The Rolls Royce Company’s Strategic Analysis

The Rolls Royce Company’s Background

One of the biggest companies in the world when it comes to power systems is Rolls Royce. Henry Royce, the company’s founder, started it as a mechanical and electrical firm in Manchester in 1884 (Our history, n.d.). After several attempts, Royce created and produced his first automobile in 1904 (Our History, n.d.). Royce first met Charles Rolls, the head of a reputable vehicle supplier with a shop in London, in 1904 (Our History, n.d.). The two established a business under the name Rolls-Royce to create and market automobiles. Rolls-Royce has remained one of the most successful companies thanks to its capacity to react to changes in the external environment.

Today, Rolls Royce faces multiple internal factors that affect its overall well-being. Regarding staff, the organization is fishing talent in a severely underpopulated pool characterized by difficulties keeping employees for extended periods and maximizing staff potential. Concerning skills, the firm has been criticized for its significantly problematic engine. On strategy, businesses under the organization perform exceptionally in understanding customers but face severe challenges in service delivery. On structure and leadership style, Racheal narrates that the organization is rigidly hierarchical, suggesting prolonged change periods, ineffective communication, and the need for a brave leader who can institute desired changes. These aspects represent Rolls Royce’s McKinsey 7S internal analysis.

Porter’s Five Force Model Analysis

Competitive Rivalry

Competition is fiercest in the oligopoly market for aero-engine goods. There are just a few customers in the market, and the providers are similarly strong with comparable goods. Because the product is not yet mature, differentiation is not conceivable. Advanced technology must be created to improve the characteristics and quality of the item to achieve consumer satisfaction, which necessitates significant expenditure in development and research. Thus, the profitability and expansion of businesses in the industry are being impacted by the cost-effectiveness of a large investment in R&D. Manufacturers are focusing on differentiating their customer services because there is little technological difference in the business, which intensifies rivalry in that area as well.

Power of Buyers

There are only a certain amount of purchasers in the market. Long-term considerations influence consumers’ purchasing decisions. They have potential influence over product pricing because there are few purchasers. It has been observed that customers set most of the price for new engines. Customer happiness over the long run is essential for industrial company growth. Customers want total cost of ownership assurances for their products and lower repair expenses.

Power of Suppliers

Suppliers in the manufacture of aviation engines have little influence. They must compete with other businesses for clients due to the market’s restricted quantity of purchasers. It must be offered for this increased cost-benefit and efficiency. Due to the items’ identical features, price selections are always dependent on those of competing enterprises. It is impossible to determine prices for the items of different companies independently. Customers have a significant impact on how prices are fixed.

Threat of Entry

There is no threat of new companies entering the aero-engine sector. Due to the sector’s specific characteristics, it is exceedingly difficult for new businesses to enter. In this sector, starting a firm has extremely high startup costs. Relevant research and development activities demand significant expenditure as well. Along with financial limitations, customers’ approval of new businesses cannot be guaranteed because brand reputation affects consumer purchasing behavior.

Threat of Substitutes

Any item that can compete with Rolls Royce automobiles is a replacement. Public transportation, taxis, and taxi services like Uber might be considered alternatives, but they lack the social and experiential advantages that Rolls-Royce provides. The newest high-end electric vehicles could also prove to be viable alternatives. Switching costs, affordability, and availability are the determining elements to comprehend the danger of replacements. The alternatives, as mentioned earlier, are easily accessible and within the price range of Rolls Royce clients. The key driving forces behind them all are the high switching costs, and the value proposition of several of the replacements listed differs greatly from Rolls Royce. Therefore, the threat posed by replacements might be viewed as minor.

Leadership Models and Communication Strategies

The result is that Rolls Royce lacks effective leadership. Along a hierarchical system that might be quite complex, leadership methods are routinely used to affect the course of businesses. It would be very unlikely for a cascading leadership style to replace the hierarchical approach due to the scale of the services and commodities. The company employs the agility, bravery, collaboration, and simplicity (ABCS) framework to distinguish between its leaders and their distinctive characteristics as part of its leadership development approach (Jenkins, 2020). The company’s executives use these characteristics to adapt successfully to the market. Roll Royce employs a democratic paternalism in its management. On the other hand, the corporation is managed by a board of directors who make all decisions and have complete authority over the company.

The interview also indicates a range of leadership viewpoints within the company, particularly concerning talent retention, which might have a detrimental effect on output. The organization’s main challenge is then incorporated into a structural modification that affects the business practices and methods. To foster inclusion and diversity from an underpopulated position, leadership is fishing in the age-old struggle for engineering talent. There are many disagreements over how employees interact with one another at work. It might be challenging to make judgments and explain a plan to stakeholders in a big, varied firm with many personnel. Decisions are taken at the strategic level using a method largely analogous to that of the related organization, specifically via agreement and cooperation, before being communicated to lower levels of the organization.

It is a vertical communication channel where decisions are made at the strategic level and then communicated as necessary to the strategies-focused or divisional levels. Each choice takes longer to make since the organization requires consensus to agree. However, in larger organizations, it may be impossible to reach a consensus because there will be too many opposing viewpoints to consider. The interview makes it evident that the business cares about inclusion and diversity. The general public usually has a negative opinion of culture since it is antiquated and highly hierarchical. It may either restore stability or chaos to a scene when applied properly. Practically speaking, though, it offers a direct road to accountability and motivates Rolls-attempts Royce to change its system.

Customers are essential to Rolls Royce’s commercial success. As a result, there has been an increase in innovative products, quality delivery, and customer service, all of which have improved. Significant obstacles to entering the market raise the value of the firm. The lack of a clear leadership mechanism is the first problem Rolls Royce has to address. Indicators of difficulties characterizing the sort of leadership style adopted by the company were discovered by the interview. A corporation can accomplish greater heights than previously when its leadership style is appropriate. The current methods, programs, and practices that companies feel are acceptable for fostering leadership, education, and growth influence organizational structure, training, and member engagement. Although the vertical actions and interactions are collaborative, there is a major concern that the decision-making process is slowed down by consensus among the different divisions. The organization’s extensive communication infrastructure makes it challenging for strategic communication to go through its many units and cross-functional and multifunctional operations.


Leadership Style and Organizational Structure

The company’s senior management is the subject of the first recommendation. Due to the company’s senior executives, a power culture dominates the business. This kind of culture is frequently linked to an authoritarian leadership style. It is more than a power structure because many people have clear roles at the top. Divisions make up the Roll Royce structure, which is governed by a board of management that also sets the company’s overall direction. Rolls-Military Royce’s section is led in a dictatorial manner and a “laissez-faire” management approach, which provides employees total autonomy over their workplaces, is another management extreme. However, Roll Royce is not a victim of strict management because it has a CEO and a chairman who oversee all of its choices.

To buck this trend, Rolls-Royce might consider incorporating a paternalistic, democratic leadership style into its overall organizational structure to handle its increasingly diverse departmental or divisional needs and global ones. Better leadership arrangement and organization would be made possible by a more efficient organizational structure (The Best Ways to communicate your organization’s Vision, n.d.). It would decentralize authority away from the top managers and make divisional choices more accessible in a technologically sophisticated market.

Communication Tactics

The biggest obstacle to the communication plan at present is its enormous scale. The organization should utilize the ongoing structural change as a springboard to change the messaging and vision it conveys to its staff. It should also consider developing a complex feedback structure to ensure that interactions with internal and external stakeholders are as successful as possible. Technology tools should promote mutual consideration and respect among group members while reducing the time needed for decision-making procedures to make consensus communications even more successful. How well a firm serves its customers and how pleased they are with its goods directly affects its product market share, image, and distinctiveness.

Modification of Structure

The organization’s members, environment, and development plan influence the appropriate organizational structure. The management system is more likely to succeed if it has a solid strategy and corporate structure. An integrative management system is a forward-looking plan that combines assigned functions. To enable specialization and the division of labor, the organization should integrate its governance model and organizational culture. Recruiting, hiring, and keeping top industry talent for the firm’s expansion aim, might be a huge benefit.


Jenkins, A. (2020). ABC analysis in inventory management: Benefits & best practices. Oracle Netsuite. Web.

Our history. (n.d.). Rolls Royce. Web.

The best ways to communicate your organization’s vision. (n.d.). Center for Creative Leadership. Web.

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AssignZen. (2024, May 10). The Rolls Royce Company’s Strategic Analysis.

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"The Rolls Royce Company’s Strategic Analysis." AssignZen, 10 May 2024,

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AssignZen. "The Rolls Royce Company’s Strategic Analysis." May 10, 2024.


AssignZen. 2024. "The Rolls Royce Company’s Strategic Analysis." May 10, 2024.


AssignZen. (2024) 'The Rolls Royce Company’s Strategic Analysis'. 10 May.

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