The SC Johnson Firm’s Corporate Social Responsibility


S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc. is a privately held American multinational corporation with its headquarters in Racine, Wisconsin. It was started in 1886 when Samuel Curtis Johnson bought the parquet flooring section from the Racine Hardware Manufacturing Company and renamed it S. C. Johnson; the company has been in continuous family ownership, making it one of the oldest in the United States (SC Johnson, 2010). The company is a maker of household cleaning supplies and other consumer chemicals. The organization recognizes that it is responsible for contributing to creating a better world by assisting in developing more robust and healthier communities. As a result of the importance of corporate social responsibility, the purpose of this brief paper is to investigate SC Johnson’s public report and conduct an analysis of the report by responding to marketing advantage and strategy, business model and its importance, and how it functions and the business difference between countries.

Marketing Advantage and Strategy

In response to the report’s findings in 2010, the firm issued the following statement: “As a responsible company, we are committed to doing our part to help solve the world’s environmental challenges and, vitally, also assisting individuals who buy our products to make more responsible choices (SC Johnson, 2010, p.5).” SC Johnson advertises that they are an eco-friendly business and that its products care about the planet. The target audience for SC Johnson’s advertisements is parents and their children. To spread the word about how safe it is to use its products, SC Johnson has made a concerted effort to promote its “green” status at home and abroad. Take the mission statement of SC Johnson as an example: “It is our mission to improve the quality of life for people and the environment (SC Johnson, 2010, p.10).” Particularly, the company has to ensure it produces eco-friendly products for customers and the environment.

In general, what can be gleaned about SC Johnson from the marketing strategy is that the corporation intends to maintain its commitment to practicing corporate social responsibility. The organization has successfully maintained its dedication to the communities it serves and the environment. SC Johnson wants to differentiate itself from its many rivals in the industry by doing this, and it also wants to continue utilizing environmentally friendly production processes that are advantageous to the environment.

Business Model

The business model of SC Johnson demonstrates that the company not only practices environmentally responsible business practices within the company but also in the community. Many communities in different countries have benefited from their local and international commitment to improving global health (Osemeke et al., 2020). The various business functions’ requirements determine which business models are appropriate for those roles. Take SC Johnson as an example; they have several foundations, each serving a unique purpose (Castro-González et al., 2021). A consumer population unable to receive an appropriate education might be the focus of attention in one nation, while nature conservation might be the focus in another. “$3 million to the Nature Conservancy for the conservation of biodiversity and promotion of appropriate economic development in the Caatinga eco-region of Brazil (SC Johnson, 2010, p.15).” This helps other competing organizations improve their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), specifically in comparison to SC Johnson.

Business Activities

The commercial activities of SC Johnson vary from community to community and country to country based on the individual requirements of each market as well as the requirements of the community and country for sustainable development. For instance, In June 2009, SC Johnson embarked on cooperation in Rwanda, which is an excellent demonstration of sustainable development in action (SC Johnson, 2010). The effort helps increase farmers’ income while increasing the supply for SC Johnson and other purchasers. This is accomplished by assisting farmers in improving their capacity to supply higher-quality pyrethrum (py), an extract of the chrysanthemum flower that acts as a natural insecticide.

SC Johnson analyzes the needs of each community to identify how the company can best contribute to the development of the environment and how it can best implement sustainable business practices. Sustainable ethics is vital because it allows stakeholders to observe how the company approaches problems in different nations and communities (Kanji & Agrawal, 2020). Sustainability initiatives aim to progress in areas such as continuously improving products, utilizing fewer resources, and minimizing waste. The company is also dedicated to engaging in conversation around sustainable lifestyle choices (SC Johnson, 2010). It is also crucial for sustainable ethics since they are promoting their products and how environmentally friendly they are, but at the same time, they are saving the environment by getting rid of garbage and recovering resources.


In general, SC Johnson enjoys a competitive advantage on the market due to the eco-friendly items it offers to consumers. Additionally, the business has outlined its corporate social responsibility to its target market. Additionally, the corporation has a business strategy that guarantees SC Johnson will carry out all its corporate social responsibility plans. Due to the company’s emphasis on corporate social responsibility, its business practices vary from community to community to guarantee compliance with corporate principles.


Castro-González, S., Bande, B., & Vila-Vázquez, G. (2021). How can companies decrease salesperson turnover intention? The corporate social responsibility intervention. Sustainability 13(2), 750. Web.

Kanji, R., & Agrawal, R. (2020). Exploring the use of corporate social responsibility in building disaster resilience through sustainable development in India: An interpretive structural modeling approach. Progress in Disaster Science, 6, 100089. Web.

Osemeke, L., Osemeke, N., & Okere, R. (2020). The role of the board in corporate social responsibility: A normative compliance perspective. Corporate Ownership and Control, 17(4), 152-165. Web.

SC Johnson. (2010). Investing in people, investing for the planet [Ebook] (pp. 1-49). Web.

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