Foundation Vignette: Strengthening Teachers’ Professional Identities

The case is about public school issues concerning the quality of instruction and supervision have persisted throughout the principal’s three years at the helm. Principals have observed that teachers are not encouraging students to develop Health Promoting Professional Identity, and as a result, students’ academic performance has declined. These teachers are not behaving in a way that is congruent with their particular identities as Health Promoting Teachers at this school (Fitzgerald, 2020). They do not have a plan to reach the Health Promoting goal because they do not comprehend what it is or how it should be accomplished. The institution has the impression that they are working on what they believe they should be doing, but in reality, they are not behaving in a manner that is congruent with their professional identities. Parents in the whole community have started giving up on their children and the school is deemed to be a poor performer. Without PPIs, we can see the difficulties that are arising in their classes.

Sarah, a newly transferred schoolteacher from another performing school, has formed what’s known as a Health Promoting Professional Identity (HPPI), which is rooted in her conviction that maintaining one’s physical and mental health requires one to be healthy and fit. She learns the mistake that the school has been committing and is here in a struggle to uplift it before things get into worse situations. She does this by encouraging more physical activity during sessions with children, which in turn helps the children develop abilities in self-awareness and a greater awareness of their bodies. This meal ought to be delicious in addition to being wholesome, and it ought to be accessible. Everyone looks forward to this portion of the meal regardless of the time of day, particularly in the early hours of the day when everyone is still sleepy and hungry after getting up. All during the school day, students have access to a variety of good and healthy meal options. All students will have more energy for learning with refreshed minds. As a result of this, and they will be better able to focus and concentrate on their assignments during class time, which will ultimately result in improved academic success.

Sarah was a teacher who was recognized as having a “Health Promoting Professional Identity.” This was because she was dedicated to developing projects that educated children and engaged them in physical activity or exercise. Consequently, she not only valued the health benefits of physical activity, but also believed that it could improve student learning by increasing their attention and attentiveness, improving their memory, increasing their self-discipline, enhancing their creativity, promoting emotional well-being, and developing confidence.


Fitzgerald, A. (2020). Professional identity: A concept analysis. In Nursing Forum 55(3), 447-472.

Steinert, Y., O’Sullivan, P. S., & Irby, D. M. (2019). Strengthening teachers’ professional identities through faculty development. Academic Medicine, 94(7), 963-968.

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AssignZen. (2023, August 22). Foundation Vignette: Strengthening Teachers' Professional Identities.

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"Foundation Vignette: Strengthening Teachers' Professional Identities." AssignZen, 22 Aug. 2023,

1. AssignZen. "Foundation Vignette: Strengthening Teachers' Professional Identities." August 22, 2023.


AssignZen. "Foundation Vignette: Strengthening Teachers' Professional Identities." August 22, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "Foundation Vignette: Strengthening Teachers' Professional Identities." August 22, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'Foundation Vignette: Strengthening Teachers' Professional Identities'. 22 August.

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