Analysis of Antibiotics and Vaccines

Modern medicine heavily relies on the effects of antibiotics and vaccines in the prevention of infectious diseases. The breakthroughs in their development are directly linked with an increase in global health and the longevity of an average person (Walsh & Wencewicz, 2020). Chevalier-Cottin et al. (2020) state that vaccines are “the safest and most effective way of preventing infectious diseases, and is acknowledged to be one of the greatest global health achievements” (p. 468). Antibiotics, in turn, provide an efficient way to eliminate the existing bacteria in a timely manner (Walsh & Wencewicz, 2020). This research paper discusses the medical and chemical properties of antibiotics and vaccines and highlights their current issues and future implications.

Chemically, these two types of drugs present different approaches to the treatment of infectious diseases. Chemical components in antibiotics serve as antibacterial agents that can be explicitly aimed against a particular invading bacteria or have a broad spectrum (Walsh & Wencewicz, 2020). Walsh and Wencewicz (2020) argue that “new chemical matter is needed to be turned into next generations of effective antibiotic agents” (p. 14). Vaccines, in turn, curb the rate of spread of infections by boosting immune systems, which eventually leads to the extinction of a virus, as it is unable to find a new host within the available range (Chevalier-Cottin et al., 2020). The effect of vaccines can be easily traced in a down-sizing trend of influenza cases in a vaccinated population (Jackson et al., 2017). Together, these two types of drugs make it possible for humanity to avoid major pandemics similar to the influenza pandemic in 1918.

Due to their efficiency, vaccines and antibiotics are highly sought-after across the globe, which sometimes makes it difficult to distribute them. Not only is it crucial not to exclude particular populations from vaccination, but it is also necessary to increase the acceptance of this method of treatment (Chevalier-Cottin et al., 2020). With the recent outbreak, vaccines and antibiotics have received significant attention, as their crucial role in upholding a functioning society has been proven once again (Michel, 2020). Distribution and administering of vaccines and antibiotics is a global objective that requires strict measures and solutions.

The studies of infectious diseases always require modifications and research, as new viruses will continue to emerge. The much-needed attention to vaccines and antibiotics is crucial in funding further studies regarding emerging issues (Walsh & Wencewicz, 2020). The research of chemical properties of antibiotic components is vital in reducing the adverse impact of new threats, such as antimicrobial resistance (Walsh & Wencewicz, 2020). Walsh & Wencewicz (2020) state that there is much potential in the development of new prevention drugs due to “the new approaches in genomics, analytical and synthetic chemistry, and DNA-based diagnostics” (p. 13). Antibiotics and vaccines are shown to boost one’s immune system throughout the life cycle, making them crucial at all ages and not just in childhood (Chevalier-Cottin et al., 2020). Numerous studies show the importance of the development of the subject.

In conclusion, there is a definite need for society to recognize vaccines and antibiotics and the pillars of medical progress. While the efficiency of these measures is proven, it is essential to deliver this knowledge to people across the globe. The current situation with COVID-19 has shown that people’s views on the subject are heavily influenced by unsubstantial claims, which only fuel ignorance (Michel, 2020). The role of antibiotics and vaccines in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases can not be underestimated.


Chevalier-Cottin, E., Ashbaugh, H., Brooke, N., Gavazzi, G., Santillana, M., Burlet, N., & Tin Tin Htar, M. (2020). Communicating benefits from vaccines beyond preventing infectious diseases. Infectious Diseases and Therapy, 9(3), 467-480. Web.

Jackson, M. L., Chung, J. R., Jackson, L. A., Phillips, C. H., Benoit, J., Monto, A. S., Flannery, B. (2017). Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness in the United States during the 2015–2016 Season. New England Journal of Medicine, 377(6), 534–543. Web.

Michel, J. (2020). The well-known and less well-known benefits of vaccines. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research, 32(8), 1401-1404. Web.

Walsh, C., & Wencewicz, T. (2020). Antibiotics: Challenges, mechanisms, opportunities. John Wiley & Sons.

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