Managing a Career in the Nursing Field

The essence of nursing as a career is to provide the community members with adequate, competent, and timely health care practice. Nursing career development lasts throughout the entire life of the nurse and is expressed in lifelong learning. This occurs as a result of rapid and inconsistent environmental change as well as increased requirements set by society. However, nurses should clearly understand that their work ends with the end of their shift and that they should work for reasonable compensation. In order to remain professionals, they are to conduct continuous surveys and data collection related to their area of practice engaging in evidence-based decision-making. As for the nursing leader, he or she should also take the initiative in leading others. To implement the latter, they should consider various strategies including empowerment, demonstration, maintenance, promotion, and several others. It is also very important to point out the fact that nursing leaders are to prevent burnout in the team members that might result from the overwhelming amount of work or conflict. At that, I consider mentoring is the most appropriate way to note employees’ performance, both positive and negative. Legal and ethical insight and reduced stress rates along with increased self-confidence are effects of successful leadership management in the nursing context.

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AssignZen. (2023, July 16). Managing a Career in the Nursing Field.

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"Managing a Career in the Nursing Field." AssignZen, 16 July 2023,

1. AssignZen. "Managing a Career in the Nursing Field." July 16, 2023.


AssignZen. "Managing a Career in the Nursing Field." July 16, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "Managing a Career in the Nursing Field." July 16, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Managing a Career in the Nursing Field'. 16 July.

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