Successful Team Creation: Entrepreneurial Motivation and Self-Employment


People with particular personality types use appropriate coping techniques; the attribute theory of personality, in contrast to many other psychology approaches, such as psychoanalysis or liberal views, focuses on distinctions between people. The combination and mixture of different characteristics result in a very distinct personality. Trait strategy is based on identifying and characterizing character traits. People react to situations by participating in a variety of activities in an attempt to reduce their exposure to negative feelings—the majority of earlier studies on the association between personality factors and coping used purposeful sampling (Lykourentzou et al., 2016). This article shows the obtained knowledge regarding individuals and their contribution to social organizations. It also presents motivational and behavioral factors that influence the decision-making process. This work was written to study the basics of building a successful team, taking a person’s character into account.

Individual Differences

People should educate themselves on the subject of stress. They should be aware of the stress process and its consequences.The majority of individuals are terrible at order to do their job. They are unaware of what must be done and when it is beneficial. Wrong time control leads to a sense of job overload, missed deadlines, and anxiety (Mark et al., 2018). Psychometric examinations are frequently scored by counting adequately replied questions. The result will then be matched to either the baseline test group results supplied by the test creator or the results of previous applicants who qualified for the same position. I assess my character as stress-resistant, and I can easily adjust to different personalities by finding the right approach. The implication of the knowledge of others is my strong side, and this factor makes me a valuable participant in any team.

Work Motivation and Job Design

Motivation is the wants or desires that propel behavior toward a specific goal. Motives can be internal or external, in addition to chemical impulses. Intrinsic motivational activities are motivated by the sense of individual happiness they provide, whereas extrinsically driven acts are inspired by the desire to get anything from others. It has a significant effect on our everyday conduct and our psychological well-being (Kanfer et al., 2017). Inspiration impacts a participant’s ambitions by driving actions and thoughts in the pursuit of those objectives. I always feel more motivated when the whole team has the same feeling. I must stay inspired and motivate others to receive a better outcome from teamwork. By understanding the basis of motivational theories, I can apply them to my job and increase my discussions.

According to expectation theory, employees base their degree of focus on what is necessary to perform efficiently and get incentives at the workplace. Workers must be as informed as feasible about the activities required to achieve the desired level of productivity (Barba-Sánchez and Atienza-Sahuquillo, 2017). If a person wants attitude to remain high as objectives are followed, the effort necessary should be challenging but not unattainable. On the other hand, expectancy theory can explain why an employee retains staff and students, does excellent work, and produces more production. The amount of reaction the worker anticipates due to the time and effort she puts into her job determines the level of workplace performance.

Team Roles

A group is described as a social aggregation of two or more people who have mutual knowledge, communication, and interaction. The group’s qualities affect its members’ views and behavior. Creating a team or group is similar to sustaining a healthy partnership. Like in a partnership, each person in the group must be patient, make unwavering efforts, and seek the approval and sympathy of the other group members.

A group consists of at least two people. The number of participants can vary from 15 to 20. The establishment of a company is caused by the team members holding specific goals in mind. An organization cannot function in the absence of an objective. A group must follow particular rules to connect effectively with its individuals. The organization must be given as a function and roles shared by the majority. I believe that every person in a team can play an important role and the result, in summary, the result will be more efficient. When I can express my ideas, I become more confident in my job position, and I feel more satisfied while asking for someone’s help. Making mistakes and asking for advice make my spirit stronger and I stay motivated till the end of the work.

Tuckman’s figure depicts five stages of group development: forming, storming, norming, performance, and remanding. Tuckman’s The original time showed greater is similar to the first week on a new job or at a new university. The storming stage is analogous to approaching that point with a housemate, where they begin to notice slight peculiarities that bother them. Tuckman’s next move is to enter the performance stage. This is when the group moves past their previous differences and comes to recognize and appreciate their teammates’ strengths. The presentation stage is the most joyful of all growth stages. At this point, your level of play is at an all-time high.

Belbin Team Roles are used to subjective process advantages and disadvantages in the business. Belbin Team Role Document gives the terminology to ensure that team members interact and communicate with greater understanding, whether they are acquiring new abilities, resolving disagreement, or providing all correct fantastic quality ultimately. By sharing ideas with other colleagues, I maintain interest in the main project, and the ordinary routine that repeats every day disappears. Moreover, o have a chance to talk to people from different countries and backgrounds. This fact expands my general knowledge regarding the world, and these understandings play significant roles while working on a specific project.

Decision Making

Decision-making methods represent how a group will make choices. The team manager chooses and notifies the team that this may be suitable for moment choices or decisions where the team is likely to promote and implement change, not whether they have provided input (Gati et al., 2019). The group leader collects feedback from the team and determines whether expert opinion or information is required to make the best conclusion. The synergies of team debate may result in a more decadent choice, but the organization must not concur on a specific plan of action. Consensus decisions engage the entire team and can result in solid, well-supported conclusions. SWOT shows the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. SWOT Analysis is a critical management tool that assists every firm in assessing its present position (Vlados and Chatzinikolaou, 2019). It serves as a starting point for strategy development.

Organizational Psychology

This branch of psychology is sometimes referred to as Industrial-Organizational (IO) Psychology since it is concerned with relationships between staff members. IO psychologists use psychological knowledge and methods to solve problems and boost morale among bosses, employees, and coworkers (Spector, 2021). They assist human resource experts in recruiting the right staff and correctly terminating them. They help managers place their personnel most effectively, motivate their employees, and create an excellent workplace culture.

Organizational psychology is concerned with applying psychological ideas to other people of work. Advances in many employee aspects, including employee selection, learning & support, inspiration, collaboration, and the creation of future leaders, are among the aims of IO psychologists. The objectives differ depending on where an IO psychologist works (Landy and Conte, 2016). Organizational learning, talent development, human resources analytics, analytics tool, human resource information system, HR technology, and human capital management are common descriptors.

Worker traits may be assessed by those who work in this field, and then these employees may be matched to positions in which they are capable of completing well. Training personnel, defining job performance targets, and monitoring job performance are other responsibilities that come under the industrial side of I-O psychology. The administrative side of psychology is concerned with determining how organizations influence individual behavior. Organizational architecture, societal norms, methodological approaches, and roles and expectations influence how employees behave inside an organization.

I-O psychologists use science studies in various management and occupational contexts, including industrial, commercial companies, labor unions, and health care institutions. Their research focuses on the candidate and worker testing and evaluation and leadership training, staffing, administration, teams, remuneration, workplace safety, diversification, and job balancing.

Some of the activities that corporate psychologists conduct include assisting in the more effective resolution of issues. They may even rely on the workers’ assistance to make them feel as though they are a part of the solution to the problem. Furthermore, this region demonstrates an increase in the workers’ standard of living. Psychologists aim to understand their tastes and advocate methods that allow them to choose a more meaningful reconciliation with their home life, professional aspirations, and connections with their colleagues, allowing them to feel more at ease at work.

Behaviour in Organizations

The academic research of how individuals behave inside groups is known as organizational behavior. The ideas of organizational behavior research are generally used to improve the efficiency with which firms run. Organizational behavior research encompasses fields of study devoted to enhancing job performance, boosting job happiness, supporting the project, and encouraging positive. Researchers at the university set out to see if workers might be made more productive by improving their working environment with improved lighting and other design changes. Surprisingly, the researchers have found that the atmosphere was less relevant than demographic categories.

The authors of the Hawthorne study had some daring ideas. They believed they could utilize scientific observation techniques to raise a worker’s volume and quality of labor, and they did not regard workers as replaceable commodities. Employees, they believed, were distinct in terms of personality and possible fit inside a corporation. Organizational behavior educations can be found at business institutions and schools of care work and psychiatry (Riggio, 2017). These programs combine quantitative, qualitative, and computational models to examine and evaluate ideas, drawing on ethnography, anthropology, and strengthening.

Organizational culture defines how individuals interact with others inside a company or industry. These contacts have an impact on how the business operates and operates. Organizational behavior is utilized in business to simplify efficiency, boost production, and stimulate innovation to provide organizations with a competitive edge. Humans, structure, innovation, and physical factors are the four aspects of organizational behavior. While certain elements, such as the company’s structure or the people it hires, are more easily managed by the institution, it must nevertheless adapt to external forces and changes in the economic climate. The first one is personal, which entails organizational cognition and a grasp of human behavior and motivations. The second level incorporates social-psychological and sociological insights on human contact and group processes. The organizational level is the highest level, where management theories and sociological are used to conduct systems-level studies and research how companies interact with one another in the market.


According to the expectation motivational theory, individuals feel a link between work, competence, and result. In expectation theory, the result is frequently a reward provided for the intended behavior. According to this idea, individuals set a price just on benefit and then put in the work they believe is deserving of such a return. In the workplace, an illustration of expectation theory would be a boss providing a vehicle as a reward to the salesman who achieves the most significant sales for the year.

According to smart goals, workers are motivated if they have precise targets to fulfill. A supervisor could establish an accurate measurement goal for her employees in the workplace, such as a target quantity of sales. There are various disadvantages to using this idea. It may be harmful to task performance, and having too several objectives can be confusing and unhelpful. The influence of exchange on motivation is investigated by social exchange and equity theory. People see three sorts of trade connections with institutions: a connected connection kept together through moral responsibility, a friendship based on requests and commitments, and a marriage is based on inequality, in which a person believes they receive less than they provide. To develop the first type of connection, a manager who employs sociological theories may highlight that the organization is more like a family than a business.

By recognizing workers’ skills early on and giving education opportunities, chosen professional programs may give excitement and fulfillment at various times. Mentorship has a positive impact on and enhances the independent contractor connection. Mentorship may be an excellent motivation for those who have a strong need to belong. Employees’ identified talent speaks to their abilities and increases perceptions of expertise. Practical managerial skills involve essential to encourage an open environment for conversation with staff members, providing continuous evaluation and feedback and assisting employees in understanding the organization’s goals.

As a marathoner and participant in the Everest simulation, I recognized the importance of teamwork and why the help of other participants may be crucial. Lack of experience in mountain climbing could not allow me to make this trip alone as I needed a group of experienced people in spheres related to this project. I have finished over 50 marathons, and my physical condition is outstanding. However, mountain climbing requires a high level of physical preparation and experience in medicine or coaching. Consequently, we had a leader and a physician in our team to ensure no accidents happened. Overall, by sharing our experiences and dividing tasks, we have achieved the set goal. Without the help of each other, we could be stuck in the middle of the trip or even be affected by unforeseen health issues. This experience has helped me realize how teamwork is important in extreme situations and how it may help individuals survive. I plan to integrate this knowledge in my future career by participating in different team works and critically evaluating the knowledge I can share and what other people can do to expand my knowledge.


Summing up, having studied the whole theory, I can assess myself as a fairly good manager for today. I feel the seriousness of my choice and the macro vision that allows me to look at the organization and its processes globally. For me, SWOT is a very interesting and necessary solution to improve the team’s work process. The ability to critically evaluate the projects’ strengths and weaknesses improve staying wise in decision-making. I believe that this skill helps me to remain confident during serious speeches at work.

Throughout the article, I have learned several facts regarding working in a team. My job position requires constant communication with other people, and I find it more interactive when people of different nationalities combine and produce a great result. Multiculturalism is a term that I will remember for the rest of my life. People are more cooperative when they have different examples from their cultures and suggest incredible ideas. Organizational behavior education is available in business colleges and care work and psychiatric schools (Lefkowitz, 2017). It also describes how people interact with a firm or sector. Organizational behavior is used in business to improve efficiency and increase productivity.

According to the expectations theory of motivation, individuals think there is a relationship between work, skill, and outcome. In expectation theory, the outcome is typically a reward given in exchange for the desired behavior. According to this theory, individuals set a price based only on benefit and then put in the effort they feel is deserving of such a reward. However, it may be detrimental to work performance, and having too many objectives can be confusing and ineffective. Social exchange and equity theory examine the impact of exchange on motivation.

Reference List

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Vlados, C., & Chatzinikolaou, D. (2019). Towards a restructuration of the conventional SWOT analysis. Business and Management Studies, 5(2), 76-84.

Riggio, R. E. (2017). Introduction to industrial/organizational psychology. Routledge.

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