NationaliTeas Gets the B Corp Certification


An organization is formed based on making profits and expanding to be the most competent in the marketplace. The company’s motto is based on improving its quality worldwide as it seeks to supply people’s need for beverages. The management desires to make the company the most respected in the more significant part of the globe from the organization’s actions. To be awarded a B Corp Certification means that the company should be top-notch in transparency, accountability, and performance. This research paper aims to discuss recommendations of techniques that the company should use to meet the standards of being awarded the B Corp Certification. It evaluates how operations management increases the value of an organization. It also explains local, national, and global sustainability concerning business across the globe.

Justification of Benefits

Key Components

The supply chain department advises the company to follow the Triple Bottom Line (TBL), which focuses on the three Ps. It emphasizes taking care of people, the planet, and profits contrary to what others think and doing business only to gain. Historically, business conduct has evolved from profit-oriented to caring for the community and the environment. The Triple Bottom Line was first introduced by John Elkington in his book, “Cannibals With Forks” in 1999 (Singh & Srivastava, 2021). People are the consumers of the company’s product and those inhabiting the planet. This means they are essential to the organization regardless of race, origin, or color. The NationaliTeas needs to protect human rights and ensure employees are not mistreated during business activities. The management should also ensure a safe workplace for its workers in terms of security and free from infringement of their rights (Singh & Srivastava, 2021). The TBL prioritizes people since, besides producing, they are also consumers.

The planet is another aspect of the TBL that needs to be taken care of by all organizations. The environment enables a firm to exist in a particular place and needs to be protected from damages such as global warming and pollution. Both producers and consumers need to be in a conducive environment for business to be conducted smoothly. The NationaliTeas needs to be part of a team determined to protect the environment of employees working in the corporation and its consumers.

On the profit part of the TBL, NationaliTeas needs to ensure that money is not only shared among the top management whenever high gains are achieved. Once gains are realized, the company could offer their consumers discounts to ensure they feel part of the group (Harjoto et al., 2019). Incentives should also be implemented to ensure that people working for the corporation are motivated to work for their good.

Organizational Value

Large organizations, including the United Nations (UN), have set an example for others. They have incorporated social responsibility to take care of the environment and the people living in it. This shows that if NationaliTeas follows suit to care for the environment and its consumers, there will also be profitable growth. According to researchers, a company known as LEGO has resolved to use hundred percent renewable energy by 2030 (Wang et al., 2019). The company could take care of the environment by recycling waste instead of releasing it to society. By so doing, the organization could save funds by using fewer raw minerals for future production.

There are benefits of using the TBL to the organization apart from the shareholders. One of the main benefits of using this policy is improving brand reputation. Most buyers in the recent past put into consideration the ethical performances of companies before deciding on purchasing. (Sugiarti et al., 2021). To get to the standards of B Corp Certification, NationaliTeas needs to incorporate a department that focuses on how the environment is taken care of across the globe.

Benefits of the B Corp Certification

The NationaliTeas organization should strive to get the B Corp Certification because it has several benefits, which include the following. Once the company attains this certification, it can collaborate with other firms globally with the same ranking. The company will also build loyalty with its existing customers and attract new ones. Investors will be drawn and interested in working with the NationaliTeas once they get the B Corp Certification. Customers who value their environment and consider corporate social responsibility will not doubt consuming the products of this company (Villela et al., 2019). Employees will be well engaged in working with the company, and the corporate will have more cost saving in their business.

Operational Recommendations

Organizational Impacts

Initiatives are an advantage towards achieving the B Corp Certification, and the organization is advised to introduce tree planting among its consumers. Consumers in Africa need to be supplied with seedlings to plant and irrigate. This will help curb drought in the continent and create jobs for Africans without working opportunities. There also needs to be created initiative of children’s homes in Asia. This will endure no one from lacking food and reduces the high crime rates in the continent caused by increased numbers of people without food. The other initiative that can be created is building schools to offer free education in Australia. It will enable people in that locality to know how to care for the environment professionally.

The initiatives will help the organization align better with its mission and vision. Besides obtaining increased profits, the firm will realize its objective of making the world awake by rejuvenating beverages. This will be achieved because the corporation will portray a good image in the society which produces its consumers. The organization will have taken care of the environment, the planet, and the people in these three initiatives.

The organization will reap from the three initiatives in different ways. Its brand reputation will be exceptional as it will outshine its competitors in those three continents of Asia, Australia, and Africa. The organization will also have unmatched competency in attracting talent and investors. The environment will also be healthy, which is advantageous for the company (Harjoto et al., 2019). Building schools in Asia will help the organization portray an excellent picture to the surrounding society. The firm will also receive profits as building children’s homes in the Asian continent will invite more consumers who will be determined to help.

Societal Impacts

Society will benefit from the organization People are interested in working for the company since the organization cares for them and their community. Employees are regarded as important as the environment and the profits being sought. The organization should ensure that the workplace is healthy and safe for its workers. It is crucial for employees also to be offered healthcare plans to ascertain their wellness conditions. Wages should be provided reasonably to all employees, and the recruitment process should be just. If the corporation takes care of the environment, this will be an advantage to the society which lives in the surroundings. It is suitable for the company to practice diversity and inclusivity in society (Villela et al., 2019). This can be achieved by caring for the disabled and offering fair employment opportunities to them.

Customer Impacts

The three initiatives will benefit consumers since their surroundings will be cared for. Planting trees and educating children are two critical aspects that will help the community to grow. There will be a good connection between producers and their customers. The NationaliTeas will intend to take care of people who enable them to earn profits, while consumers will feel important to their consumers for taking care of them.

Business Risks

Risks associated with these initiatives may include running into losses in establishing them. Planting trees means the company will have to spend funds on hiring people to plant and care for them or buy the seedlings. There may also be risks of technological changes that make some learning modes expensive in the case of building schools. There may also arise regulatory and legal changes that hinder the planting of trees and building of children’s homes in the other two continents. The company, however, should consider these risks and take a good planning committee to resolve the issues in case they arise (Marquis, 2021). Regarding expenses, the firm may seek funds from financial institutions such as the World Bank. This will ensure they cover their missions to align with the company’s vision of being the most respected tea manufacturer.

Operational Management Techniques

The organization may use the Six Sigma technique to implement the proposed initiatives. The advantages of this method are that efficiency is high, errors are minimized, it has a high chance of profit realization, and it reduces the company’s legal risk, among others (Gaikwad & Sunnapwar, 2020). In the planting of trees in the African continent, there needs to be a workforce hired to do the work effectively and funds set aside. In building schools and children’s homes, a reasonable budget needs to be planned and some funds set aside for any risks and setbacks that may occur during the implementation of the project.

Requirements and Scope

The company should produce members from the top management to participate in planting trees to publicize the project. A period of one financial year would be enough to complete the projects (Marquis, 2021). An allowance of half a year will be provided to cater to any setbacks. An appropriate budget should be set aside to complete the projects, especially those requiring the hiring of external workers to aid the organization. Members of the NationaliTeas who are accessible and willing to volunteer should be mobilized and educated on the benefits of completing the three initiatives.

Roles and Responsibilities

The main reason to engage the organization’s top managers is to lead by example and demonstrate their determination to care for the planet and its inhabitants. The roles should be equally divided among all stakeholders to ensure a balance in participation so that consumers feel part of the team. The three initiatives can coincide across the three continents, with every requirement catered for. The other members should aid in engaging the surrounding community to agree on the projects. Interviews with press conferences and asking for support from the UN may be a good strategy.


A good environment is suitable for living free from water, air, and soil pollution. NationaliTeas should set an example for other organizations across the globe in taking care of the planet and its people and making profits to satisfy society’s needs. Social responsibility is an essential factor in ensuring a sustainable environment. This research offers a suitable meeting method for meeting B Corp Certification. Techniques for completing projects are stated and explained for the company to follow and excel in meeting the TBL demand.


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