Nursing: Reengineering of Healthcare

The principal aim of all nurse managers and leaders is to improve healthcare services provided by health facilities. Provision of high-quality healthcare involves reorganizing and redesigning the healthcare system in alignment with the current trends of patient needs (Pihlainen, Kivinen, & Lammintakanen, 2016). Nurse leaders are responsible for developing the missions and visions of healthcare organizations and identifying healthcare areas that require change.

The leaders then evolve strategies critical for realizing the visions and developing a plan to initiate the changes. Nurse leaders organize and apply the available resources to ensure that the changes are implemented and the visions are achieved. Additionally, nurse leaders coordinate patient care and empower nurses to provide patient-centered and evidence-based care (Ellis, 2018). Therefore, learning institutions and healthcare organizations should nurture competent nurse managers and leaders.

Worldwide, healthcare organizations face various healthcare challenges that decrease the quality of care patients receive. For example, patient safety, quality of care, and ethical dilemmas are the main areas of concern in acute care settings. Nurses are involved in the acute care plan and implement proactive changes to address health problems in the area, thus improving care outcomes (Stanley, 2016). As a nurse, I can employ Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) in addressing the problem of nurse-to-nurse miscommunication.

Communication during the nurses’ change of shifts has been a challenge in many healthcare facilities. Ineffective communication is associated with reduced patient safety and reduced quality of care. As a nurse, developing effective communication initiatives will be critical to improving healthcare outcomes (Pihlainen, Kivinen, & Lammintakanen, 2016). The main strategy will be applying the SBAR nurse communication tool and educating nurses on effective communication skills. Additionally, effective communication boosts the nurses’ social relationships, thus promoting teamwork.


Ellis, P. (2018). Leadership, management, and team-working in nursing (3d ed.). Learning Matters.

Pihlainen, V., Kivinen, T., & Lammintakanen, J. (2016). Management and leadership competence in hospitals: A systematic literature review. Leadership in Health Services. Web.

Stanley, D. (2016). Clinical leadership in nursing and healthcare: Values into action. John Wiley & Sons.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 14). Nursing: Reengineering of Healthcare.

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