Detrimental Effects of Stress

With constant pressure from external stimuli, stress is a natural and even helpful reaction of the human body to new, unknown, and frightening things or situations. While experiencing stress, the hypothalamus, a small cone-shaped region in the brain responsible for hormone production, signals adrenal glands located atop kidneys to release a surge of adrenaline and cortisol to the bloodstream.

Those hormones trigger the liver to produce an excessive amount of sugar, thus increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and energy. Nowadays, many different methods and medical practices help ease and get rid of stress, especially among students who are prone to it due to various factors. Stress may seem insignificant but can cause serious brain malfunctions, physical disorders and thus should be treated in time.

There are many sources of stress, and each individual experiences it on different levels. The feeling of anxiety usually comes from being under lots of pressure, worrying about something or someone, facing significant changes, or being in life-threatening situations. Stress is a healthy response of an organism in challenging situations, but when exposed to it for too long, it can cause serious health issues.

People who suffer from stress are prone to anxiety, depression, digestive problems, headaches, heart diseases, sleep issues, weight gain or loss, and memory issues. In modern society, people tend to experience panic attacks and health problems more often due to dealing with a lot of stress. Latest studies show that money and employment are the main stressors (Felman, 2021). In addition, when the stress is continuous and chronic, it can change your brain and body functioning.

Under constant pressure, the brain can change its size, structure, and how well it functions, right down to the level of the genes and genetics. When the cortisol has been released over long periods, it wreaks havoc on the brain since chronic stress increases the activity level and number of neural connections in the amygdala, the brain’s fear center. Cortisol is also associated with brain shrinking since it can be the reason for the death of synaptic connections between neurons. The formation of new brain cells is slowed, too, making it harder to learn, memorize something new, communicate and make decisions. These symptoms lead to lower academic performance and can result in depression, self-harm, and eventually Alzheimer’s disease.

To stay healthy physically and mentally, a person has to learn how to deal with stress. In severe cases, doctors might prescribe medications such as antidepressants. However, upgrading your daily routine by including some habits and self-care can be helpful too. To avert stress, focusing on organization helps to minimize the feeling of chaos and anxiety by arranging living or workspace. In addition, firm control significantly assists with time management and procrastination, which can be one of the consequences of the continuing feeling of dread and pressure and help with balancing an academic and social life (Felman, 2021).

Exercising is also an effective method to avoid stress because it is a way to blow off steam and get your mind off of things that can be a burden. The research shows that cooperative learning helps to reduce emotional issues, thus promoting academic engagement in students. Social support and connections with friends are crucial factors since loneliness is reported to cause anxiety and stress.

To conclude, naturally, stress is beneficial because it usually emerges under some physical danger or threat, giving an individual more vigor, strength, enhance focus, and speeding up reaction time. However, prolonged or even constant exposure to stress is harmful and can have permanent detrimental effects on the body, brain, and mental state. Nowadays, stress is pervasive among adolescents and students, which affects their daily life, health, and academic record. Some may believe stress is not that serious and does not cause a lot of harm, but studies show that chronic stress is an actual disease that should be taken seriously and treated in time.


Felman, A., & Sampson, S. (2021). Why stress happens and how to manage it. MedicalNewsToday. Web.

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