Impact of Trauma From Intimate Partner Violence

Violence and abuse in families, as well as in romantic and intimate relationships, is a serious problem faced by professionals. Family abuse by a present or past spouse or partner against the other partner or in an intimate relationship is known as intimate partner violence. Physical, intellectual, emotional, financial, and sexual assault are all examples of abuse. Intimate partner violence can result in negative consequences both for the victims and specialists dealing with the issue, including increased levels of anger.

Gender violence is a major public health problem that is recognized worldwide as a significant infringement of human rights and fundamental freedoms. Due to social demand to resolve an issue that has significant impacts on the health and welfare of women and families, combating abuse has become a priority for the government in several circumstances (Sanz-Barbero et al.). Furthermore, it imposes significant social and economic consequences on the whole society. Intimate partner violence is one of the most well-documented instances of gender violence in epidemiology research (Sanz-Barbero et al.). A female’s intimate partner or a close relative is responsible for 47% of global femicides, and 30% of women have experienced physical or sexually intimate relationship violence (Sanz-Barbero et al.). Intimate partner violence has an enormously powerful influence on women’s identity, especially their self-esteem and physical wellness since it is perpetrated inside intimate relationships (Sanz-Barbero et al.). It has the potential to harm a woman’s mental health for the rest of her life. Thus, it is feasible to state that intimate partner violence, in terms of its victims, negatively impacts not only the psychological condition but also the physical health of individuals.

At the same time, it is essential to note that victims, people that suffer from intimate partner violence, are not the only social group that is affected by the consequences of this type of abuse. People who have suffered intimate partner abuse have many physical and psychological effects, according to human service specialists who provide psychosocial care to them (Brend et al. 127). Multiple terminologies, such as vicarious trauma, subsequent traumatic stress disorder, emotional exhaustion, compassion fatigue, and posttraumatic stress disorder, have been used to characterize and research these effects (Brend et al. 127). Therefore, it is possible to emphasize the prevalence of psychological difficulties over physical issues.

Professionals that work with the victims of intimate partner violence have to cope with increased amounts of stress and anxiety. The findings support the prior study that found human service workers working in the field of intimate partner abuse are at an increased risk of injury as a result of their employment (Brend et al. 127). In addition, the consequences of intimate relationship abuse were mostly regarded as difficult (Brend et al. 127). Hence, as well as people who suffer from abuse directly, both physically and psychologically, specialists in the sphere of counseling and human service professionals are exposed to danger. In this case, the damage can be described as entirely mental since these people have to communicate due to their type of service.

Anger is a negative emotion defined by hostility toward someone or something a person believes has wronged him on purpose. Physical repercussions of anger include a faster heart rate, higher blood pressure, and higher amounts of adrenaline and noradrenaline hormones. Anger is not only an emotional condition since the physical and mental are closely correlated and cannot be separated (Nhat Hanh 14). Rage can potentially have a variety of physical and emotional effects. Face expressions, nonverbal cues, posture, physiological responses, and public displays of hostility are all examples of outward exhibits of anger. The inward tilting of the brows to a complete frown are all instances of facial emotions. Anger can be considered an adequate, natural, and developed emotion that many individuals can feel at some point in their lives, and it serves a practical purpose for survival. Unrestrained rage, on the other hand, can have a detrimental influence on one’s personal and interpersonal well-being, as well as on those around them.

Concerning a focus on how intimate partner violence can lead to anger, it can be noted that anger can develop as a result of constant irritation of the nervous system. In other terms, this condition occurs if a person is often exposed to stress and negative external impacts, including violence and abuse issues. Mindfulness strategies can be suggested as potential options that can help people effectively deal with trauma and anger. Since mindfulness is the ability to be aware of what is happening in the current moment, it does not combat anger or sadness (Nhat Hanh 165). Mindfulness makes people informed about anger’s existence, embraces it, and permits it to exist (Nhat Hanh 165). Therefore, it is the technique of accepting the negative situation and transforming this energy into calm and comprehension. Hence, practicing peace by fostering mindfulness is a valuable solution for treating trauma after the occurrence of anger.

I suppose, in terms of discussing what it is like to experience intimate partner violence for two years and coping with the trauma of it, it is obligatory to first highlight the particular period. To my mind, any event that takes place over two years and affects the physical, mental and psychological state can be described as serious. In addition, attention should be paid to the factor of periodicity and constancy, since, highlighting the permanent impact of a negative element on a person, it is possible to consider global negative consequences. In my opinion, a two-year period of exposure to psychological pressure and mental stress in the long-term outcome paradigm can escalate into physical damage. In this situation, an individual will need to deal with both internal and external deviations; however, the task of paramount importance will be the complete cessation of outside negative influence.

I suppose the social response a survivor receives from society is defined exclusively under the conditions of medical assistance, including psychological help and therapy. It can create a domino effect of trauma and lead to anger since specialists and people from human services are also exposed to danger, as mentioned above. As a result, the victims of intimate partner violence can negatively impact people that help them in overcoming the issue. Moreover, an individual who suffers from intimate partner violence can potentially avoid professional consultations and treatment which can provoke multiple repetitions of the incident and, consequently, an increase in the level of overall anger.

In conclusion, as it is conducted inside personal relationships, intimate partner violence has a huge impact on women’s identities, particularly their self-esteem and physical well-being. At the same time, it’s important to remember that victims of intimate partner violence aren’t the only individuals who are affected by the effects of this form of abuse. According to human service experts who give psychosocial therapy to those who have experienced intimate partner violence, there are several physical and psychological impacts. Anger might arise as a result of a neurological system that is constantly irritated. Mindfulness practices might be proposed as viable choices for helping people deal with trauma and anger more successfully.

Works Cited

Brend, Denise Michelle, Julia Krane, and Sara Saunders. “Exposure to trauma in intimate partner violence human service work: A scoping review.” Traumatology, vol. 26, no. 1, 2020, pp. 127-136.

Nhat Hanh, Thich. Anger. Riverhead Books, 2001.

Sanz-Barbero, Belén, Natalia Barón, and Carmen Vives-Cases. “Prevalence, associated factors and health impact of intimate partner violence against women in different life stages.” PLoS One, vol. 14, no. 10, 2019.

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