the level of obesity in Seminole county is not nearly as high as the national level, it could be decreased even further. There is much correlation between poor health and poverty since people might not afford to eat well or have sufficient time for exercise. Furthermore, these people might be living in the aforementioned overcrowded places that also pose a significant health risk. Additionally, poor living standards often lead to increased crime, which can lead to death. According to County Health Rankings (2021), there is an average of 357 violent crimes and four homicides per year in Seminole county. Therefore, the income inequality problem must be addressed to minimize the health risks related to it.

Interpret Your Findings

Were there any findings through the local media like newspapers, radio, or local TV news that made you aware of the needs for intervention? Explain

For the past year and a half, the world has been affected by the global Covid-19 pandemic. This highly contagious disease not only affected the physical health of many across the world but assisted in exhausting people’s mental health. Seminole county is no exception, with most of the recent articles in the local news being related to either the vaccination process or the increased need for mental health support. Although Florida was one of the states that decided against a statewide lockdown, the pandemic still affected the many residents’ mental health. The economically and socially uncertain times have brought a lot of distress and anxiety, highlighted in the news.

What would be the best resources available for improving the situation?

There are currently numerous efforts being made by medical and government authorities worldwide and locally to improve mental health support. The first step, globally as well as for Lake Mary, in particular, should be education. Raising awareness for the many different mental health illnesses and issues and the possible ways to help oneself or others could be lifesaving. One of the most crucial things in solving a problem is identifying it first, and it is the same for mental health. The next step would be to increase resource availability, both mental health professionals and specific informational booklets. If people can find help in a crisis, many extreme consequences can be avoided, such as suicides. In addition, improving the living standards, as mentioned above, could improve the residents’ physical and mental health.

Do you perceive any barriers to utilization of health care resources within the community?

Fortunately, there is a high graduation rate in the county, making it easier to implement mental health classes and seminars in schools and universities. However, it might be challenging to create a syllabus engaging enough for the students to have a good takeaway. Furthermore, a small but significant percentage of people in the county are not proficient in English (3% according to County Health Rankings, 2021), complicating the health education initiative. Moreover, improving living standards might be strenuous, and it might be challenging to get working adults motivated for mental health training. Furthermore, there is only one specialized facility in Lake Mary, meaning there might be a shortage of mental health professionals. Therefore, there are some barriers to utilizing health care resources within the community, but it is possible to overcome them.

Recommended Solution to an Identified Community Problem

Identify and describe the problem/subject that you would like to address to benefit of your community on your next assignment, which will be your teaching project.

As mentioned above, the prevailing physical health problem today is obesity. One of the most prevalent health risks that, amongst other things, come from obesity is cardiovascular disease. According to the UK NHS (2018), there are four different types of CVD, cardiovascular disease – coronary heart disease, strokes and TIAs, peripheral arterial disease, and aortic disease. There are many causes for CVD, including high blood pressure, smoking, high cholesterol, diabetes, inactivity, and being overweight or obese. As can be seen in the statistics listed previously in the paper, the population of Seminole county is at a high risk of cardiovascular disease. Therefore, it would be beneficial for the community to be educated on the subject.


County Health Rankings (2021). County Health Rankings & Roadmaps: Florida. County

Health Rankings & Roadmaps. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. n.d. Web.

NHS (2018). Cardiovascular disease. United Kingdom National Health Service. Web.

CDC (2021). Overweight & Obesity. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Web.

EPA (2018). Drinking Water: What are the trends in the quality of drinking water and their effects on human health? United States Environmental protection agency. Web.

Data USA (2021). Data USA: Lake Mary, FL. Deloitte. Datawheel. Web.

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AssignZen. (2022, August 27). Data Analysis and Recommendations (Lake Mary, Seminole County, Florida).

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"Data Analysis and Recommendations (Lake Mary, Seminole County, Florida)." AssignZen, 27 Aug. 2022,

1. AssignZen. "Data Analysis and Recommendations (Lake Mary, Seminole County, Florida)." August 27, 2022.


AssignZen. "Data Analysis and Recommendations (Lake Mary, Seminole County, Florida)." August 27, 2022.


AssignZen. 2022. "Data Analysis and Recommendations (Lake Mary, Seminole County, Florida)." August 27, 2022.


AssignZen. (2022) 'Data Analysis and Recommendations (Lake Mary, Seminole County, Florida)'. 27 August.

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