The Future of Women at Work in the Age of Automation

The current development processes will result in the fact that the employment sphere will face some changes based on gender. It means that automation and artificial intelligence will provide men and women with both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, a significant part of women globally will need to change their occupation to meet the new requirements (Madgavkar et al., 2019). It is so because many of them deal with low-skilled activities, and it will be necessary to have specific expertise to find a place in the future. On the other hand, it is impossible to mention that females will only suffer from the new world. Madgavkar et al. (2019) admit that both men and women are subject to losing jobs. Moreover, one can suppose that women’s jobs will partially undergo automation, while men’s ones can completely be displaced (Madgavkar et al., 2019). It demonstrates that females can face some benefits in some cases, while the representatives of both genders will deal with challenges. The information above does not allow for supposing that time is up for patriarchy. Instead, it means that AI and other technological advancements result in the fact that many low-skilled jobs will disappear since machines will perform these tasks instead of people. That state of affairs will affect both men and women, denoting that the two genders should address the situation. Since this process implies that multiple individuals will be left behind in the economy, they should take specific actions to address the issue. A suitable option for such individuals is to master more specific skills and change their occupations. This strategy will ensure that these individuals will not occupy jobs where machines can replace them.


Madgavkar, A., Manyika, J., Krishnan, M., Ellingrud, K., Yee, L., Woetzel, J., Chui, M., Hunt, V., & Balakrishnan, S. (2019). The future of women at work: Transitions in the age of automation. McKinsey & Company. Web.

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AssignZen. (2023, April 11). The Future of Women at Work in the Age of Automation.

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"The Future of Women at Work in the Age of Automation." AssignZen, 11 Apr. 2023,

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AssignZen. "The Future of Women at Work in the Age of Automation." April 11, 2023.


AssignZen. 2023. "The Future of Women at Work in the Age of Automation." April 11, 2023.


AssignZen. (2023) 'The Future of Women at Work in the Age of Automation'. 11 April.

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