Mediation and Trauma Awareness Program


The proposed program for evaluation is the meditation and trauma awareness program. The treatment of anxiety as a trauma symptom includes pharmacological therapy, physical activity, and group discussions. A vital component of these activities is meditation, which helps one relax and tune into positive thinking. The curriculum to be put in place will entail many group classes. The plan is to lessen the severity of frequent symptoms by meditating and being considerate. People are often unable to attend treatment because of their stress, but group meditation can help prepare them for future trauma processing. The combination of relaxation exercise courses and therapy sessions will help the patient achieve their goals and take care of their most basic requirements. Meditating will be a constant friend for those who suffer from anxiety because it will help alleviate their stress. Although meditation can be practiced alone, it is most effective when done in a group setting. The most common mental health issue affecting young people is traumatic stress.

Traumatic events mark a person’s psyche, resulting in emotional or behavioral shortcomings. Anxiety or a disturbed state of mind may accompany a person due to unwanted recollections. It harms social interactions, employment, and health. Meditation is an effective tool for managing stress. The program’s overall strategic objective is to reduce anxiety levels through meditation and therapy sessions. Additionally, the program attempts to alleviate stress and its impacts on daily life: for instance, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) tools will facilitate the development of mindfulness. The approaches can be utilized indefinitely, considerably alleviating future anxiety. These tactics frequently need concentration and the capacity to focus on a specific task: online lectures or relaxation exercises might be beneficial.

A typical practice session would include the following components: educational enlightenment and training session, a meditation session, and an opportunity to share one’s feelings. The movement can occur in any setting, whether a hospital room or a huge private practice office. The primary skill that clients should gain following the program is a technique or mechanism for dealing with stress that they may gradually integrate into their daily lives. Meditation will be divided into sessions focusing on self-control, willpower development, and emotional processing. This is a vital stage since it is during this stage that customers will feel at ease and in tune with their thoughts.

Finally, customers will be able to voice their feelings and ideas regarding the meditation process during the final component of the sessions. At this stage, the clinician will better understand what to address in subsequent sessions and apply new procedures. A strategy for dissemination has been established. First, I want to underline that the success of treatment and meditation is contingent upon the individual’s degree of consciousness. Therefore, everyone must grasp the benefits of meditation in the healing process. Clients will be urged to continue practicing the strategies they learned from this content. While it may appear complicated at first, the gradual enrichment of information will pay off long term.

Meditation is simple to practice, and sharing the experience with others alleviates anxiety. While traveling alone is challenging, this form of activity will aid with symptom reduction and replenishment of troublesome demands. Clients will be urged to continue practicing the strategies they learned from this content. While it may appear complicated at first, the gradual enrichment of information will pay off long term. I feel that the tactics I provide should be applied explicitly in groups. My target audience will be clients suffering from trauma or anxiety between teens and children, and group counseling will benefit them. Adolescents’ successful socialization and personal development are contingent upon their comfort.

While you are younger, anxiety may make it more difficult to find work and make friends. Older adults can join comparable meditation classes; however, communication is frequently problematic due to generational differences. On the other hand, separating elderly adults into distinct groups is a brilliant idea. On the other hand, children’s audiences require additional care and attention. Additionally, trauma affects children’s psychological development, and these acute deviations are frequently resolved with meditation. For such children, different tactics are required, and they should be divided into groups.

Evaluation Plan

The process of determining whether or not something fits particular criteria through scientific and statistical processes is known as evaluation in the healthcare industry. The procedure also checks whether a specific item meets predetermined standards to guarantee that the project’s goals and outcomes are being met. On the other hand, the review process needs to be set out in a particular fashion with distinct stages to follow.


Many critical phases and approaches are involved in the proposed program’s assessment. In the assessment plan, the first phase is a plan to include stakeholders in the process. This is the first step in the evaluation planning process. Identifying stakeholders in a specific program is made easier with the help of When everyone involved ensures that the process moves forward and that questions can be clarified at any time, it makes it easier to evaluate. As part of the program’s evaluation, stakeholders will be explicitly identified. I want to involve people knowledgeable about anxiety and trauma treatment options, both pharmaceutical and non-pharmacological.

The evaluation plan’s next stage is to provide a detailed description of the program. With this description, diverse stakeholders’ interests will be considered, and a platform for accountability will be created (Vostanis, 2019). At this point, the program’s goals, objectives, mission, and evaluation activities are laid out in detail. This is the following step, which focuses on evaluating the specific components. During this phase, facts and information are gathered in preparation for the final evaluation. Developing various question sets and adjusting these components to the assessment is the best way to accomplish this. This should also include a forecast of the resources needed to complete the primary process to cover essential parts.

After making a plan, the following step in evaluation is to acquire relevant data. Selecting relevant data to support the evaluation’s central theme is the task at hand at this phase. An evaluation plan is also needed to outline the schedule and assign roles and duties for the entire process. Another thing to do is think about bringing the whole thing to a close. This includes all parties involved in developing a procedure that will lead the data analysis. Several tools will be made accessible to aid in the actual data analysis. The evaluation process will conclude with the possible strategies for implementation being communicated and disseminated (Onnis et al., 2019). Stakeholders are brought together for the first time, crucial to the planning process.

Additionally, it guarantees that the components such as questions, objectives, and resource requirements are thoroughly vetted to ensure seamless project implementation. Users and stakeholders are made aware of the program’s progress by distributing the plan. Self-reported questionnaires or awareness scales will be used to gauge the effectiveness of the training. After each session, participants will participate in a focus group discussion to measure their efficacy.

Methods of Evaluation

Qualitative evaluation will be utilized to determine whether the program’s components effectively reached the program’s objectives. Qualitative evaluation enables you to develop a comprehensive understanding of a program or process. The evaluation technique will assess the programs’ efficacy in mediation to heal trauma and anxiety (Onnis et al., 2019). A survey will be done to determine the effectiveness of the planned program’s components in the area. The survey will examine the locations where mediation and trauma awareness programs have been implemented among children and adolescents and their effectiveness among adults.

The primary technique of evaluation will be through the use of self-reported questionnaires. A self-report test, measure, or survey is based on an individual’s account of their symptoms, habits, beliefs, or opinions. While an interview can collect self-report data, it is more customary for it to arrive in a paper and pencil questionnaire. Self-reports are commonly used in psychology studies because they can give researchers and practitioners a wealth of pertinent and diagnostic information (Vostanis, 2019). Subjects used in the awareness campaign will be given questionnaires about the program’s success. They will be asked to answer the questions and submit the questionnaires honestly. One of the primary advantages of this strategy is that self-report data can be obtained. In terms of research, it’s a low-cost method that allows for the observation and study of a much larger number of individuals than is possible in any other way. In addition, you have the option of remaining anonymous while completing a self-report. However, they have drawbacks in that subjects may be dishonest, incapable of introspection, or biased.

Focus group talks are another type of evaluation that will be used. A focus group is a qualitative study in which a trained moderator leads a group interview with six to eight individuals with similar backgrounds, demographic characteristics, or both (Onnis et al., 2019). The group members will be picked by the stakeholders who have been chosen. There are four critical steps in a focus group discussion. These include research design, data collection, analysis, and reporting on results. Focus group discussions rely heavily on group dynamics and synergistic interactions between participants to create data. The study’s principal goal will determine the group’s makeup. Participants should have comparable features such as gender, age range, ethnicity, and social class background. Recruitment can be costly, laborious, and divisive. Following the identification of participants, participant recruitment takes place.

Several authors have suggested three to four group meetings for simple research topics. When a group has more than 12 members, it gets challenging to manage and may break up into smaller groups. When more than 12 people are in a group, it gets challenging to order and split into two or three tiny groups, each with its autonomous debate. This evaluation will use only one focus group. A single-focus group comprises all participants and a team of facilitators who discuss a particular topic simultaneously and in place. This is the most common and well-known type of focus group discussion (Onnis et al., 2019). Researchers and practitioners from several fields have relied on it for assistance with this effort.


The measures that will be analyzed in the plan are the effectiveness of meditation and thoughtfulness in reducing the severity of common symptoms of anxiety and trauma. People are often unable to attend treatment because of their stress, but group meditation can help prepare them for future trauma processing. The combination of relaxation exercise courses and therapy sessions will help the patient achieve their goals and take care of their most basic requirements. To help those who suffer from anxiety, the practice of meditation will be their constant friend. Although meditation can be practiced alone, it is most effective when done in a group setting.

Reliability must be taken into consideration to maintain the credibility of the data. The most straightforward approach to getting this information is speaking with specific individuals, such as adolescents who have experienced trauma or anxiety. As a result of using this strategy, third parties may manufacture data in favor of particular interests. When collecting data, I will ensure that it is done the same way, namely, by filling out a questionnaire. I’ll make sure the same people who participated in the focus groups are included in subsequent rounds of data collecting. The collected data will be put together for analysis when collected.

The goal of the analysis phase is to turn the collected data into solid evidence of the project’s progress and success. Verifying that data was gathered using specific devices and that it represents the genuine picture of the situation and is not replicated is critical to ensuring that it can be verified. Many steps were taken to assure the validity, credibility, and usefulness of the data generated by the program. The evaluation data will be verified with the help of the stakeholders (Vostanis, 2019). A final report on the findings will be prepared after the data has been thoroughly gathered, credentialed, and validated. Anxiety and stress can be alleviated by cultivating awareness and mindfulness, measured through evaluation. Participants are intended to be educated on the benefits of meditation in treating trauma and anxiety (Onnis et al., 2019). There will be an executive summary of the findings, a description of why and how the evaluation was carried out, an explanation of the methodology used, as well as data collection methods and conclusions, which are usually linked to specific goals against which performance is evaluated, in the final report.


In conclusion, evaluating programs, practices, interventions, or initiatives is a systematic approach to determining how well they accomplish their stated objectives. Evaluating a program or project can assist in discovering what works effectively and what needs to be improved. The created curriculum will incorporate ways for teenagers and young adults to cope with trauma and anxiety. The training is relevant because good socialization requires overcoming traumatic experiences. The program’s primary objective is to alleviate anxiety through meditation and therapeutic sessions. Teaching, contemplation, and conversation will all be included. The program will result in the development of mindfulness for stress management, the efficacy of which may be evaluated using self-report scales or questionnaires. The design, methods, and evaluation measures are well highlighted in the document.


Onnis, L., Hakendorf, M., Diamond, M., & Tsey, K. (2019). CQI approaches for evaluating management development programs: A case study with health service managers from geographically remote settings. Evaluation and Program Planning, 74, 91-101. Web.

Vostanis, P. (2019). World awareness for children in trauma: capacity-building activities of a psychosocial program. International Journal of Mental Health, 48(4), 323-329. Web.

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