Stress: Causes, Influence, and Prevention

People feel increasingly stressed today due to the fast pace of life and the number of responsibilities they face every day. Stress is defined as psychological and physical pressure that a person is subjected to as a result of circumstances perceived as threats, called stressful factors (Health and Fitness, n.d.). There are miscellaneous causes of stress, including health, work, family, and others. Even though stress is prevalent in the modern world, it is possible to minimize its exposure.

Stress may be determined as a state of increased tension in the body as a protective reaction to the effects of adverse factors. The root cause of nervous tension is characteristic of all mammals. Change of habitat, occupation, weather – any changes in the environment affect the human psyche. Physical reasons can be an infection that has entered the body, a change in diet, and sleep patterns. The emotional overload, work, studying, and family issues can also provoke nervousness. Symptoms may gradually increase or occur suddenly, within a few minutes. There are attacks of anxiety, anxiety, panic, which usually do not last long, occur in the form of emotional explosions, accompanied by a sense of horror and such reactions of the body as increased heartbeat and sweating.

Sometimes stress is useful and even necessary, especially when an immediate or short-term reaction is required, for example, in potentially dangerous circumstances. However, in most cases, people do not pay attention to stress, while it causes them severe damage. Emotional overstrain can hit almost all organs and systems: when individuals are in a state of intense pressure, their muscles tense up as a physical reaction to the load (Watson, 2022). This automatic reaction is a way to protect the body from pain and injury. This increasing tension can also lead to headaches and more serious migraine attacks. Most headaches, minor and moderate, often occur due to strain of the muscles of the head, neck, and shoulders.

The long-term effects of stress usually lead to a wide range of cardiovascular problems. Under the influence of stress hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol), blood vessels constrict to direct more oxygen and energy to the muscles (Health and Fitness, n.d.). Additionally, the condition affects the digestive system, especially the liver. This organ delivers glucose to the blood giving the boost of energy. But when it comes to chronic stress, the body cannot adapt to frequent spikes in blood sugar. It is for this reason that chronic stress contributes to the development of type 2 diabetes (Watson, 2022). It is also associated with behavioral disorders, including alcoholism, drug addiction, and social isolation.

The key to adequately coping with stress is the ability to distinguish stressors that people can control from stressors that they cannot control. In order to deal with this condition, it is vital to incorporate several practices for dealing stress. For instance, exercises regulate physiological processes, helping to cope with stress and anxiety (Watson, 2022). During physical activity, the organism produces endorphins, which are natural painkillers produced by bodies. In addition, hormonal activity decreases, so the body produces less cortisol (Health and Fitness, n.d.). The other method is meditation which also helps to relax the body and mind. Focusing on breathing or the environment will distract one’s mind from the problem that is causing stress for a moment. Train self-control skills: when exercising self-control regularly, it will be easier to succeed in other situations when there is a need to control oneself. Finally, it is indispensable to trace one’s emotional state and let oneself rest when needed.

In conclusion, stress is the natural bodily reaction to distracting inner and outer factors. These may be psychological, physical, work, study, or relationship-related. Regardless of the reason, this condition adversely affects the human body and impacts the central nervous, lymphatic, blood, and other systems. When one is on the verge of stress, it is necessary to use prevention strategies, including physical exercises, active breathing, controlling emotions, and resting.


Health and Fitness. (n.d.). Web.

Watson, S. (2022). Causes of stress. WebMD. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, August 21). Stress: Causes, Influence, and Prevention.

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AssignZen. 2023. "Stress: Causes, Influence, and Prevention." August 21, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Stress: Causes, Influence, and Prevention'. 21 August.

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