Fayol’s Management Theory in Clinical and Social Services

Fayol’s management theory is based on an industrial approach that includes strict planning, command, coordination, and control. Including subordinate employees, according to Fayol, must fully follow management commands, which provides an atmosphere of cooperation, respect, and partnership between employees (Brooks, 2022). In other words, the basic principles of management, according to Fayol, should be based on the mechanical components of operational efficiency, in which there is a rigid hierarchy and a focus on the most productive management of human resources. It is not difficult to understand that similar strategies are being used to manage health and social services in 2022. Turning to the current challenges of health care in 2022, the industry faces the threats of recovery from COVID-19, new regulations and rules, and workforce shortages (Multiview, 2022). It follows that the industry has significant fundamental problems that can be solved with good management: coordinating individual departments and creating specific and measurable leadership edicts for employees to follow. For example, this includes creating edicts for subordinate employees to follow new organizational practices, including following new rules and regulations with sanctions. Another critical challenge facing the health and social services fields is the need to address ethical dilemmas, especially in an environment of increasing diversity and inclusion (Skorburg & Yam, 2022). To address this problem, Fayol’s theory suggests that the manager has a role in creating a logically aligned structure in the company in which there is a defined, regulated order. It follows that the creation of an orderly organizational structure enables the creation of procedures and regulations that allow clinical and social service providers to address ethical dilemmas methodically. In other words, Fayol’s management theory ensures that successful management must be based on the technical, methodological, and rational company management that the current health and social services industry need in 2022, which faces post-pandemic barriers and resource risks.


Brooks, C. (2022). Management theory of Henri Fayol. Business. Web.

Multiview. 2022 healthcare financial trends | Multiview ERP. Multiview. Web.

Skorburg, J. A., & Yam, J. (2022). Is there an App for that: Ethical issues in the digital mental health response to COVID-19. AJOB Neuroscience, 13(3), 177-190. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, August 9). Fayol's Management Theory in Clinical and Social Services. https://assignzen.com/fayols-management-theory-in-clinical-and-social-services/

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"Fayol's Management Theory in Clinical and Social Services." AssignZen, 9 Aug. 2023, assignzen.com/fayols-management-theory-in-clinical-and-social-services/.

1. AssignZen. "Fayol's Management Theory in Clinical and Social Services." August 9, 2023. https://assignzen.com/fayols-management-theory-in-clinical-and-social-services/.


AssignZen. "Fayol's Management Theory in Clinical and Social Services." August 9, 2023. https://assignzen.com/fayols-management-theory-in-clinical-and-social-services/.


AssignZen. 2023. "Fayol's Management Theory in Clinical and Social Services." August 9, 2023. https://assignzen.com/fayols-management-theory-in-clinical-and-social-services/.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Fayol's Management Theory in Clinical and Social Services'. 9 August.

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