Problem of Public Misunderstanding of Introverts

An article written by Jonathan Rauch for The Atlantic addresses a current and widespread problem of public misunderstanding of introverts, whose behavior is often stigmatized as rude or depressive. The author, an introvert himself, shares his vision of this issue with the reader, supported by scientific data that such individuals have a different perception of the world, including the peculiarities of information processing (Rauch, 2003). Rauch answers some of the most important questions regarding this phenomenon, explaining that introverts are ordinary people who are constantly misunderstood and even repressed and not arrogant or selfish individuals. After explaining the main points associated with introversion, the author emphasizes that introversion is an orientation and gives a concise answer on how best to express support for introverts – do not impose yourself.


Rauch, J. (2003). Caring for your introvert. The Atlantic. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, March 24). Problem of Public Misunderstanding of Introverts.

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"Problem of Public Misunderstanding of Introverts." AssignZen, 24 Mar. 2023,

1. AssignZen. "Problem of Public Misunderstanding of Introverts." March 24, 2023.


AssignZen. "Problem of Public Misunderstanding of Introverts." March 24, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "Problem of Public Misunderstanding of Introverts." March 24, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Problem of Public Misunderstanding of Introverts'. 24 March.

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