Intelligence and Managerial Competence

The comparison between the words “smart” and “stupid” mainly depends on the relevance to an individual. According to research, “smart” is used interchangeably to depict high intellect levels. Therefore, it is a quotient that profoundly impacts a person’s characterization and behavioral pattern. Researchers further postulate that the appellation “stupid” is the opposite of a knowledgeable counterpart (Sternberg, 2002). In this case, a being described under the spectrum of stupidity poorly utilizes cognition to comprehend dynamic aspects and make apt and effective decisions. The two captions proficiently contribute to the indication of a human within the mainframe of thoughtfulness and associated conduct.

One of the prominent themes that significantly influence decision-making is “stupidity contains both cognitive and moral implications.” The statement draws adept relevance to the profound aspect of interdependence and the impact of ethical practice. Effective leadership relies on the dynamic initiatives established to solve a problem or improve the implementation of an action plan. In this case, researchers indicate that different people play distinct roles within the societal spectrum (Sternberg, 2002). The lack of using intelligence renders an individual stupid and a violation of the mores of the community. An excellent example is an ineptness to maintain standard hygienic habits despite the adequate availability of water and soap. It is crucial to proficiently utilize discernment under various circumstances to avoid complications and issues. Decision-making is an approach that involves choosing right over wrong, and the efficiency scale features the level of brilliance.

There is a significant interdependent relationship between communication, decision-making, and the implications of stupidity. Communication and decision-making play a proficient role in the management of an organization (Sowell, 1996). The sufficient flow of information enhances the optimal delivery of services and the production process. It is the responsibility of the managerial team to establish key approaches that enhance the significant sharing of details concerning particular practices. However, hindrance of the correspondence between workers and the executive team risks prominent challenges towards rendering highly competent customer satisfaction. The connectivity among the counterparts in a company reflects the effectiveness of suitable supervisory and policymaking frameworks within the governance system (Sowell, 1996). Notably, it is challenging to determine the values that influence living standards under the mainframe of stupidity. Poor cognition concerning the adept decision-making perspective risks ethical practice among people, hence causing distinctive relational issues.

One of the major factors that affect business competence is the role of management in the decision-making process. On the one hand, the administration’s mandate is to ensure that employees successfully attain the objectives while enhancing optimal satisfaction levels among consumers. On the other hand, the executive contributes to the growth of an enterprise based on the necessity of interpreting the financial data gathered from the daily cash flow records. Researchers establish different tools that influence the interpretation and presentation of information and pose dynamic attributes (Sowell, 1996). The distinction between stupidity and intellect lies in the ability to make effective decisions under the spectrum of the moral code. The initiative renders proper influence in the living quotient with minimal implications to the interaction among the personnel. In this case, it is the responsibility of dynamic individuals to realize their vital roles in the community setting to elevate productivity. Notably, knowledgeability is an empowerment tool steered by the proficient sharing of information among counterparts under managerial and individualized perspectives.

Intelligence is a highly contested quotient by individuals either as a hereditary or acquired element. A significant percentage of the human population portrays the ability to make effective decisions as a reflection of knowledgeability. However, it is crucial to indicate the core values of engaging in dynamic tasks. Primarily, astuteness is a multidimensional phenomenon that entails distinct approaches to appreciating the quality of living. According to research, one of the fallacious beliefs that makes smart people dumb encapsulates “intelligence as a fixed trait versus a potential that can be developed” (Sternberg, 2002). The notion is an assertive platform articulating the metacognitive perspectives among persons from different domains. On the one hand, some characters focus on the enhancement of acumen as an in-born element hence the justification of adept decision-making capacity. On the other hand, other counterparts appreciate the acquired perspicacity and seek advanced insights to boost their performance within the mainframe of moral and ethical responsibility.

It is easier for a smart individual to become dumb due to the belief that intelligence is a fixed characteristic. The concept is a mythology since it establishes the static state of cognition without the consideration for constant growth based on the environmental condition. The personality and level of thinking of an individual are highly influenced by the surrounding elements and situations (Sowell, 1996). In this case, a human attains wisdom based on experience and exposure across distinctive domains. Brilliance is a formative aspect that entails consistently acquiring insights and exploiting the overview during decision-making (Sternberg, 2002). The adept utilization of perceptions based on objectivity fosters moral and ethical adherence within the community setting. However, it is challenging to adopt the perspective based on integrating subjective aspects of entitlement. In this case, the populace believing percipience is a static component among beings cannot flex on dynamism and evolution as a strategy to advance their cognizance.

One of the factors that render the development of cognition entails the social learning concept. The framework establishes that the growth rate of a child’s brain relies on exposure and engagement within a community setting. In this case, an infant acquires moral and ethical behavior based on the conduct of people within the circle. Therefore, it is controversial to establish intellect as a static element since it violates the relevance of the objective entity on acquired behavior (Sternberg, 2002). In a different spectrum, the consideration of discernment as a potential that can be enhanced fosters astute articulation credibility on equality among personnel. Human evolution is an entity that enshrines change in conduct among people due to the consideration of proficient acquisition of knowledge and skills. A manager’s expertise mainly depends on experience in the industry hence competence (Sowell, 1996). The mainframe on savvy affirms my philosophy that dexterity is an individualistic evolutionary quotient among people that determines the natural selection process across distinctive realms.

I believe that a skillset results from consistent commitment and engagement in a particular practice. In this case, the exposure boosts the intellect level that proficiently attributes to effective decision-making. It is an individual responsibility to learn objective measures and approaches as an intellect empowerment tool. The consideration of brilliance as a static element significantly contributes to the hindrance of self-awareness and discovery under the spectrum of understanding diversity and the potential to become better.

Managerial competence involves the integration of distinct approaches and processes that boost the efficiency scale in the implementation of the action plan. According to research, different factors influence the effectiveness of an executive person within an organization or public domain (Sternberg, 2002). One of the types of personalities in a company that encounters significant recognition and failure enshrines the high likability floater. In this case, it is crucial to establish initiatives that promote efficiency among the counterparts. Research demonstrates that the character attains privileges in a firm due to the ability to offer companionship and entertainment to colleagues (Sternberg, 2002). However, they experience profound failure eventually due to the realization of the lack of additional value, especially in ambitions. The staff supports a corporate’s action plans but fails to provide intellectual insights on dynamic strategic domains. Therefore, other employees focus on boosting their productivity in the business based on the essence of engaging with a highly likable counterpart with a minimal performance level.

As an employee in a hospitality establishment, I once encountered a colleague with a high-likability tendency in the company. In this case, the individual mainly engaged other staff members in conversations while working, negatively affecting the performance quotient. Laborer X scored lowest on the productivity scale, but all employees liked his ability to entertain and offer companionship. However, after one year, the counterparts disengaged from their company due to the drawback in completing assigned tasks while participating in unnecessary chats with other individuals. Eventually, employee X moved on to a different firm articulating the lack of a functional organizational culture that enhances communication among workers. The experience asserts the implication of different types of personalities among professionals in the corporate.

One of the significant factors that affect business competence is the role of management in the decision-making process. On the one hand, the administration’s mandate is to ensure that employees successfully attain the objectives while enhancing optimal satisfaction levels among consumers. On the other hand, the executive contributes to the growth of an enterprise based on the necessity of interpreting the financial data gathered from the daily cash flow records. Researchers establish different tools that influence the interpretation and presentation of information and pose dynamic attributes (Sowell, 1996). In this case, the integration of details concerning consumer behavior and economic performance plays a vital role in improving the development of strategic concepts for business growth.

Skills and capacity development is an approach embedded with a strategic management plan that significantly impacts the performance of an organization. The prominent asset is the workers hence the importance of integrating values and expertise. Researchers establish a seven-step procedure that enhances an organization’s performance under the spectral view of tactical framework ideology (Sowell, 1996). The first phase engulfs understanding the importance of the prudent mainframe. It is crucial to establish the purpose of a disposition to optimally integrate the dynamic stakeholders during the implementation process. The second maneuver is the setting of objectives. The aspect significantly contributes to the new behavioral response by the participants due to the articulate guideline to sustain the progressive change in the enterprise. Different institutions uphold distinct concepts during operations and practice. As a result, the advancement of the rationales provides insight among the laborers and the administrative team regarding the shrewd animus.


Sternberg, R. J. (2002). Why smart people can be so stupid. Yale University Press.

Sowell, T. (1996). Knowledge and decisions. Basic Books.

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