Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic

Given the current situation, interest in articles on the subject of COVID-19 is logical. First of all, it is necessary to obtain relevant information regarding the disease. The study shows that almost 20 percent of employees do not have sufficient knowledge (Rathore et al., 2020). However, an equally important factor is the analysis of the situation in relation to the doctors. Many professionals who work diligently on the needs of patients suffer from feelings of fear and report symptoms of trauma-related disorders (Ruiz & Gibson, 2020). All the more important is looking for relevant information that helps to assist not only patients but also doctors who care about them.

Information search systems proposed by a colleague are, of course, widely known and capable. The selective search on peer-reviewed articles utilizing the EBSCO service is worth a special noting. Besides, the problems that arose during the search can be easily solved using the search on the page, which allows finding the necessary tags immediately. The use of automated translators can eliminate the issue of the language barrier. PubMed, in this regard, the platform has a slightly different focus, since the site enables you to look for all journals, allowing selecting and receiving links to original texts. On the one hand, this quality is some inconvenience in the search; however, that same feature will enable finding new medical publishers and magazines.

However, in my search for articles, I did not use these arrangements and utilized the Google Scholar system. It allows accessing a wide range of articles on various topics. This feature makes Google’s network look like PubMed and provides the same traits. Although the amount of information is significant, such a broad search allows finding lesser-known resources, including those located not in America, in contrast to EBSCO and PubMed. The first article was related to the Indian Journal of Palliative Care, a link to which under other circumstances would be difficult to obtain. At the same time, the second article led to the study of a system such as Europe PMC, which is similar in functionality to PubMed. From my point of view, this site’s use can be beneficial to my colleagues, since the service provides access to almost 6 million full texts of articles, including PubMed search. Moreover, the resource is not directly related to the United States, allowing a slightly different search prospect.


Rathore, P., Kumar, S., Choudhary, N., Sarma, R., Singh, N., Haokip, N., Bhopale, S., Pandit, A., Ratre, B.K., & Bhatnagar, S., (2020). Concerns of health-care professionals managing COVID patients under institutional isolation during COVID-19 Pandemic in India: A descriptive cross-sectional study. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 26(5), 90. Web.

Ruiz, M. A., & Gibson, C. M. (2020). Emotional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on US health care workers: A gathering storm. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 12(1), 153-155. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, July 25). Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

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