Sociology Essay Samples

The Rights of Terminally Ill Patients

I want to thank you all for being here tonight to discuss an important and controversial topic: death with dignity and the right of terminally ill patients to choose medically assisted suicide. We all know the pain and suffering the terminally ill must endure, and I believe it is a...

Identity and Cultural or Ethnic Group Membership

Globalization has sharply exacerbated the problem of identity and culture, which today is considered by scholars of various specialties: political scientists, sociologists, philosophers, and psychologists. It is a reflection on identity that gave rise to the concepts of ethnicity, race, and nationality, which are increasingly becoming part of public discourse....

The Issue of the Drug Addiction

Introduction Drug addiction is one of the main causes of social dangers that have become widespread in society and threaten people’s lives and health. Drug addiction is a threat to all mankind, currently, there are about 200 million drug addicts worldwide (Rolando & Beccaria, 2019). Drug use is one of...

Ethical Issues of Federal Authorization of Abortion

Introduction The article “Abortion election results: Kentucky rejects constitutional amendment on abortion” looks at the ethical issues surrounding federal authorization of abortion. Honderich (2022) summarizes Kentucky’s rejection of a constitutional amendment that would remove the right to abortion from federal law. The vote resulted in a majority of voters (51.4%)...

The Child Welfare System in the United States

Introduction The child welfare system refers to a cluster of services tailored toward improving children’s well-being by protecting their rights, guaranteeing their safety, and empowering families to raise their children appropriately. Different states in the U.S. have their own unique child welfare systems and procedures. Child welfare organizations’ core services...

The National Organization for Women’s Activities

Introduction The National Organization for Women (NOW) is an American organization created in 1966 to promote civil and legal rights for women. NOW’s mission is to take action to bring true equality for all women. The organization works to empower women and fight against discrimination and violence against women, as...

Race and Social Stratification in the U.S.

Studies have revealed that race has a direct impact on social stratification. In the United States, historical injustices have transformed into systemic discrimination that negatively affects African Americans and other minority groups. Clair (2020) explains that the challenges that some of these minority groups go through start at the earliest...

Julia Maisto: Corrections Must Report Facts and Figures

Summary The Vermont Department of Corrections is an American executive agency of the state of Vermont. According to the organization’s website, it has its own values, principles, mission, and vision. The vision statement communicates that the agency aims to “be valued by the citizens of Vermont as a partner in...

Double Consciousness in Modern America

The feeling of not fitting in society is common for many people, especially those of different ethnic backgrounds. Often the dominant culture tends to press on individuals of different races. Racial identity, from others’ perspectives, can be devastating and cruel. Du Bois (2016) defined this phenomenon as “double consciousness,” which,...

Students’ Socio-Demographic Characteristics Importance

The impact of students’ socio-demographic characteristics on their overall academic performance has been the subject of much scholarly literature, and it is a debated issue in contemporary academic discourse. Understanding how a student’s ethnicity affects their overall educational performance helps identify the key predictors that determine systemic learning outcomes, taking...

Popular Culture and American Culture

Introduction A critical aspect of American culture is jazz music. Jazz has a lengthy history in America and has influenced various things, including style, protest movements, and subsequent musical generations. Everything from poetry and fashion to the Civil Rights movement was affected by it. The minstrelsy’s 150-year-long dissemination of offensive...

What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July: Analysis

Frederick Douglass was an eloquent orator whose remarks were frequently published in abolitionist publications. What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July, delivered at Rochester, New York, on July 5, 1852, is one of his most well-known lectures, which he later published as a booklet (Waxman, par. 1). However,...

Museification of Self: Social Media and System Theories

The creation of my own museum Museification is a way of fixing a memory about oneself, in vivo or posthumously. Any artifact left behind by a person can, in principle, be considered an attempt to preserve a memory of oneself in the form of a material object. Hence, the metaphor...

The Issue of Firearms Control in Modern Society

One of the most embarrassing and political issues in modern society is the issue of firearms control. The debate about firearms has been going on for a long time, and in light of the increased mass shooting and the increased risk of terrorist threats, it will remain a hot topic....

A Reinterpretation of Marxist Theory

Oversveen (2021) tries to bring a reinterpretation of Marxist Theory concerning alienation. Instead of understanding alienation as a subjective experience, the author explains alienation as an objective process. This way, the author can solve various theoretical problems related to the alienation theory, such as moral personalism and essentialism. It explains...

The Differences Between Social Movements and Interest Groups

Introduction It is important to note that politics and social structure are primarily driven by various forms of collective actions, which is especially true within a democratic system. Although dictatorships might be heavily reliant on individual decisions, they are still impacted by the collective actions of the population, but to...

The Issue of Gender and Government

Many dimensions of political violence are influenced by gender. It leads to its occurrence in the first place, and it causes great pain during the conflict in the second. Finally, female involvement and engagement are essential for long-term peacebuilding. The predominance of males over women in many facets of political,...

Challenges Faced by Women in the Workplace

Of the many challenges encountered by those employed in different workplaces, most fall under the systemic type, which tends to be difficult to resolve. Unemployment penalty and pregnancy discrimination are the challenges exerted particularly on women when considering the case stated on the paper. Women pose a higher unemployment penalty...

Violence in the Media of Sports

Domestic violence and sexual abuse incidents involving professional athletes are regularly covered in the media. Domestic abuse is the most common felony among professional football players, accounting for 55 percent of all charges (Giovannone, 2021). According to statistics, 134 athletes have been charged with domestic violence, and 15 have been...

Discussion: The Definition of Beauty

Beauty encompasses different opinions and views in different cultures and traditions. For example, in the Bible, Sarah, the wife of Abraham, had an engrossing prettiness that Abram once introduced her as her sister to avoid being killed by Pharaoh. She is described to be the most exquisitely beautiful woman of...

“Western Workers Fight for Better Conditions” Article by Lueders

The article is based on western workers who fight for better working conditions. These workers include the grocery clerks, the teachers, and Ski patrollers who are pushing for fair pay and support for their jobs. These employers have decided to go to the street to demonstrate reasonable pay as per...

Fishing Industry: The Fight for Gender Equality

The contribution of women to various processes around the world is undeniable. Although they constitute half of the total workforce in the fishing industry, they are the least represented in decision-making. A small percentage of women hold senior positions in the field under consideration. This problem is typical in the...

An Analysis of Social Work Competencies

Abstract Social work competencies are abilities that demonstrate a social worker’s prowess in solving client problems. Based on the 2015 Council on Social Work Education’s standards, ten competencies direct social workers’ roles. These include professionalism, values and ethics, diversity and difference, human rights, social and economic justice, research, policy practice,...

Discussion: Migrants in Italy

Introduction There are numerous issues that are associated with mass migration to Western Europe. Immigration to the region has accelerated in recent years, raising concerns about the sustainability of the existing framework regulating the social phenomenon. Moreover, the high number of unregistered migrants leads to various tensions that influence politics....

Unpaid Maternity Leave Is Bad for Our Country

Introduction More mothers each year are leaving work due to the need to carry and take care of a child remain without benefits from employers. This problem is striking since, in modern society, the concepts of humanity, successful management of human resources, and general respect for employees are increasingly spreading....

Democratization in the US for Cultural Minorities in Movie Awards

The changes that occurred in the US over the past 50 years have emphasized the accessibility of culture to minorities. These changes were taking place as society started to understand the issues of discrimination, and slowly different cultural events, art, movies, TV shows, and other media sources began implementing an...

Challenges of Algerian Immigrants in Begag’s Shantytown Kid

Introduction Shantytown Kid is an autobiographical novel written by Algerian writer Azouz Begag and published in 1986. This is a story about a young boy whose parents immigrated from Algeria in the midst of the Algerian war in the 1960s. The book explores a variety of subjects related to the...

Women’s Global Empowerment Fund and Visionary Feminism

The purpose of this work is to describe and analyze the social activity of a modern feminist organization. Despite the fact that it may seem that in modern realities feminism is no longer as relevant a movement as it was in the 20th century. However, many of the problems that...

Researching of Environment Racism

Introduction Environmental racism occurs when pollution and the overall deterioration of the global ecosystem have a significantly negative effect on persons of color. The environmental justice movement has fought to promote environmental justice and equity due to environmental racism. “Environmental justice” is a different concept altogether. The government’s response to...

Analysis of Flint Water Crisis

When Flint, Michigan, was under state management, water supplies were disconnected from the regional system. Flint residents were forced to rely on the extremely corrosive Flint River as their primary drinking and utility water supply until the pipes could be constructed (Pauli, 2020). With this method, the objective was to...

Bill 1557: Children’s Self-Identification and Sexual Orientation

Safeguarding the rights and well-being of children represents one of the core goals of local and state authorities. The specified concerns extend to the issue of children’s self-identification and sexual orientation, specifically, children’s rights to be educated on the subject matter. In turn, Bill 1557, dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay”...

Protecting Migrants – Refugees: The Role of International Instruments

Migrants’ and refugees’ rights and possible limitations to their social and economic opportunities, as well as the freedom of cultural self-expression, remain highly debatable topics. Through international tools and treaties, intergovernmental bodies seek to regulate migration while also offering protection and preventing the violation of human rights. This paper rejects...

Discrimination Against the Mapuches in Chile

Summary The epoch in which humanity currently is living is marked by an unprecedented degree of cultural sensitivity all over the world, which is the natural consequence of globalization. In the environment of ever-growing tolerance, any types of discrimination are becoming less and less acceptable, not solely from the moral...

Economic Injustice in the African American Community

Introduction Economic justice is a subcategory of social justice and welfare economics, which designates the set of ethical and moral ideas for building financial institutions. Its objective pertains to creating vast opportunities for each individual, regardless of their social status, gender, or ethnicity, to establish a sufficient monetary foundation to...

Small Thing to Change the World

Everyone can improve their lives and the lives of others: for this, areas of personal responsibility should be defined to motivate themselves and others. It means that each problem is in the area of someone’s responsibility, and this person has to do something to solve them. Starting to act, a...

Leadership Practice in “Hold On” Video

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically affected the lives of almost every person in the world. Due to time restrictions on visiting public places, students are forced to study remotely, and teachers have to work from home. During this complicated period, it is essential to support each other and keep...

Community Assessment for Policy Development

A community assessment process can play a major role in improving hiring decision-making and policy development. The outcome of the given notion allows people to recognize and identify the key problems within the selected community. Therefore, organizations can effectively adjust their operations and strategies to meet these needs. The community...

Verbal and Nonverbal Communication in Human Life

Introduction Communication is an integral part of a modern person’s life: in a day, they meet dozens of people, make formal and informal calls, and send various text messages. The word “communication” usually evokes associations such as “conversation,” “dialog,” “exchange of words,” or perhaps “correspondence,” which belong to verbal communication....

Why Religion Is Good for American Democracy by Swain

Durkheim also attached great importance to religion in the development of society. In all his works, he writes that religion is the only product of the development of society. By studying the history of the formation of religions, from primitive to bourgeois, he was able to prove that the real...

Mere Exposure Effect in Raimi’s “Spider-Man” Movie

Social attraction is a topic every individual has to consider at some point in life eventually. Amongst the reasons people feel attracted to something or someone, there is a sense of familiarity, which is the case of the mere exposure effect. For example, its impact on a beginning of a...

Planning and Creating the Public Speaking

No matter how good a specialist a person is, no matter how undeniable virtues he possesses, public speaking is a stone that even the most self-confident people seem to stumble over. Nervousness might take a speaker unexpectedly – behind the podium, in front of the jury, or with the employer....

Black Joy as a Form of Resistance

Black Joy is known as a form of activist movement for Black people. It is the enjoyment of Black culture without shame or hesitancy; its center is “pride in Black forms of beauty, creativity, ingenuity and thriving” (Alexis, et al. 52). Due to the long, painful history of Black people...

The Importance of Access to Safe and Legal Abortions

Introduction Abortion is generally defined as the elimination of pregnancy, thereby preventing the birth of a child. The termination of the pregnancy can occur naturally as a miscarriage or be handled practically. There are two types of abortions, induced and spontaneous abortions. If correctly conducted by a certified medical practitioner,...

Racial Discrimination Problem in the United States

Introduction Racial tensions have been at the forefront of societal discussions in the United States for a while now. Boundaries based on ethnic lines have barred progress in many areas of relevance especially social integration for minorities. The cornerstone of an exemplary representative democracy like the US hinges on the...

The Problem of Social Inequality

Introduction Social inequality is one of the most severe problems of today’s society, requiring immediate solutions. In the previous essay, strengthening human capital, raising the minimum wage, and altering corporate governance were presented as possible solutions. However, such proposals require a detailed analysis of both the ways of their implementation...

Problem of Public Misunderstanding of Introverts

An article written by Jonathan Rauch for The Atlantic addresses a current and widespread problem of public misunderstanding of introverts, whose behavior is often stigmatized as rude or depressive. The author, an introvert himself, shares his vision of this issue with the reader, supported by scientific data that such individuals...

Black Women, Dance, and Social Critique

Different parts of identity are what shape a person’s experience in the world, how they interact with it, and how the world responds to their actions. This is particularly true for marginalized communities, as well as other groups of people that have historically and culturally been subject to discrimination or...

Criminological Aspects of Cyberbullying

Introduction Cyberbullying is becoming an urgent problem for many people worldwide. However, the number of studies and interventions on this topic remains unsatisfactory (Zhu et al., 2021). Thus, the central theme of this study is the need for a detailed investigation of cyberbullying and measures to prevent it. This study...

Civil Disobedience: Persuasive Research

Introduction Civil disobedience is a deliberate nonviolent political action expressed in willful violation of the law to initiate changes in legislation or government policy. The most striking examples of this “act” are “Salt March” in India, “Campaña de Extremadura,” “Textile workers strike of 1934,” and many others. Perhaps, the actual...

Comparing Deontology and Consequentialism

The Deontology theory was introduced by a German philosopher as an ethical approach to professional duties. The theory is based on the belief that people can understand and apply moral laws at all times (Barrow and Khandhar). It helps professionals know what to do in given circumstances because it is...

Assessment of Community Needs and Intervention

Introduction Assessing the strengths and resources available in society to meet the existing needs of children, youths, and families is part of a community needs evaluation. Community members, agencies, and organizations are all included in the evaluation. Building communities that support and nourish families is made possible by this paradigm...

Social Isolation and Loneliness Among the Elderly

Introduction Human beings are essentially social animals, as high-quality social relationships are fundamental to our physical and mental health and well-being at all life stages or ages. Loneliness and social isolation have significant consequences for health, well-being, and longevity. Disruptive life events and life transitions, such as the loss of...

The Refugee Resettlement Agency

Duties and Line of Work I met Patrick Kearns, the executive director of the Refugee Response, Cleveland, Ohio, where we discussed issues in his resettlement centre. One of the main duties of a Refugee Resettlement Agency is to oversee the agency’s operations. Kearns is the face of the organization and...

The Seven Steps of the Research Process

Topic What threat does disinformation pose to freedom of speech today? Background Misinformation is false information created and disseminated to deceive and harm the interests of people, institutions, or countries. Combating such information may imply restrictions on the dissemination of data. Such measures can prevent the free discussion of ideas...

Analysis of Freedom of Speech in the US

Introduction Freedom of speech is an important right given to Americans in the US through the constitution. It gives people the right to share their opinions and censure political leaders and others on different aspects without any fear. The First Amendment of the US Constitution states that “the Congress cannot...

Sexual Health and Identity in Society

Introduction Sexual health and identity are versatile subjects with numerous sides and elements to consider. It is a crucial part of every person’s life that affects physiological and psychological wellbeing. Moreover, some social groups and institutions are incorporated with the concept of sexual health since it challenges the accustomed norms...

Fetal Development and Abortion

The controversial topic of abortion has been central to many medical and social discussions for many decades. As expected, many of the people on both sides of the argument feel very strongly about the subject, often using both reason and emotion, science and religion, to persuade the other side. Regardless...

Hipsters and Sneakerheads: Comparative Analysis

Modern society is not homogenous because it consists of many groups uniting people who share similar characteristics. A suitable example is a subculture, i.e., a category of people who have the same attributes, beliefs, values, and norms that differentiate them from the dominant culture (Kendall, 2013). Today, there are numerous...

“The Color of Justice” Book by Spohn et al.

Summary In a chapter titled “The Color of Justice,” its author, Michel Alexander, discusses the institutional and systemic racial bias and resulting discrimination against the African American community in America’s criminal justice system. She reviews both isolated high-profile cases of litigation by Black people against a given institution and makes...

Male Domination Within Law Enforcement

Introduction In the United States, law enforcement is a male-dominated career or profession, especially in the FBI, as women have, for years, been underrepresented. This has been done despite studies showing that female police officers possess the ability to have a positive impact on the entire department’s performance and communities....

Homosexuality in the United States

The functionalist theory, the conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism are the three perspectives in sociology that provide fundamentally different views on the behavior of the population. Homosexuality is one of the topics that are highly divisive and, therefore, crucial to analyze from all points of view. This essay discusses the...

“How Humanity Doubled Life Expectancy in a Century” Speech by Johnson

Steven Johnson’s speech on the TED Youtube channel, titled “How Humanity Doubled Life Expectancy in a Century,” raises the question of increasing the life expectancy of the world’s population. In particular, life expectancy is considered a general trend, and the connection of the phenomenon with the improvement of living conditions...

Annotations to Nabulya’s “When Eco-Criticism and Rhetoric Meet”

Introduction Original Text: For Nixon, the “writer activist” should frame the text “to bring emotionally to life” and to render imperceptible environmental issues “apprehensible to emotions” so as to attract the attention of policy makers (Nixon 2011: 14). But Nixon draws attention to the term “apprehension,” emphasizing that it “draws...

Observation and Overcoming Nervousness

Observation means paying attention to important subtle details to get a deeper understanding of the problem or gain new insights into an issue. It has an important role as one of the foundations of critical thinking because it supplies an individual with a great deal of data that can further...

Discussion on Greenwashing: Human Rights and Business

The protection of human rights is a complex issue in the legal field, since the world is constantly evolving, and new issues require new laws. While individual human rights are regulated and protected by law, collective human rights such as a clean environment and their violations by global corporations still...

Counter Terrorism and Mitigation of Disasters

Summary Terrorism and natural disasters are among the most significant problems every nation has to face daily and search for ways to mitigate or eliminate such occurrences. Both politically and sociologically, terrorism poses a massive threat to the current status quo, international relations and modern infrastructures. Therefore, to prevent terrorist...

The Essay “Six Ways of Looking at Crip Time” by Ellen Samuels

Individuals who are born with or have acquired a disability undergo challenges that conventionally healthy people know little about and may not comprehend. For various reasons, society often disregards those who have disabilities and does not deem it necessary to understand their struggles. Nonetheless, such people as Ellen Samuels endeavor...

An Analysis of Services Provided for Older Adults in Ontario, CA

Ontario, California Demographic Information The recent census data of the Ontario community in California estimates that the city has a population of around 176,463 persons, of whom 135,580 are adults; over the age of 18. Of the adult population in Ontario, California, 36,708 members of the senior population are seniors,...

What Modern-Day Slavery Looks Like

Introduction In the past, the conception of slavery was widespread, as many nations benefited from free labor. Traditional slavery, which is commonly referred to as chattel slavery, is one of the ways one person has total ownership of another (“My children are just tied down here,” 1863). The other type...

Gender Inequality: Modernization and Globalization

Introduction Every human deserves an equal chance and access to flourish and survive in this life. Gender inequality has been occurring in communities around the world and in most cases, it starts from childhood. This robs young ones of their childhoods and limits their opportunities. As a result, many nations...

Researching of Racism in Healthcare

Racism is a phenomenon that impacts people on multiple levels. The domains that racism affects are the economy, education, healthcare, etc. While the US healthcare system is supposed to have one main objective, which is mitigating health risks for the general population, the controversy is that certain minorities are more...

Discussion of Self-Resilience Concept

This essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson explores the concept of self-resilience and describes the tenets of this human quality. The author builds his argument around the statement that “every great man is unique” (Reidhead et al. 251). Uniqueness is associated with non-conformism and belief in soybeans, even if they contradict...

Social Darwinism and Negative & Positive Eugenics

Social Darwinism is the idea that “natural selection should be allowed to take its course on the human species” (Leahey, 2018, p. 291), implying that governments should not support disadvantaged groups of people. According to the ideas of Social Darwinism, such a course of action will result in the perfection...

The Book “Consider the Lobster” by David Wallace

David Wallace’s Consider the Lobster captures his Maine Lobster Festival experience in 2003 at Rockland, Maine. Over 2500 fresh lobsters are caught, prepared, and made available at this festival in several dishes, including lobster sauté, dumplings, turnovers, rolls, salad, deep-fried, and ravioli (Wallace). These varying dishes are prepared to relish...

Peter Singer’s Solution to World Poverty Analysis

Peter Singer’s main theme throughout the work is focused on moral obligations concerning sacrificing one’s wealth for the livelihood of others. He specifically refers to donations towards causes that assist children in less privileged countries with food, living spaces, medical care, and other necessities. Singer outlines a real problem, that...

The Causes of Partner Violence

The professors of the University of Albany, Worden, A. P. and Carlson, B. E., conducted thorough research on common beliefs around domestic violence (DV). The article titled “Attitudes and beliefs about domestic violence: Results of a public opinion survey: II. Beliefs about causes” was published in the Journal of Interpersonal...

Social Risks of People with Disabilities

People with mental and physical disabilities face severe formal and informal discrimination. At the moment, institutions (public and private) can subjugate the issue of legal discrimination and allow people with disabilities to get work, education, and wages. Many activities and hobby classes are officially available to disabled people. An issue...

Increasing Safety of Sex Workers With Ads

The article reports that NOW Magazine was accused of facilitating human trafficking by publishing ads for sex workers. It is noted that “NOW Magazine has published sex workers’ ads since its founding in 1981” (Scott, 2017). This practice allows sex workers to more effectively screen potential customers to increase their...

Murder of Kitty Genovese: Moral Apathy and Social Responsibility

“I’m dying! She shrieked. I’m dying!” marked the last words spoken by Catharine Genovese. She uttered the words as she frantically lay on the floor bleeding while thirty-eight of her neighbors enjoyed their morning sleep—fully aware of her condition. Miss Genovese was stabbed three times over thirty-five minutes while heading...

Social Models Application to Addicted Clients

Introduction: Demographic Characteristics and Addictive Behavior History Social factors can play a critical role in addictive behaviors such as substance and alcohol abuse. In this regard, the social models of addiction imply that one’s habits develop based on the attitudes of family members or peers. According to Sussman (2020), programs...

The Clash Between Modernity and Tradition: Females’ Experience

The renowned American writer Shirley Jackson created a good metaphor describing people’s traditions. In Jackson’s “The Lottery,” people had a black box as old as the hills, deteriorating and worn-out but defining people’s destinies. The box was the reason for the death of a member of the community with a...

Impact of Unconscious Bias on Group’s Perception

Introduction Unconscious bias is defined as social stereotypes about specific groups of people. It makes individuals aware of their consciousness and how they differ from others. Despite documentation of prejudice based on race, it can exist towards any social group. That is specific when individuals find themselves in a cultural...

Quotes from Bhagavad-Gita and Second Jaina Sutra

Introduction This paper purposes to compare and contrast two selected quotes from Bhagavad-GītƗ, chapter III, verses 30, and the Second Aṅga Sūtra of the Jaina ƖgƗmas. Bhagavad-GītƗ, chapter III, verses 30 states, “Resigning all thy works to Me, with thy consciousness fixed in the Self, being free from desire and...

“Prejudice Reduction Through Intergroup Contact in Northern Ireland” by Cornell

There is a prolonged discussion about the effects of cooperation on prejudice towards people who work together on the same goal. For this post, I chose the article “Prejudice reduction through intergroup contact in Northern Ireland: A socio-psychological critique” by Jennifer Cornell as the most persuasive. While both articles provided...

Gross National Income in American Society

Analysis of gross national income per capita and the spread of income levels between households (Gini index) indicates a high degree of imbalances in American society. US social policy aims to create incentives for finding jobs, and the process of retraining or acquiring new professions is attributed exclusively to financing...

The Principle of Least Action

Since Galileo’s time, it has been known that bodies that are not affected by any forces move in straight lines, that is, along the shortest path. William Hamilton formulated the principle that among all kinematically possible movements of a system from configuration A to configuration B, performed in the same...

Female Reproductive Rights Are Human Rights Too

Introduction The issue of female reproductive rights has been on the sociopolitical agenda of the U.S. for several decades, yet the participants of the argument have come close to any semblance of a reasonable solution for addressing the issue of sex-based oppression that women face. Instead, the discourse has been...

The Role of Advocacy, Social Action, Empowerment in Uniontown, Alabama

Uniontown, Alabama, is a low-pay residential town with dominatingly African American people. Roughly 90% of Uniontown’s populace are African American, with each capita pay of under the required wage. Practically half of the public lives under the poverty line (Nowthis News, 2017). Uniontown has had a fizzled waste treatment shower...

Crack Cocaine Addiction and Care Plan Goals

Reason for Visit- The patient suffers from a severe case of drug addiction, which is destructive for his health, well-being, and social life. DX (diagnosis)- Substance Abuse and Addiction (Crack Cocaine) Subjective (S) The patient reports having no control mechanisms over his crack addiction, where he describes it as “destructive,”...

Decoding Analysis of the Videos

Tony Robbins on How to Break Your Negative Thinking The video How to Break Your Negative Thinking by Tony Robbins inspires people to think more positively. It can be described as a motivational speech majorly because its main purpose is to encourage the audience to start thinking more positively. In...

Disabled People in New York and Challenges They Face

Introduction Disabilities, whether physical or mental ones, affect people’s lives to a notable extent, reducing life satisfaction and causing discomfort. Presently, in New York, 3,725,215 disabled people, which constitutes around 255 of the entire population of the state, have some form of disability (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2021)....

Role of Imperialism on Immigration and Immigration Policies in the United States

The United States has always been viewed as a nation of opportunities, a country where potential immigrants might succeed and advance. Nonetheless, US residents have historically and currently worried that immigration depresses incomes and newcomers fail to integrate into American society. These worries shaped historical immigration policies and continue to...

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s Theory of “A Single Story”

Introduction Nowadays, with the fast development of the Internet and social networks, one has more opportunities to communicate with people from different countries and with various backgrounds. However, not everyone seems to be ready for this new experience. Although people now can learn much more about other cultures and worldviews,...

Description of the Immigration Classification

The question of immigration has been a topic of controversy in many countries, which is increasing year after year. According to the 2020 United Nations Migration Report, the number of migrants worldwide reached 272 million in 2019, and it is expected to continue to grow (International Organization for Migration, 2020)....

Poverty and Mental Health: The Relationships Analysis

Introduction Gaining high social status and achieving prosperity through financial well-being are the prospects for which most people aspire. Today, an opportunity to maintain a healthy family overlaps with income levels, and the lack of livelihood is often associated with poor health outcomes. Moreover, in addition to physical condition, mental...