Medical Center’s Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal

The selected medical center has a small operation center that has a total of 12 employees. Currently, these professionals are compelled to work elsewhere to meet the required threshold for hours since they are full-time employees. This proposal seeks to suggest evidence-based measures to retain such experts and ensure that the operation center remains sustainable in the coming years.


To increase the pay rate for operation health professionals for the hours they work in urban hospitals, change their employment terms to 6-month contracts to retain them before the facility becomes busy. Such an objective will support the health center to become a leading provider of personalized operations and medical services in the wider community.

Questions and Predictions

How is the current work arrangement affecting the new surgery center?

Currently, these twelve workers are unhappy with the arrangement since they are compelled to complete their hours in other clinics. Such a process discourages and makes it impossible for them to appreciate their responsibilities and positions.

What are the consequences of allowing these workers to continue completing their hours in urban medical facilities?

The decision to continue allowing such employees to work in urban centers while getting the same remunerations means that they will continue feeling undervalued. Such professionals might decide to look for new opportunities elsewhere (Hechanova et al., 2018). The result is that the facility will eventually have to recruit other experts and affect the anticipated goals or performance.

What are the possible gains of the proposed payment plan for the operation professionals?

The proposed plan will allow the facility to hire this professional on a contractual basis for six months. During this period, the workers will earn competitive salaries and continue providing their services (Rux, 2020). This approach means that it will have increased chances of remaining sustainable and reduce the chances of being forced to employ new professionals.

What financial and output implications will the proposal have on the facility?

From the projected outcomes, it is evident that the operation experts will still be available to offer their services. The pay increment will empower and motivate them. Such gains mean that they will be ready and willing to continue meeting the changing demands of the targeted patients (Henderson, 2020). Consequently, the institution will expand its services and eventually become a reputable medical center in the community.

Change Theories and Leadership Strategies

To achieve the intended results, the involved participants should embrace the use of an effective change theory. Kurt Lewin’s change theory appears to be the most appropriate for this scenario. A charismatic leadership strategy will make the process seamless and allow all workers to focus on the best outcomes (Henderson, 2020). Through the use of these two models, the relevant leaders and workers will form an interdisciplinary team (Rux, 2020). The change leader will guide all members to collaborate and focus on the possible gains from the proposed initiative. Through such strategies, the interdisciplinary team will learn more about the facts of the situation and examine how the proposed changes might make a significant transformation at the operation center. A detailed analysis of the possible benefits will encourage all team members to buy the idea.

This situation will allow the professional to contextualize and make the relevant choices. The individuals will be ready to support the entire process and meet the demands of these key stakeholders. The ultimate aim is to ensure that the experts working in the operation center are satisfied with their working conditions and are willing to continue providing their services (Hayward et al., 2016). The leaders will find it easier to solve some of the emerging differences and offer additional suggestions to support the delivery of timely and sustainable results.

Team Collaboration Strategy

To achieve positive results, the interdisciplinary team will have to consider the roles of different leaders. First, the operation center’s manager will analyze the anticipated plan and offer guidelines every week. Second, the human resources (HR) manager will consider the nature of the current arrangement and the possible challenges that might emerge. He or she will offer appropriate guidelines to support the process and ensure that timely results are recorded (Henderson, 2020). Third, the leader in the operation room will review the nature of the proposed change and the possible benefits it might deliver to the facility. Finally, the team leader will consider the power of the proposed change and leadership models and apply them efficiently to deliver the intended results (Hechanova et al., 2018). When these professionals consider such responsibilities efficiently, chances are high that the facility will record positive outcomes and continue to provide timely services to more patients.

Required Organizational Resources

The successful implementation of the proposed plan would require adequate resources and time. The first issue to consider is that the facility should start focusing on the demands and expectations of the 12 professionals working in the operation room (Beydler, 2017). Second, the facility would need a leader whose actions and decisions would dictate the nature of performance and support the delivery of timely goals. Third, the organization will go further to consider the demands and expectations of the professionals working in the operation room (Hechanova et al., 2018). These issues will make it possible for the leader to focus on the anticipated outcomes.

Currently, the organization has the relevant supplies and equipment for the suggested plan. For instance, the formulated budget has indicated that the facility would require 5,760 USD additional funds to cater to the needs of these workers. The hospital system is capable of meeting this demand and ensuring that desirable outcomes are recorded in the future. The relevant departments will need to consider the major savings and initiatives that can support the delivery of the anticipated results (Hechanova et al., 2018). Additionally, the hospital will provide the relevant transport fee or arrangements to ensure that the needs of such professionals are met. They should also be allowed to liaise with different departments and patients to support the delivery of sustainable results.

As outlined above, the entire project would require a financial budget of around 5,760 USD. However, additional financial needs of around 2,000 USD would be required to facilitate the change process, educate some of the key stakeholders, and introduce additional materials to deliver timely results (Beydler, 2017). This cost is quite low since the center will find it easier to retain its workers and prepare itself for future health services. Finally, failure to undertake this plan means that the center will lose the current workforce. After the proposed period of 6 months, the institution might be compelled to advertise and recruit more operational experts. This move could result in losses amounting to 7,000 USD. Additionally, the organization will have lost its patients to other centers in the community. These outcomes mean that the facility might become unsustainable and incapable of realizing its objectives.


Beydler, K. W. (2017). The role of emotional intelligence in perioperative nursing and leadership: Developing skills for improved performance: The official voice of perioperative nursing. AORN Journal, 106(4), 317-323. Web.

Hayward, D., Bungay, V., Wolff, A. C., & MacDonald, V. (2016). A qualitative study of experienced nurses’ voluntary turnover: Learning from their perspectives. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 25(9-10), 1336-1345. Web.

Hechanova, M. R., Caringal-Go, J. F., & Magsaysay, J. F. (2018). Implicit change leadership, change management, and affective commitment to change. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 39(7), 914-925. Web.

Henderson, M. W. (2020). The economic case for meeting employees’ needs. Journal of Nursing Management, 28(1), 17-23. Web.

Rux, S. (2020). Utilizing improvisation as a strategy to promote interprofessional collaboration within healthcare teams. Clinical Nurse Specialist, 34(5), 234-236. Web.

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AssignZen. (2022, July 21). Medical Center's Interdisciplinary Plan Proposal.

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