Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center’s Analysis

Potomac Falls

The selected healthcare organization is Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center, a rehabilitation center with both long-term and short-term care services. It is a middle-sized organization with 70 employees located at 46531 Harry Byrd Highway, Sterling, VA 20164 (Potomac Falls, 2021a). Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center offers four main services: amenities, respite care, long-term care, and rehabilitation (Potomac Falls, 2021b). The primary target clientele is older adults, and the accreditation status complies with the regulatory mandates, including certifications from the Accreditation Commission for Health Care. The community served by the healthcare organization is the Sterling area.

Examination of the Organization

Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center’s mission statement is “to provide peace of mind to those we care for: our patients, residents, families and staff” (Potomac Falls, 2021c, para. 1). Its philosophy is based on the notion of being not only a service provider but also an invaluable resource of the community (Potomac Falls, 2021c). The administrative structure adheres to the functional framework since all teams, groups, departments, and employees are given a specific organizational function. For example, long-term care personnel is not involved in the provision of rehabilitation services, which is why it has a functional structure.

Strengths and Limitations

The major strengths of a functional organizational structure are operational clarity, operational speed, specialization, and efficiency. In other words, each unit is specialized in performing a limited number of tasks, which makes the group more efficient with their assigned functions. Employees at the organization are fully aware of their responsibilities and daily duties, which ensures a steady and unhindered workflow. However, the major limitations include territorial disputes, lack of coordination, the lack of strong common bonds, and separation. Since each team or group is specialized in a fixed set of functions, they tend to become separated and isolated from each other, which can lead to a higher degree of conflict between each functional unit.

Care Delivery System

The nursing care delivery system is centered around fully electronic patient record keeping, paperless offerings, and innovation, which is why the delegation of tasks from a manager to the licensed staff is primarily done through the organization’s internal platform of communication. Physical face-to-face meetings are rarely conducted, and the management is performed through digital means. Nursing care delivery is comprised of task allocations by a manager, task realization, and subsequent reporting by licensed nursing specialists. The manager is also responsible for task allocation for the unlicensed staff, and it is conducted separately. The procedures might vary between each service, but these three essential elements are always present.

Outcome and Measurement

In the case of the rehabilitation branch, the specific patient outcome is full recovery of a patient with a complete restoration of physical and mental well-being. In the case of respite care, the specific patient outcome is caregiver and patient satisfaction as well as health improvement for the latter. The health component is measured by assessing health indicators through sampling and tests, whereas satisfaction is based on direct reports and reviews. The monitoring process is conducted periodically, such as daily, through reporting and data tracking. A system-wide outcome is the number of people served in the community in a specified period, whereas a nurse-sensitive clinical indicator is a level of patient satisfaction with nursing care.


Potomac Falls. (2021a). What makes Potomac Falls health & rehab center special? Web.

Potomac Falls. (2021b). Services. Web.

Potomac Falls. (2021c). Mission statement. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 15). Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center’s Analysis. https://assignzen.com/potomac-falls-health-and-amp-rehab-centers-analysis/

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"Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center’s Analysis." AssignZen, 15 Apr. 2023, assignzen.com/potomac-falls-health-and-amp-rehab-centers-analysis/.

1. AssignZen. "Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center’s Analysis." April 15, 2023. https://assignzen.com/potomac-falls-health-and-amp-rehab-centers-analysis/.


AssignZen. "Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center’s Analysis." April 15, 2023. https://assignzen.com/potomac-falls-health-and-amp-rehab-centers-analysis/.


AssignZen. 2023. "Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center’s Analysis." April 15, 2023. https://assignzen.com/potomac-falls-health-and-amp-rehab-centers-analysis/.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Potomac Falls Health & Rehab Center’s Analysis'. 15 April.

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