Starting a Cleaning Business Enterprise


Business can take a lot of work at times, especially when starting up. However, when correct measures are taken in terms of sales and management, commerce will definitely bring in good profits. With few job opportunities available, self-employment has proven to be the essential tool of success for the majority who are unemployed. In the streets, there are quite a number of businesses one could endeavor in and the cleaning service business has proven to be a lucrative one as it requires little to no experience to start. In addition, the capital needed to pull it off is favorable unlike other service enterprises available in the market. There are many advantages that come with starting a cleaning enterprise apart from making profits. This is the case since not only am I growing as a person but with time, there is creation of employment opportunities for the jobless individuals. This essay will therefore look at the potential of a cleaning business, customer satisfaction and how to deal with competition from other cleaning enterprises.

When one becomes his or her own boss, there are quite a lot of benefits enjoyed unlike being employed. Some of these satisfactions include; setting up one’s own working hours, freedom to choose work locations and environs, bonding with clients and fellow workmates and lastly, feeling the sense and taste of financial freedom after starting from almost nothing. Traversing these benefits will always push one to work hard and stay motivated even if met with obstacles up the ladder (Sulistyanto et al., 2021). With these motivations in mind, the main goal will always be pleasing the customers and trying to stay on top since competition is stiff in the market. There are many ways to make sure customer expectations are met and also ensure sustainable competition from other cleaning household names. Some of these ways include:

Pinpointing the Target Market

To have a successful cleaning business enterprise means pinpointing the target market and deciphering out what type of cleaning services to venture in. Locking down the customers gives room for trust (Sulistyanto et al., 2021). In addition, it helps in laying down the strategies needed to beat other competitors. When one understands the nature and level of volume in the business, it becomes easier to identify and bond with customers unlike a low customer volume commerce. For instance, dealing with customers from wealthy neighborhoods definitely means higher competition from other companies because of the money involved. As a good strategist, it will be better to start giving the same services at relatively lower rates. In the suburbs, making the services more affordable due to the volume and level of competition will win new customers and create a good trend in the business. A low market volume can sometimes be the best strategy to win customers over before other competitors identify and invest in them since they will be more concentrated on the urban areas (Sulistyanto et al., 2021). So, for betterment of the business and increase in customer services, nothing matters more than pinpointing out the correct people to serve and offer your services to at favorable prices.

Setting Cleaning Services and Prices

After identifying the target market, it becomes much easier to set up cleaning services and prices since at this point, the customers are well-known. Whether commercial or residential, the charges will always vary according to the workload involved (Gerrans et al., 2017). As the sole owner of the business, expecting competition from big companies is something to always keep in mind since some companies that offer these amenities are very connected. To sustain such competitors, strategies like referrals, advertising and posters can be an ideal tool in making sure services reach the intended market, which is what I intend to do. For instance, I can interview a customer who will in turn praise the good work and prices charged. Through this intervention, it will be easier to attract new clients while keeping it steady with competition from big cleaning parastatals. Apart from pinpointing the target market and setting cleaning services and prices, marketing has also proven itself as an essential tool in customer satisfaction and sustaining competition.


Marketing is one of the best strategies to use in the cleaning business enterprise. After pinpointing the target market and setting up cleaning prices and services, an effective and laid down plan is important in this line of business (Kuki, 2017). Digitalization of the contemporary world means that there are many platforms beneficial in advertising and reaching the target market (Kuki, 2017). A Facebook, Twitter or Instagram page with the name of the business will attract a new market organically. To sustain competition, strategies like discounts to the first new customers or zero service fees on some jobs can really be a good tool in attracting a batch of new customers. The ideal key to luring new customers and being the best is by defining unique selling propositions. This means, while in the field, I will be more professional and friendlier to the clients. Secondly, the cleaning tools and equipment should be of top quality so that the work done is spectacular than that of other competitors. Lastly, being integral and always delivering in time will push the business up the ladder.


In conclusion, the success of a cleaning service business solely depends on being the best ahead of the rest. Even if the competitors are big in the market, good strategies and plans will always result in good profits (Petchpaibool, 2018). In addition, there will be no room for greed since it’s better to have a few satisfied customers than a majority who are always complaining of poor services. I will focus and enjoy profits when both parties pleased. With the strategies mentioned above, customer satisfaction and sustainable competition will be easy as I venture in the cleaning service market.


Gerrans, P., & Hutchinson, B. (2017). Sustainable development and small to medium sized enterprises: A long way to go. In Small and medium-sized enterprises and the environment (pp. 75-81). Routledge.

Kuki, T. (2017). Social Media Marketing for a Business: [And a case company in Finland]. Web.

Petchpaibool, S. (2018). Business plan for cleaning service company with Thaiyai employees. Web.

Sulistyanto, T. H., Djamil, M., Sutawijaya, A. H., & Nawangsari, L. C. (2021). Business models for cleaning service companies in Jakarta. Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, 27(5), 1-5.

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AssignZen. (2023, November 15). Starting a Cleaning Business Enterprise.

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AssignZen. 2023. "Starting a Cleaning Business Enterprise." November 15, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Starting a Cleaning Business Enterprise'. 15 November.

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