Management: Conduct a Job Evaluation

Job evaluation is crucial to the company’s work and is essential in obtaining results. Every large company carries out such an action to understand the role of a person in the company, in particular, to consider his work and determine the salary he will receive. In addition, job evaluation is vital to convey to employees precisely those values and qualities that the employer values in its employees.

To start the evaluation qualitatively, it is worth considering first the methods used in such an evaluation based on job descriptions and objectives. From the beginning, it is necessary to consider the position of the employee and all the tasks given to him (Sarinah, 2020). In particular, a person vital to conducting the job evaluation can think qualitatively and analytically. A critical step for evaluating work is selecting people who will perform this evaluation. Such people must be independent in the company. In addition, this committee must understand all the work details in the company or have extensive experience and conduct an assessment based on it. It should train a specially selected group on how to complete the evaluation and why the review is essential (Suwarsono et al., 2019). Teaching such people how to keep documentation to get the correct result properly is also vital. They should pay great attention to calculating the quality of a person’s work correctly.

The last most important step is the organization of interviews, which will help fully consider the work’s evaluation. This stage is one of the most important, as it involves the assessment’s central part (Suwarsono et al., 2019. For such a particular group, it is worth communicating directly with employees, as the effect of conducting interviews will be better. This type of communication will allow a broad view of the person and his contribution (Sarinah, 2020). In particular, touch always gives a unique result and will enable you to understand a person better.

The things mentioned above are the main steps in establishing a quality assessment of the work. Understanding this type of evaluation is crucial because it allows you to consider the employees’ work and their contribution and then conclude it. Job evaluation is a crucial stage in the company, as it allows a better understanding of all processes. They should carry out this type of work constantly and systematically to understand the processes taking place in the company.


Sarinah, S. (2020). The Effect of Job Evaluation on Job Satisfaction in the Merangin Tourism, Youth and Sports Department. Dinasti International Journal of Digital Business Management, 1(6), 980-986.

Suwarsono, L., Aisha, A., & Nugraha, F. (2019). Comparison of Job Evaluation Methods: Implications for the Salaries Design in Publishing Company. Atlantis Press.

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